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As our great President said last night...


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but to have a numbskull like bush that apparently has no idea what the hell hes talking about..starting this is frightening if you asked me...at least if clinton said it..we actually would feel more comfortable with him as probably knowing what he was talking about...rolling would be his second hobby haha jk..but seriously what is bush doing??



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Originally posted by crank47

For too long our culture has said, "If it feels good, do it." Now America is embracing a new ethic and a new creed: "Let's roll."


If you people were real Americans you wouldn't be making jokes. You'd just be doing your duty and rolling. I sure as hell will.

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Originally posted by chynado11

how absurd :rolleyes: thanks to all of you all that actually voted for bush...



Who would you rather have Al Gore? thought so Dubya has been great so far, considering all the circumstances, Clinton fucked our economy and now we're just starting to see the repercussions of it, obviously 911 didn't help. Also please xplain why his approval rating is so high right now, I believe it's 84%?

Fuggin democrats:blown:

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Originally posted by chynado11

but to have a numbskull like bush that apparently has no idea what the hell hes talking about..starting this is frightening if you asked me...at least if clinton said it..we actually would feel more comfortable with him as probably knowing what he was talking about...rolling would be his second hobby haha jk..but seriously what is bush doing??



Oh, give me a fucking break. Why don't you give me one piece of evidence that Bush is a numbskull. Instead of jumping on the media bandwagon, why don't you pull up his political record and tell me how he fucked something up due to stupidity. So what if he isn't the most eloquent of people. He's doing a fine job. If you don't agree with his policies, then that's fine. But don't insult the man's intelligence. And fucking 85% of the population feels comfortable enough with him to give him their approval. And if you can't get past the third grade playground media jabs about Bush not being as eloquent as others, well then you've got your own issues.

And at least he's not sleeping around with his interns while there are issues to be resolved in the country. He's putting his heart and soul into his job. And to fucking call him a numbskull with nothing to back it up is ridiculous.

Make you own decisions. Stop jumping on the bandwagon.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Oh, give me a fucking break. Why don't you give me one piece of evidence that Bush is a numbskull. Instead of jumping on the media bandwagon, why don't you pull up his political record and tell me how he fucked something up due to stupidity. So what if he isn't the most eloquent of people. He's doing a fine job. If you don't agree with his policies, then that's fine. But don't insult the man's intelligence. And fucking 85% of the population feels comfortable enough with him to give him their approval. And if you can't get past the third grade playground media jabs about Bush not being as eloquent as others, well then you've got your own issues.

And at least he's not sleeping around with his interns while there are issues to be resolved in the country. He's putting his heart and soul into his job. And to fucking call him a numbskull with nothing to back it up is ridiculous.

Make you own decisions. Stop jumping on the bandwagon.

this comment kinda makes me wonde what are the political tendencies of people on this board....I of course cant vote in the US, so I will refrain from any sort of comment.

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Originally posted by vicman

i dunno about Dubya, but his family is pretty screwed up:


Oh, and Clinton's family wasn't? And isn't it convenient that the liberal media leaves Chelsea "Bad hair, bad teeth, and all around fugly" Clinton the fuck alone. And don't get me started about Hillary "I'm a more militant female than the butchest of all lesbians" Clinton. But the media's all over Jeb and Dubya's daughters now aren't they. Fucking who here didn't drink while they were under 21? And fucking who here can say they've never done drugs (I know some, but I would say a good deal can't).

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Oh, give me a fucking break. Why don't you give me one piece of evidence that Bush is a numbskull. Instead of jumping on the media bandwagon, why don't you pull up his political record and tell me how he fucked something up due to stupidity. So what if he isn't the most eloquent of people. He's doing a fine job. If you don't agree with his policies, then that's fine. But don't insult the man's intelligence. And fucking 85% of the population feels comfortable enough with him to give him their approval. And if you can't get past the third grade playground media jabs about Bush not being as eloquent as others, well then you've got your own issues.

And at least he's not sleeping around with his interns while there are issues to be resolved in the country. He's putting his heart and soul into his job. And to fucking call him a numbskull with nothing to back it up is ridiculous.

Make you own decisions. Stop jumping on the bandwagon.

Wow - bitter much?

As for the approval rating - this has much to do with 911. Most presidents see a surge in popularity in times of war and while handles the aftermath well, I still find most of his policies repugnant.

As for mudslinging on our former President - I find that such endeavors are a waste of time and have little to do with the actual job of being President. But you are welcome to resort to such practices when well researched retorts require too much effort on your part.

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Originally posted by vicman

this comment kinda makes me wonde what are the political tendencies of people on this board....I of course cant vote in the US, so I will refrain from any sort of comment.

Independent, usually vote republican, however in NY I generally voted Democratic, except for Hillary:blown:

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Originally posted by malanee

Wow - bitter much?

As for the approval rating - this has much to do with 911. Most presidents see a surge in popularity in times of war and while handles the aftermath well, I still find most of his policies repugnant.

