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is age relevant to self confidence?

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i think age and maturity has a lot to do with self confidence. the older you get, the more you learn about yourself, what you like, what you believe, how you think, and the more comfortable you're with yourself. you always hear how someone is so shy and unsure of themselves in highschool and then they grow up to be confidant and self assured. maybe it hs to do with life experience?? :confused: that's not always the case tho... it seems some people lack self confindence through out their lives because they value themselves so little.

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This is a difficult question to answer!! A person who is 18 or 19 will feel more confident than when they are 14, as well a 22 year old who just graduated college will feel more confident than when they started. But one can also make the mistake of thinking that they know too much or they are at the height of their intelligence when they are just being arrogant. As you enter your twenties sometimes you feel like you are reaching a peak, but knowledge is infinite and your life is finite. I think when you get out of the teenage years you begin to believe in yourself more and care less of what others think, but then you can make mistake of believing you are just better or know more than everyone. I also feel that teenagers seem things in extremes and there really isn’t middle ground within their thought. Then again, every individual is different!! I believe you can judge how self confident you really are by being able to listen to others, if you are not tolerant of other people ideas and not open minded; you really aren't self confident, just full of hubris!!

I think I am just rambling on, but as you get older you do gain confidence, but it doesn't apply to everyone; or maybe as you get older you over come certain fears but other you also encounter different fears and obstacles!!

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haha smokesum, bitch that face gets me quality pussy, so it may be part of the reason for my strong self confidence ;)

fabioc, interesting thought, i think its the realization for college grads that childhood is completely over and the world is up for grabs, its that feeling that you are in control, and youre driving the autoban with no stop signs.

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Originally posted by crobra

This is a difficult question to answer!! A person who is 18 or 19 will feel more confident than when they are 14, as well a 22 year old who just graduated college will feel more confident than when they started. But one can also make the mistake of thinking that they know too much or they are at the height of their intelligence when they are just being arrogant. As you enter your twenties sometimes you feel like you are reaching a peak, but knowledge is infinite and your life is finite. I think when you get out of the teenage years you begin to believe in yourself more and care less of what others think, but then you can make mistake of believing you are just better or know more than everyone. I also feel that teenagers seem things in extremes and there really isn’t middle ground within their thought. Then again, every individual is different!! I believe you can judge how self confident you really are by being able to listen to others, if you are not tolerant of other people ideas and not open minded; you really aren't self confident, just full of hubris!!

I think I am just rambling on, but as you get older you do gain confidence, but it doesn't apply to everyone; or maybe as you get older you over come certain fears but other you also encounter different fears and obstacles!!

Very well put....

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For the most part, yes... With age comes wisdom, and we eventually learn what is really important, and that it's not worth it to stress over the insignificant details.

Going back to what Crobra said... I don't think you should confuse know-it-all-ness (even though, as Lisa Simpson would say, that's not even a word!) with confidence... in fact I think arrogance and self-confidence are often inversely related... a person often acts arrogant because he is insecure and that's the only way he knows to make himself feel better.

Something he also said that I agree with strongly... yes the more self-confident you are the better able you are to listen to others' ideas with an open mind. You know that just because someone thinks differently than you doesn't mean they're better than you are... and that even if someone changes your mind about something, it's not going to put a huge crack in the foundation of your ego.

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I think that while we do change as we get older it does not go hand in hand with self-confidence. Self-confidence comes from within and is directly related to self-esteem. Younger people think they are the shit but as we climb ladders (social and professional) and get knocked down our confidence is tested every step of the way. I think it varies from person to person and with each person from situation to situation. We may be confident in a social situation but not at work. I think it also depends on where we draw our strength from. If you become confident as a result of what someone told you (ie you're smart, or good looking, etc) then I don't believe you to truly be a confident person (you need outside reassurance).

To be truly self-confident is to bring what's inside out.

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All I know..

is that I don't know anything..

I'm still amazed and insecure and

as confused as a five year old lost in

Disney Land for the first time.



Ever seen a child's painting..?

I defy any "MATURE" person to replicate it..


Jackson Pollock..




And it was that innocence

that made them brilliant!

Learn from experience..


it's what keeps one humble..

and keeps your heart young!

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