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Question About when you move away from NYC

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Well I moved down to Mia ...hmmm 3 years ago from NYC, and lately I been feeling more and more home sick for NYC. I mean I really have not to many friends in NYC anymore since most of them turned out to be Back Stabbing foolz. ( Not going to get into that story )

Well since moving down here Its taken some time to get use to the pace of Mia...I think i finally got some what use to it, but it still doesnt feel like home. I have made Great friends here in Mia,,,but

After 3 years or should i still feel like this?


Is this a clue for me to move back?

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Im a computer Tech...for now.... I want to become Cisco Cert at years end if possible and take some computer Languages. When not doing that F#$@#$@ around with MP3's.

My life Style,,,

Every other week hit a club and etc....basically.

So super bored I go to the gym like every day lol

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Originally posted by soldado

Im a computer Tech...for now.... I want to become Cisco Cert at years end if possible and take some computer Languages. When not doing that F#$@#$@ around with MP3's.

My life Style,,,

Every other week hit a club and etc....basically.

So super bored I go to the gym like every day lol

Know any club owners that need bartenders? LOL

I'd just like to waste my life away for a year or 2 in SOBE before finally... growing up on the homestretch and forsaking clubland.

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i left atlanta three years ago and still have lots of really good friends there - people i've known for a very long time. i love visiting. it's a beautiful city with beautiful weather, much cleaner, newer, more spacious and more affordable than new york. going there is like going to disneyland. however, i don't want to move back anytime soon, maybe not for years, maybe never.

you should give yourself the "intuition test." flip a coin.....heads, you stay in Miami, tails you move back to New York........pretend that the flip of the coin is your final decision and gauge your reaction to it......that might help you figure it out. it helps me sometimes.

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Guest tilly

It would be great if you could divide your time between the 2 cities..the best of both worlds...but practically or at least for now, you can't so...

everywhere you go you will find your share of aggrevations. I know exactly what you are saying about the pace, vibe, etc down there. I personally can't deal with it..it's just not ME. It's fun to visit but ultimately it doesn't feel like home. I have had my own struggles here with music and pretention.

Finally, I think all of that is changing (**cough breakbeat parties**cough cough**). NYers can be rude but so can FLoridians. The thing about NY is that you have much more to chose from. This is something you will have to decide for yourself...and only you know what you should do...follow your gut instincts...they will lead the way.

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sounds like you need to make some more friends...you say you go clubbing every few weeks and it doesn't sound like you do much in between those times...there are TONS of places to meet people other than clubs...I say GET OUT and CIRCULATE and quit sitting in front of your computer whinning!

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well I work full time and after work I do enjoy going to the gym and by the time i get home from the gym its like 7 pm or so.

Stop sitting at your computer whinning! = )

Im at work right now hahah Is that not what we all do when we go to work... j/k

Im really selective on who i call a friend...

but thanks for the suggestion.:)

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Originally posted by soldado

Im really selective on who i call a friend...

but thanks for the suggestion.:)

I should have phrased what I said better...I didn't mean to sound rude. It's not about calling people "friends", it's about meeting people who have similar interests and knowing if you exchange digits with so-and-so at the gym he/she is down to go wherever and thus the circle continues...you don't need to be best friends with the people you go out with, just friendly enough to have some people around to enjoy yourself with. If you want, I can give you my sister's name and e-mail (she's super cool, not just cause she's my sister) and she can introduce you to some people down there...she LOVES it in Miami (and she's from NY)!:)

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I can understand your apprehension to making new "friends" as it seems your past experience wasn't too good but it will happen for you. You seem cool (you're a CPer for cryin out loud! :D ) You've lasted 3 years so it can't be that bad. Things will start looking up soon. Maybe you need to come visit to cure your aching heart:heart:.


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Well if all goes well I'll be in NYC no later than April.

* Fires up the Fax and Monster Board *

So make rooom for me out on the dance floor!

Hope I'll be welcomed.


Hey What can I say when I get motivated I go all out...Must be the Marine in me = )

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