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NYC Clubs???


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yes..if anyone knows please let me know too...i'm going in two weeks to visit my best friend 4 her birthday (she there studying law up there..she's been there a semester already but hasn't had the chance to go out much b/c of all the studying :-/ )..so if anyone could give us the inside scoop i'd really appreciate it too! thank you!:D

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do doubt sound factory..hardcore after hours club...its packed around 6 in the morning and it goes on all day sunday..jonathan peters is the DJ and he is a sick fuck...as far as two weeks from now..president day weekend..good week to come to ny...goto vinyl on friday night..danny tenaglia's home..enough said about that..and saturday night goto to exit awesome looking club...fucking huge...three times the size of crobar...they have a new party starting that night...and of course you have junior after hours at exit.....you could then hit the sound factory after hours like around 7 or 8...it should be sick..they are having a theme party the pajama party..and there theme parties are crazy....

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Hey Dgat, Im gonna have to agree with "pglkm", For fridaz got to VINYL and saturday got to EXIT and of course SOUNDFACTORY, and of course of sunday you recooperate, lol Enjoy the 2 weeeks. And one more thing we dont have any palms tress and there isnt any leaves on the trees now so I say bring something warm.

Victor Soto

Red Carpet Promo


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This weekend, Burridge vs. Van M @ Vinyl.

Next weekend should be pretty good (presidents w/end):

- Tiesto @ Exit on Friday (afterwards head to Vinyl for D. Tenaglia until about 9-10)

- Saeed & palash/Chris Fortier @ Vinyl saturday

- Sunday you have lots of choices, including Sound Factory (ive actually never been to this, but hear it can be good) and/or Body & Soul at Vinyl.

I agree with vsoto -- bring warm clothes.

Hope you have a good NY weekend

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