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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Post Brunswick meetup WaZZUP!

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Hey EVeryone,

Just wanted to say thanks for coming out last night. Seems as though everyone had a great time. I also got screwed up the ass by the apartment assistants in the building. We weren't that noise but I guess that retarded security guard told someone that I was signing too many people in. Melichacha signed some in for me but I guess that plan didn't work. Stuff Yer FAce was lots of fun as usual. The quote of the night is most definetely.... "That's not a fishbowl... its a frigin aquarium!" I guess they ran out of fishbowls so they used full pitchers. Can't beat that! About 25 people were there for dinner/drinks. After SYF some of us wandered off to Platinum. Kinda sucked because the line was up the block at 11:30. People waited at least an hour to get in. I went up to the front and got myself in with the few connections that I have but I begged and begged but he wouldn't let the group in. After we got inside it was pretty crowded and too hot. Overall it was a fun night, but the 18 years olds get really damn annoying. Got MEAT? I"m glad that everyone had a good time, and keep a look about for one or two more meetups this semester. PEace --Yarin

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Yup Yarin, I had a good time too...Platinum was pretty cool, I got to dance a lot at least, but I got tired really quick. It was nice meeting everyone that I did, everyone was mad cool. I hope to see everyone at the next one :D And hey don't be makin fun of those 18 year olds!!! haha j/k

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yo no doubt yarin thanx for plannin all this shit..but no thanks to u and fuckin jen and cristina for drinkin some of my arbor mist. lol but no doubt everyone was out in full force just to have fun including my self with my 2 handed heineken and jello shot self lol. we know how to fuckin party and thats what makes these meetups kick ass all the time.. see all of you again real soon.


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Ok so I actually did make it out to Platinum with some friends but how come I didn't see ur asses there? I didn't think it was going to be that hard to find the CP group in a small place like that, but guess I was wrong.

But again I missed the meet-up...but this was completely by choice because I really had to get work done before I went out....I want better grades for this sem. Where were al of u guys hanging out in the club??

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Hey Kristin,

Sorry you missed out on the meetup. In my opinion the pre-platinum activities were the best part of the night. Most people that headed out to Platinum decided to bail because the line was too long and it wasn't worth spending $15 for an hour in a club. Good luck with your classes, hope to see you at the next meetup and i'll look out for you on Busch. l8r

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i hated it

it was the worst meetup ever

dont ever go to rutgers or be swindled by this teklord character

he steals your money and never pays you back

i hated the people i met

they acted like total assholes to me

they have pure shit personalities

the music sucked

the pizza sucked

meli's apt sucked

make this the last meetup i ever go to...ever


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