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Next meetup in New Brunwsick

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First off... I do not appreciate being called a kiddie for being under 21. Being able to legally drink liquor and enter most clubs does not make a person an official adult... maturity has more to do with it than anything.

Second... I don't know about clubbing afterward... but I will go to the dinner portion of the meetup. Classes and school work are my priority at this point in time (aka: Jenn isn't much fun anymore) so I am keeping clubbing and going out down to a bare minimum (besides the fact that I don't have the cash to do such things anymore). Tuesday nights are BAD for me... I have Equestrian Team meetings on Tuesdays... and Fridays I believe are bad for anyone. So any other day of the week (excluding weekends) is good for me.

Yarin... I will see you at 6 for dinner and I am sure that we will discuss this further.



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Originally posted by jennEfer

First off... I do not appreciate being called a kiddie for being under 21. Being able to legally drink liquor and enter most clubs does not make a person an official adult... maturity has more to do with it than anything.

heh thanks hon, jus what i was about to say.

but anyways, yea tues are bad for me too considering i'd have to come down from nyu, and i don't plan on going to the clubs after either. come on tekkie, make it a good day so i can actually show up this time. thurs the 7th should be alright since that's the start of my spring break or the week after.

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hehehe, Holy shit Jenn. That the hell happened to you. I have to meet the new Jenn tonight, I guess we have a new Big Geek on the boards. Yeah i'm not really too crazy about the whole clubbing thing either. That will be the optional part of the evening, open to suggestions. So I guess Thursday the 7th is good for everyone then. If not speak now or forever hold yourself.

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Hey yarin, tues and thurday are mostly good for me, but can you make the time a little later than the norm for SI. Im sure its not a big deal if your coming to the Si since we cant start without ya anyway.

Oh, who decided that they defined meetup, and that this isnt one? I happen to think we are all meeting at your place for dinner and shit, hence a 'meet up'. Who'd a thunk it.

Hopefully you found someone to slash me in tonight and we can talk times over at dinner.

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This just in....

I've got an exam on the 8th and on the 11th so the experimental meetup date on the 7th won't work out. I know other have exams right before spring break(March 17th - 24th) as well.

I've got 2 suggestions: Thursday March 14th or Thursday March 28th?? Give me your input.

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Originally posted by teklord310

Aren't you jelous?? Way higher than your odds, go back to Queens cd boy.

1. if youre so cool why are you asking me for my fuck friend's friend's email address? you should change your name to cyberpimplord

2. i bang more times a month than you do a year

3. i spin cds better than you spin mp3s on your winamp playlist....and i get paid more.....and i have more fans

in other words, i own you sneaker boy!


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

1. if youre so cool why are you asking me for my fuck friend's friend's email address? you should change your name to cyberpimplord

2. i bang more times a month than you do a year

3. i spin cds better than you spin mp3s on your winamp playlist....and i get paid more.....and i have more fans

in other words, i own you sneaker boy!


yo that was harsh.

You guys are friends and shit so play nice.

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