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Wtf have YOU been doing with your life!

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Okay folks heres the official

Wtf have you been doing with your life post

where bored people at work ..such as myself.

and other people with way too much time on their hands

may discuss and reflect upon their life's adventures.

hmm lets see

Ive been learning how to play guitar.

Bought a nice Fender eletric...color is a sparkly dark purple/red

have an insane amp and a grunge pedal...dont even know how to use the damn thing yet...still learning the strings...driving my neighrbors crazy...lol...its a pain in the ass reading notes...but damn addicting...i now carry a pick with me everywhere i go..worse then a damn blankey...lol.

Ive been invoking the spirits of the almight Playstation 2.

and have come to be quite addicted to Final Fantasy X

Theres this sidequest thing called BlitzBall...

It figures that the only sport i like is in a videogame...heh

Ive also been trying to master C++ and get my A+ certificate thing

( computer crap ) but have pretty much been a lazy bitch about it...have to get my ass in gear...crack the whip so to speak.

Im waiting for the Geforce4 4600 to be released ( more computer related happy crappy) to purchase my new desktop from

WWW.ALIENWARE.COM.....dell who..dell what?

I was going to build one from scratch....too much hassle...and too damn lazy...lol....but hey...when your lazy...alienware is the best way to go for hardcore gaming.


Being a law clerk has a level of insanity that matches up to my crazyness so im okay....i just laugh at all the stupid things lawers do...but hey people are people....but lawers need to be shot...just my opinion folks.

Ive tried...well i should say that ive put in ...minimal thought in aquiring a vehicle...but tying to save money is just as impossible of trying to sqeeze water out of a rock...damn porno addiction...

which im gathering quite the respectable collection...heh.

I really havent been clubing that much....i may need surgery on my ankle...so ive been taking it easy...ive been playing pool so much that its all a blur...gaining skill...having fun...yadda yadda.

How about you?


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lets see

school blows

got a tax internship at colgate palmolive: i am going to hate it (i did it last summer) but beggers cant be choosers :(

trying to sell my car, unfortunately when most people see the word subaru in the paper they skip over it

i might give up soon and trade it in at a dealer (this should be interesting)

my fridays are spent at roxy, although this friday i am going to go to vinyl for afterhours (gonna break my DT cherry :D!)

i'm really feeling the lineup for vinyl saturdays. definitely there for deep dish and sven vath

my computer is still broken (its been 6 weeks now), been using a laptop, but i miss my cd burner :mad:....probably getting a cd burner or a new computer after rebuilding my bank account

thinking of going to london this summer for a few days....have to see how the summer is shaping up first....


ps: i have a new pimp too!

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

lets see

school blows

got a tax internship at colgate palmolive: i am going to hate it (i did it last summer) but beggers cant be choosers :(

A job is a job bro.

trying to sell my car, unfortunately when most people see the word subaru in the paper they skip over it

i might give up soon and trade it in at a dealer (this should be interesting)

Ill give ya 200...lol

my fridays are spent at roxy, although this friday i am going to go to vinyl for afterhours (gonna break my DT cherry :D!)

Roxy sucks hairy monkey ass...only good thing is the cp meetups.

hmmm vinyl...tempting

my computer is still broken (its been 6 weeks now), been using a laptop, but i miss my cd burner :mad:....probably getting a cd burner or a new computer after rebuilding my bank account

Computer broken? I can fix it. maybe...heh

thinking of going to london this summer for a few days....have to see how the summer is shaping up first....


Ya need to shag a london harlet just on principle

ps: i have a new pimp too!

When did you become a Manwhore?

Does your pimp he-bitch pimp-slap you when you get outa line?


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Sorry der pigpopa ...little groggy and not so perceptive when im at work.

Ya know..that brings back memories.

Of me hanging out with my first girly...her slaping me.

then me screwing her on the kitchen table with her mother

sleeping on the couch....oh happy day.


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damn.. um lets see.. going to grad from college after this semester and move on to st josephs college for elementry education (teacher for kindergarden).

bought my own car 998 honda civic ex)

traveled to boston, can cun (twice), england, new jersey, florida, upstate, rhode island.. all with jessie by car.. well england we flew and florida too.. lol we plan to travel a lot more.

met so many awesome people from going to clubs. I hate my town west islip aka white islip.

played volleyball for the past 8 years

captains of girls lacrosse and volleyball my 2 college years of playing

also ran in track, swan on the swim team, girls lax, vball, kickline.. love playing sports, hate watching them.

every fri is spent at roxy (except for the past 2 weeks i was in can cun and then boston)

was engaged.. that didnt work out but im happier now :)

cant think of much more.. lol

have no luck this year (flat tire, stolen wallet in can cun, lock keys in truck at a club).. no luck :mad:

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Hmm.. lets see...

