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What Gov't wont tell you

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There are many things that our federal gov't wont tell:

1.The plan that crashed in PA on 9/11 was actualy shot down by a US jet but they had no choice.

2.remember the US made tons of money from WWI and WWII, US is trying for WWIII to boost economy. We can make lots of money by War.

3.We are ahead for economic depression not just recession. Interest rates will skyrock, Unemployement will reach over 20%, Home values will depreciate very fast.

I m not saything these to be an ass, these are facts so prepare for whats to come, it's not time to get high and get wasted at exit etc.

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To tell you the truth, this is probably the first quality post I have seen you put on, although it is not totally true.

Your second point is not valified. We did not bring this war upon us, it was spurred by a terrorist attack. Although we have held animosity against middle eastern fundamentalist states for quite some time now, the war would not have come along without an act by them first.

Now there is an excuse to go after these countries, but the reason is not to boost the economy....you are off on this point. It is to get back at those towel wearing, camel fucking, no shower taking, gun todding, uneducated, no-teeth having, sandal wearing, foolish little rodents over there.


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Originally posted by robocock

There are many things that our federal gov't wont tell:

2.remember the US made tons of money from WWI and WWII, US is trying for WWIII to boost economy. We can make lots of money by War.


That is just ludicrous

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

\ It is to get back at those towel wearing, camel fucking, no shower taking, gun todding, uneducated, no-teeth having, sandal wearing, foolish little rodents over there.


I sense a bit of hostility in ur words...

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

To tell you the truth, this is probably the first quality post I have seen you put on, although it is not totally true.

Your second point is not valified. We did not bring this war upon us, it was spurred by a terrorist attack. Although we have held animosity against middle eastern fundamentalist states for quite some time now, the war would not have come along without an act by them first.

Now there is an excuse to go after these countries, but the reason is not to boost the economy....you are off on this point. It is to get back at those towel wearing, camel fucking, no shower taking, gun todding, uneducated, no-teeth having, sandal wearing, foolish little rodents over there.


. . . John, you were wrong about only one thing . . it will help the economy . . .

. . . And if we can help the economy, while at the same time kicking the shit out of someone for fucking with us . . . well . . then let the beatings begin . . . we'll fix it . . . trust us . . .

. . . there are two things, as Americans, that we do to perfection . . . Partying and Blowing shit up . . . .

. . . we rawk . . .

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you are all way way off.

first, no one confirmed how the plane went down, and anybody venturing to take a guess

second, the only way a country makes money in a war is if it steps up military production, which wont happen in this case, so wahtever moron said that better open up a history book. this war can only hurt many industries and weaken our economy.

and interest rates skyrocketing? unemploiyment at 20%? um... i guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this isnt an opinion. and what the hell do home values have to do with anytihng? this kid sounds like a third grader.

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I just wanna add that the plane that crashed in Queens was the work of the first shoe bomber. Call me crazy but its very possible. Here are some facts: The second shoe bomber was sitting in the middle of the plane. People that witnessed the plane going down in Queens said that it looked like there was an explosion on board and the wings fell off. This would happen if a person set off a bomb and was sitting in the middle of the plane. The gov't knows about this but they are covering it up because they invested a shitload of money into the airline industry and if the public was aware of this, all the airlines would go out of business......But I'm alittle blazed tonight so I might be talkin out my ass.......

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

you are all way way off.

first, no one confirmed how the plane went down, and anybody venturing to take a guess

Bro, there was a debris trail over a mile long and no cameras were allowed near the plane. If there was a debris trail, how could the plan go down just by craching directly into the ground? Since no cameras were allowed, doesn't that imply that we were not meant to see something?

...........It was shot down.

Also, now that I read it more, 20%? Wow, how did I miss that falicy?

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ya know why the police didnt want to leave the World Trade Centers? Did you know why there were so many wonderful fire fighters rushing off and working really late into the nights. Im not saying all of them but most were taking all the wonderful gold off the dead people that perished in the collapse, not to mention the tons of gold underneath all the rubble. I could be wrong :D

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THe plane that crashed in PA was indeed shut down by a Jet in a middle of nowhere so that it won't crash in DC. THe plane that crashed in Queen is probably a terrorist attack. Obviously the Gov't isn't stupid enough to acknowledge the facts for peoples sakes...

Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

I just wanna add that the plane that crashed in Queens was the work of the first shoe bomber. Call me crazy but its very possible. Here are some facts: The second shoe bomber was sitting in the middle of the plane. People that witnessed the plane going down in Queens said that it looked like there was an explosion on board and the wings fell off. This would happen if a person set off a bomb and was sitting in the middle of the plane. The gov't knows about this but they are covering it up because they invested a shitload of money into the airline industry and if the public was aware of this, all the airlines would go out of business......But I'm alittle blazed tonight so I might be talkin out my ass.......

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Originally posted by rdancer

ya know why the police didnt want to leave the World Trade Centers? Did you know why there were so many wonderful fire fighters rushing off and working really late into the nights. Im not saying all of them but most were taking all the wonderful gold off the dead people that perished in the collapse, not to mention the tons of gold underneath all the rubble. I could be wrong :D

they were getting shit loads of overtime also BRO ...

its all about the dough

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there's a lot of shit our government won't tell us. if we worry about getting that word out, we probably get shot for disclosing information. let's hit the club and make sure we make the best of our lives.

(i secretly work for the cia and nsa.) :shades:

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Originally posted by thehacker

good for them.

would YOU want to be working 18 hour shifts to clean up piles of dead people? yeah, that's what i thought...

yeah exactly.

and rdancer: "taking gold off dead people"? who would get a sick idea like that????

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Originally posted by robocock

I'm not saything these to be an ass, these are facts so prepare for whats to come, it's not time to get high and get wasted at exit etc.

I completely disagree w/ you. what, just because the economy is not doing that well, we should all abstain from a having fun??? should everyone just sit home and be depressed about it?are you kidding?? :eek:

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