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where are the old skoolers???


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Originally posted by cmb1975

Some of us check back occasionally....Just to see if there is anyone around still.

Whats up hon! Havent seen you in a long ass time!

hey old skooler cmb,,,,what up? you still hanging at twirl these days? did cigs tell you we got a shore house.........its by A&P, can't wait till summer...theres a bunch of us going to DT/DeepDish @ World on sun, are you going?

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Originally posted by Emmitt

where has everyone gone........they should call this the New(bie) Jersey board:laugh:

Hey you....what's up?? Can't wait for Sunday at World..its gonna be an awesome time!

I heard you guys got your house..so did we...3 blocks from Tempts!:eek: :eek:


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Originally posted by Emmitt

hey old skooler cmb,,,,what up? you still hanging at twirl these days? did cigs tell you we got a shore house.........its by A&P, can't wait till summer...theres a bunch of us going to DT/DeepDish @ World on sun, are you going?

No more Twirl hon. Of course cigs told me about the shore house, damn kid...Im sleeping in the closet!!!! Im sure I will be paying you guys at least one visit this summer!!! But this time...Ill be alone!

Cant go on Sunday...Im POOR!!!

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Originally posted by cigs

What's up Emmitt?????? Not only has this turned into a newbie board, it is also seems to be an under 21 board.

Of course an alternate name for the board could be the Hunka Bunka Board!!!!

LMAO!!! Your just pissed cause your OLD on this board babes!!! Oh shit...so am I!!!

I'd love to know the average age on the Jersey Forum these days.

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no word yet nabuc, will keep you posted.....what up Sin!!! i hear you!!!....javs busy creating mad music somewhere.............hey cigs....i still like the New(bie) Jersey board...........a lot of HB heads up....sometimes too many...where are all the old Boavista peeps? clubangel, i hope your shore house is Squid-free proof...hahaha You're going this sunday right? i read that it is proper attire/ no be yourself attire.......what up Alli and Spy?

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Originally posted by Emmitt

clubangel, i hope your shore house is Squid-free proof...hahaha You're going this sunday right? i read that it is proper attire/ no be yourself attire

Haha...squid and happy na na guy free definitely!! When we got the house, the owners were all worried about our boyfriends being over...I started laughing..I was like "no worries there..we are 4 single unattached girls"..so since they don't like boyfriends..I wonder how they would feel about other random guys..LOL..

Sunday..hells yeah..can't wait..."proper attire"...what a pain, but what are ya gonna do..


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Hello chickie..How are ya?...Yes my real bday is Feb 17th, Sunday..So Iam celebrating it on Saturday Feb 16th at One51...My friends Jase and Nick are throwing the party there for me..We have a table and shit and getting bottles..the usual..Um yeah I see Robin at gym every night and she is having hers same night but at Saci..Sux..But she wants hers there and I want mine at One51..I never been to One51..I was at Saci once and I hated it..That was like last summer though..=)..Too bad we arent having at same place or different wknds..since we have alot of mutual friends and shit that would wanna come to both ya know..You guys goin out after?...W/b..Im bored here at work..ClubGirl..:tongue:

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With our crew I'm sure we are doing afterhours- I just don't know where. Have any ideas?

I wish I could go to 151 as well. I haven't been there yet cause I don't get out as much but ya know I gotta go where the midget wants for her b-day.

yeah she is going to the gym and tanning all this week and next week ya know you won't see her there!

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No clue on where for afterhours..No SF..They wont allow me..haha..Maybe Earth?Hotel?..dont know yet..Midget..haha..yeah so far she has been at gym every night this week..Think she'll be out on the gym next week already?haha..Im just gonna tan like Friday night or saturday..Ugh I wish Saturday would come already..I also took off Monday...Alot have off anyway for Pres day...I may or may not go out Sunday too..ClubGirl...:tongue:

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