Trying to become a fulltime project manager for my company instead of half office manager/project manager..

Spending a lot more time with friends who I lost touch with.. which is always so good..:D

Getting closer with my sister and spending more quality time..

Living life after being in a relationship for almost 6 years..

Paid off 6 grand in credit card debt which is a goal I wanted to do by the time I was 24.. and achieved it..

Wanted to go to Vegas and Jamaica and I am doing both this year..

Go back to school to get my masters degree.. Hopefully in September..

Start volunteer work with children with illnesses..

And of course always love making new friends!!

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

where did you go in england?

did you get to go to Fabric or Turnmills?

no.. i stayed in stoke on trent and went to london for the day.. thats about it.. we went to clubs in stoke on trent.. i think.. we went to a different bar and club every night. I went in 99'. My ex best friend went to college there.

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Originally posted by gothzane

Okay folks heres the official

Wtf have you been doing with your life post

where bored people at work ..such as myself.

and other people with way too much time on their hands

may discuss and reflect upon their life's adventures.

hmm lets see

Ive been learning how to play guitar.

Bought a nice Fender eletric...color is a sparkly dark purple/red

have an insane amp and a grunge pedal...dont even know how to use the damn thing yet...still learning the strings...driving my neighrbors crazy...lol...its a pain in the ass reading notes...but damn addicting...i now carry a pick with me everywhere i go..worse then a damn blankey...lol.

Ive been invoking the spirits of the almight Playstation 2.

and have come to be quite addicted to Final Fantasy X

Theres this sidequest thing called BlitzBall...

It figures that the only sport i like is in a videogame...heh

Ive also been trying to master C++ and get my A+ certificate thing

( computer crap ) but have pretty much been a lazy bitch about it...have to get my ass in gear...crack the whip so to speak.

Im waiting for the Geforce4 4600 to be released ( more computer related happy crappy) to purchase my new desktop from

WWW.ALIENWARE.COM.....dell who..dell what?

I was going to build one from scratch....too much hassle...and too damn lazy...lol....but hey...when your lazy...alienware is the best way to go for hardcore gaming.


Being a law clerk has a level of insanity that matches up to my crazyness so im okay....i just laugh at all the stupid things lawers do...but hey people are people....but lawers need to be shot...just my opinion folks.

Ive tried...well i should say that ive put in ...minimal thought in aquiring a vehicle...but tying to save money is just as impossible of trying to sqeeze water out of a rock...damn porno addiction...

which im gathering quite the respectable collection...heh.

I really havent been clubing that much....i may need surgery on my ankle...so ive been taking it easy...ive been playing pool so much that its all a blur...gaining skill...having fun...yadda yadda.

How about you?


A+ is easy as fuck, i have the trancender cds if you want them, makes passing the test a breeze.

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Originally posted by randall16

Well...I have been workin two jobs, and goin to school, hanging out with friends, making new ones, exploring new things and just enjoying life day by day..

so im content for now!:)

good way to put it. and same goes with me.....:i work one job though, and i babysit.. so does that count as 2?: and u didnt mention anything bout ur love life... i dont need to mention anything about mine, cuz everyone on this board already knows everything about it! :idea::tongue:
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Originally posted by linabina

good way to put it. and same goes with me.....:i work one job though, and i babysit.. so does that count as 2?: and u didnt mention anything bout ur love life... i dont need to mention anything about mine, cuz everyone on this board already knows everything about it! :idea::tongue:

LOLOL!!!!!!!! So true

I am interning as a web designer and loving every minute of it.

I am a waiter, and will be training on the bar soon.

I am continuing my goal to become the semi perfect phsycial specimen. (in my eyes)

I am fallin in love with Visual Basic and want to learn it in and out.

I'm working on being with one girl for more then 2 weeks. I would like to find something solid for a change.

I'm going to Mount Saint Mary's to get my finish my degree off next semester.

