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Getting back with the ex...


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Who here would or have gotten back with a ex? Even after knowing she's slept with someone else? For some reaon I just can't get pass that. Even though we weren't together then, I still feel betrayed. Maybe because I haven't slept with anyone else. Is that the only way to get over this?:(

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trust is the foundation of the relationship, with out it you cant build on top of it... its like trying to build a house or building on quicksand, as opposed to solid ground. Secondly and more importantly if it happend before itll happen again... " a leopard cant change its spots." plus i have a theory on ppl who cheat... its in their blood they cant help it... chances are ill bet dimes to doughnuts that somewhere in her family there are cheaters or womanizers or unfaithful ppl... count your gains,count your losses, and move on... lifes to short for second chances.

just my opinion... good luck. let me know how it turns out.

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Originally posted by tequiza

Who here would or have gotten back with a ex? Even after knowing she's slept with someone else? For some reaon I just can't get pass that. Even though we weren't together then, I still feel betrayed. Maybe because I haven't slept with anyone else. Is that the only way to get over this?:(

i am too familiar with this whole situation :(
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there was a reason u broke up...if you have come to an understanding and resolved the situation, and he wants to be with you....you have to let it go if you ever want things to work...I know it's hard...TRUST ME!!! I've been in the same boat, I've even had my guy groping this girl in front of me...but we weren't together anymore...there wasn't anything I could do...but he came back...some men just need to come to the realization that you are the one that they want to be with....and if it takes exploring the field then so be it...he obviously didn't like what he encountered...and if you u do get back together and u don't settle things with yourself...it will only eat at you and make things more difficult...I'm a firm believer in that "If it's meant to be, it'll happen."

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Move FORWARD, not backwards... if I had taken my own advice at one time, I'd never have married tha bitch!

If your ex cheated on you by sleeping with someone else, he didnt have enough love and respect for you in the first place. Cheating is not "a mistake" and I cannot understand when your ex says, I made a mistake. Damn fucking right she make a mistake and now I am not making the same mistake by taking her back again! Love is not a game and people need to stop treating it that way. Ok I feel better now. :)

See my post titled, Define what the word love means to you!

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