As for mudslinging on our former President - I find that such endeavors are a waste of time and have little to do with the actual job of being President. But you are welcome to resort to such practices when well researched retorts require too much effort on your part.


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Originally posted by malanee

Wow - bitter much?

As for the approval rating - this has much to do with 911. Most presidents see a surge in popularity in times of war and while handles the aftermath well, I still find most of his policies repugnant.

As for mudslinging on our former President - I find that such endeavors are a waste of time and have little to do with the actual job of being President. But you are welcome to resort to such practices when well researched retorts require too much effort on your part.

I just find it silly to insult the man's intelligence. It's fine if you don't agree with his policies. But insulting his intelligence is no different than my mudslinging of Clinton.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I just find it silly to insult the man's intelligence. It's fine if you don't agree with his policies. But insulting his intelligence is no different than my mudslinging of Clinton.

Fair enough. I would just ask you to look at Chyna's note and then your reply. Did it really warrant such vehemence?

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Originally posted by malanee

Fair enough. I would just ask you to look at Chyna's note and then your reply. Did it really warrant such vehemence?

Yes, it did. I think calling him a numbskull does warrant my wrath. You can disagree with what he's doing. But if you go to one extreme, I'll go to the other. If you want to meet me in the middle ground, I'll play fair and nice. But don't diss on the hardest working and most stressed out man in America right now with silly insults. Especially when he's putting everything he's got into his job. Dubya's my boy. And if you diss on my boys, I go off. Disagree with his policies. Disagree with how he's handling things. That's fine. But don't belittle the job and the hard work he's doing by calling him a numbskull. And maybe you don't agree with his domestic policies. Or his foreign policies. But I'd rather have Bush than Gore OR Clinton right now. Cause I'm not sure if Clinton or Gore would've had the balls to drop the hammer down on the fucking Terrorists as hard as Bush. I'm all about spending every last penny to kill those bastards. And I'm glad Bush is in charge.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Yes, it did. I think calling him a numbskull does warrant my wrath. You can disagree with what he's doing. But if you go to one extreme, I'll go to the other. If you want to meet me in the middle ground, I'll play fair and nice. But don't diss on the hardest working and most stressed out man in America right now with silly insults. Especially when he's putting everything he's got into his job. Dubya's my boy. And if you diss on my boys, I go off. Disagree with his policies. Disagree with how he's handling things. That's fine. But don't belittle the job and the hard work he's doing by calling him a numbskull. And maybe you don't agree with his domestic policies. Or his foreign policies. But I'd rather have Bush than Gore OR Clinton right now. Cause I'm not sure if Clinton or Gore would've had the balls to drop the hammer down on the fucking Terrorists as hard as Bush. I'm all about spending every last penny to kill those bastards. And I'm glad Bush is in charge.

Word, right on brother. In fact Clinton just sat around and watched them bomb us, Embassy in Smalia, the world trade first time and he basically didn't do shit or worry about anything except where his next blowjob is coming from. These terrorists have been bombing us and giving us hints for a long time, I think if we stepped in awhile ago maybe it could've been prevented.

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Originally posted by Kuro

What do you base this assumption on?

No assumption. Just a who knows if Clinton or Gore would've sent in full scale ground troops. Who knows if Clinton or Gore would've taken a hard line stance with other countries. Who knows if Clinton or Gore would've approved of massive increases in defense spending. Just a lot of who knows.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

Yes, it did. I think calling him a numbskull does warrant my wrath. You can disagree with what he's doing. But if you go to one extreme, I'll go to the other. If you want to meet me in the middle ground, I'll play fair and nice. But don't diss on the hardest working and most stressed out man in America right now with silly insults. Especially when he's putting everything he's got into his job. Dubya's my boy. And if you diss on my boys, I go off. Disagree with his policies. Disagree with how he's handling things. That's fine. But don't belittle the job and the hard work he's doing by calling him a numbskull. And maybe you don't agree with his domestic policies. Or his foreign policies. But I'd rather have Bush than Gore OR Clinton right now. Cause I'm not sure if Clinton or Gore would've had the balls to drop the hammer down on the fucking Terrorists as hard as Bush. I'm all about spending every last penny to kill those bastards. And I'm glad Bush is in charge.

Fine. Disagree. But don't personally attack. You have absolutely no idea how Chyna formed her opinions and telling her to "make her own decisions" and "stop jumping on the band wagon" was uncalled for.

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Like I said. You take an extreme stance on my boy, I'll take the opposite extreme to get his back. You wanna play nice and use adult words and not resort to meaningless insults like "numbskull", then I'll play nice too.

That's always been my motto. Dish it and take it. If you're gonna dish it, you better be able to take it. I think I've shown that I can take it as well as dish it. And if you can't take it hard, then don't dish it hard. Dish it gently. And I'll be gentle. Like Vic with a 12 year old girl. Gentle.

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