I play baseball for my college, and I have found a serious groove on the mound. Split finger is the key :)

I won't bore you with any more, but there is so much to tell :)

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I've been working at an ad agency for a lil over a year,I'm getting fed up with Corporate America....office politics SUX! I'm too young to be doing this shit...time to hurry and finish up school so I can be my own boss....:mad:

I've been dating this total sweetie that I love and things are great with my romantic life....:love:

BC I've been having such an awesome time with my cutie, I've been neglecting my friends a lil (I AM SO SORRY)....I def need to work on that bc I know they'll be around longer :balloon:

that's bout all for now...

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khole - office work does indeed suck...but it woundnt be office work if it didnt...so...just have to keep your humor and your head togeather...just like evrything else..but i feel your pain.

Glad your having fun with your cutie...but remember your friends.

legend38 - learning web designing and mastering html is one of my goals...have fun with it. Visual basic has nearly limitless possibilities...good for you. and sadly i have the same relationship habbits...although mine rarely last two weeks.

what can i say...im an evil bad person...such is life.

linabina - some people are too cute to comment about...so ill just stand here and oggle. heh

scoob-e - how would i aquire those cds?

randall16 - content works. not much to stress over when your content.

synderella420 - sounds like your having a blast...keep it up =)

bebby6919 - theres something erotic about girls who play soccer.

maybe its just me...lol....and sorry lass but hondas suck roxy sucks even more. long as your hanving fun eh?


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*cough* err yeah..hey im trying to each lunch here.

well...i was eating lunch.


"An average male teenager masterbates 912.5 times a year"

If the average male lives 70 years

and has been cranken since the age of ten

and retains the same urges throught his beer gogglen life

He will estimate 54,750 "whoops i was cleaning it and it went off"

accidents in his lifetime.

thats alot of napkins folks

Originally posted by workenonlife

wut has george been doing with his life hhhmmmm jerken it off i am guessen LoL

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Originally posted by gothzane

*cough* err yeah..hey im trying to each lunch here.

well...i was eating lunch.


"An average male teenager masterbates 912.5 times a year"

If the average male lives 70 years

and has been cranken since the age of ten

and retains the same urges throught his beer gogglen life

He will estimate 54,750 "whoops i was cleaning it and it went off"

accidents in his lifetime.

thats alot of napkins folks


get back to work!

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Ummm, well I guess my shit would be an example of what not to do with one's life:

·DJing is still my only source of income since I got laid off from an ad agency last year

·I just put my name on the waiting list for these housing projects because I'm at the point where I can't afford my current apt anymore

·My g/f is pissed because she doesn't want to move to the projects, but then she's in Europe til June and hasn't been helping out with rent for the past few months, so I could give two shits about what she thinks

·I've been cheating on my g/f way too much lately

·I've been drinking way too much lately

·I've flushed pride down the shitter and have been letting a lot of people do all sorts of "favors" for me lately

·I'm broke, far from sober, and really don't give a fuck about anything anymore

On the plus side:

·I hope to get my website running again by next week so I can start accepting credit card orders

·I'm almost finished with a new cd that a lot of people have been asking about lately

·I hope to get my acid industrial version of Slayer's "South of Heaven" mixed and mastered by next week

·I've been making a lot of contacts by actually going out and networking

·I've got more DJ gigs than usual lined up for next month

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all the power to you brother.

Thing about hitting bottom....cant get much worse.

Hitting bottom is good for you, gives you a fresh start

you appreciate the simple things more.

But it is a burden none the less.

message me with your website.

ive been meaning to purchase some of your cds.

help support your demon-like dj skills.

Try to take it easy with the booze man

being an alcholoic cant be fun.


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Originally posted by legend38

LOLOL!!!!!!!! So true

I am interning as a web designer and loving every minute of it.

I am a waiter, and will be training on the bar soon.

I am continuing my goal to become the semi perfect phsycial specimen. (in my eyes)

I am fallin in love with Visual Basic and want to learn it in and out.

I'm working on being with one girl for more then 2 weeks. I would like to find something solid for a change.

I'm going to Mount Saint Mary's to get my finish my degree off next semester.

I play baseball for my college, and I have found a serious groove on the mound. Split finger is the key :)

I won't bore you with any more, but there is so much to tell :)

so damn busy... lol "when we both have time we'll talk again"... so funny :tongue:

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Originally posted by gothzane

bebby6919 - theres something erotic about girls who play soccer.

maybe its just me...lol....and sorry lass but hondas suck roxy sucks even more. long as your hanving fun eh?


ok but i said i play volleyball :confused:

I NOW know that hondas suck!! Well atleast mine does! :mad:

I LOVE ROXY!!!!!!!!! :horns:

thanx for tearing me apart there buddy :laugh:

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