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Regarding EXIT....

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So despite all the negative issues that were felt at Exit this past weekend for the Tiesto party (many of which I have to agree on - long lines, ridiculously hot and humid inside, etc. etc.) I do think that there are a bunch of positives appearing at that party/venue.

The new Friday party shows a lot promise with a lineup that finally brings internationally acclaimed talent. Right here, we're seeing the end of crap like Draper and a definite step in the right direction. The party is really turning more musically-oriented, and I think that will now draw out more of the crowd that actually knows who the DJ is :) The DJ's off the main floor also sounded really good for the most part. The partners in the party are doing an excellent job to that end.

The venue itself is also showing promise for improvement. They've already renovated the DJ booth and put in a lot of incredible equipment, and it looks like things are going the right direction there as well. I think given a little time, the club will be able to work out its old issues and come out of what it used to be, what it is now, and become a respectable venue. Oh yeah, and props to Thorin and Sevan and ALL those working with this party - definitely a huge undertaking to try to turn Exit around, and it's great that someone's up to it :)

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

i don't think its the club itself that is the problem....

and the dj's aren't the problem... i mean tiesto is great...

its the crowd... not all of the crowd ... but a majority of it.. that is attracted to that place that is the problem!

I can definitely agree there... I heard a bunch of people ask who the DJ was when they were going in :rolleyes: "Tiesto... I think he lives next door to your mom". And the people on the floor were a royal pain in the ass. Being always the optimist though - I'm thinkin' maybe if these randoms stick around for these better DJ's they'll be educated by the experience.

(or we could just hit all the idiots with tranquillizer darts and have them each removed hehehe) ;)

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there is just something WRONG with Exit. I went to the place when it first opened, and i didnt like it. i remember insane overcrowding, no air-conditioning, horrible coatcheck, etc. i went a couple of times, and hated it. didnt go back for almost two years, then come back now, and guess what, it is still horrible.

my conclusion is that there is probably something very wrong with the layout. there is ALWAYS a crowd, no matter how many people are iunside. the bathrooms are NEVER reachable, even if the club isnt full. the main pathways in the club are way too narrow.

i've beent here for different parties at differnet times and differnet DJs, and still ahve yet to have a good time.

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

i don't think its the club itself that is the problem....

and the dj's aren't the problem... i mean tiesto is great...

its the crowd... not all of the crowd ... but a majority of it.. that is attracted to that place that is the problem!


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I will never step foot inside that fuckin club till they get their act together... once it changes hands to people who are ..not really not money driven, but on a lower scale at least, they dont give a fuck who is there, as long as they get their money...anyone can get in there, they have shitty employees, and the club has sooooo much potential. i used to promote for them until last year when they fucked me outta $500, now i only go for parties like tiesto and shit, but now after this past weekend i will never go again, not until it changes hands or some shit...:blown:

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hELL yeA. u R sO rIght About Exit. You pay LiKe $30 to fAwKin Get TreAted LiKE CrAp. THe ProBLem W/ tHat PlaCe is That They aLwAys LiEd AboUt gEttiN iN foR FreE, LiKE aLL of ThEir prOmOtioNs wErE aLwaYS FalSe:finger: , AnD thEy WouLD AlWaYS OverCroWd tHe dAmN pLaCe!! :screwy:

tHey DiD a GoOD jOb of HiDiNg tHaT pErSon tHat diEd (oR So I hEard) :confused:

iM EnjOyin mY nEw DaYS aT the "perfect" WorLd and SF!!


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Well, Exit itself I won't enjoy for quite some time......there are a few reasons for this:

1) The staff sucks. You are treated like garbage even though you paid $40 to get in....fuck them with a rusty hubcap. No A/C, coat check is a joke, bouncers pick on little kids....etc.

2) The promoters promote to the wrong fucking crowd. I noah spaakah Anglish does not work for me.

3) They don't lie about their parties. Like I said before, I am not a Tiesto fan, but he is talented. A part of the reason I was down there was to hear him spin till 12 like promised. He spun for four hours. FUCK THAT!!!!! I will go and see DT for 10-12 hours instead thank you very much and pay half.

Now, don't get me wrong, Exit has taken some steps in the right direction. Believe it or not I will be going back there. I WILL be going to Picooto, I WILL be going to a Saturday party with Nero and Junior..........but there needs to be some improvements made before anybody actually starts ranting and raving about the place.

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