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93.1 Issue again


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:confused: Has anyone heard the new commercial about how many of them that 93.1 will be playing in Month of March?? They have increased their per hour commericals from 4 to 6. Hmm?? Maybe it's just me, but if they are playing more commericals why don't they have any DJs on the radio? Having radio DJs can set mode of how the station comes across to the listerns and this is something we all have been waiting to happen.

I think I had too many coladas + American coffee this morning...:D

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Originally posted by bbflux

Forget about 93.1 , they'll never be more than another pwr 96 without the hip hop (unless, of course, their listeners start requesting hip hop too). It's a shame. :(

You know before I might have disagreed with u but it seems that u right. :(

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I guess time will tell...........


By any chance did anyone have power96 on Wednesday[?] night at like 11? A MIX uninterupted for at least 30 min!! And it wasn't the played out shit they or 93.1 usually plays sounded like the Late Night Laboratory on a Wednesday. It was a pleasant suprise...

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Originally posted by naomi1

You know before I might have disagreed with u but it seems that u right. :(

Honestly, I was REALLY LOOKING FORWARD to that radio station coming on the air. You have no idea how disappointed I am about the whole thing.

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Originally posted by Nolimit

they have to eat ya know... someone has to bring home the bread.

No arguments there, Diego. Still, they could have pleased the massed and kept their dignity as well by being a little different. There's nothing unique about this radio station.

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it's my understanding that the station. does not have a program director yet . so it's a bit early, to start tossing the towels in .. power96 gets on the average, of about $120.00 for a 30 sec. spot. thats a big chunk of change.

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By any chance did anyone have power96 on Wednesday[?] night at like 11? A MIX uninterupted for at least 30 min!! And it wasn't the played out shit they or 93.1 usually plays sounded like the Late Night Laboratory on a Wednesday. It was a pleasant suprise...

Yeah, that was LIVE from Voodoo Lounge..in fort lickerdale(yeah the club that is supposedly plays "cheesy" music as per Vaughn on the Voodoo Lounge post that turned out to be another thread of CP soap opera.) They do that every Wednesday from 10pm to 12am at night. Usually it's Eddie Mix that is on.

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Originally posted by sobeton

it's my understanding that the station. does not have a program director yet . so it's a bit early, to start tossing the towels in .. power96 gets on the average, of about $120.00 for a 30 sec. spot. thats a big chunk of change.

Sobe, their website states they do have a program director. If this is true,,, then what is he doing?? I mean, I know that it isn't easy to run a radio station but come-on... When are they going to get their stuff together. 3 months on the air and still nothing. I mean this seems to me that it starts from the owner down to who ever assists him.

People have you ever heard game plan?????

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Originally posted by naomi1

Sobe, their website states they do have a program director. If this is true,,, then what is he doing?? I mean, I know that it isn't easy to run a radio station but come-on... When are they going to get their stuff together. 3 months on the air and still nothing. I mean this seems to me that it starts from the owner down to who ever assists him.

People have you ever heard game plan?????

93.1 is owned by cox communications, not one my favorite broadcasting companies. Phil Michaels was named the pd, however he has not fully assumed the position (pardon the pun). he was the pd for 95.3 in orlando. if you have ever listened to that station; you’ll get an idea of the direction the station is heading. I don’t know that the format, will be exactly the same. hence my resolve, to just wait and see.
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Originally posted by sobeton

93.1 is owned by cox communications, not one my favorite brocasting companies. the Pd is Phil Michaels, and he has not fully assumed the position (pardon the pun). he was the pd for 95.3 in orlando. if you have ever listened to that station; you’ll get an idea of the direction the station is heading. I don’t know that the format, will be exactly the same. hence my resolve, to just wait and see.

Yes, I have heard the station before (Orlando) and also Cox owns a radio station in Chicago. But I hope whatever they have in stored will be good. At least one good thing is that they are the official Ultra 4 station. They will be broadcasting live from the festival which should be very interesting.

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Originally posted by naomi1

Yes, I have heard the station before (Orlando) and also Cox owns a radio station in Chicago. But I hope whatever they have in stored will be good. At least one good thing is that they are the official Ultra 4 station. They will be broadcasting live from the festival which should be very interesting.

the stock of cox communications reflects the fact that they are not delivering what people want the stock is tradingat an all time low. they definitely need some change

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Okay - When you hear Power 96 "Live" at Voodoo on Wed. nights, its not. Its a pre recorded program they do earlier on the week... Mainly all of the "Live" broadcasts that they do from other clubs are the same. And to have them come to a club is expensive to say the least. Let alone doing 30 sec. spot commericials on air as well.. I should know cuz I did some promotions with them last year.

just puttin my fo' cents ...


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At first I was dissapointed. Not any more. They have started to show progress in the right direction. Live Mixing on Fri and Sat. On Sundays from 10- midnight is Paul Oakenfold. They already hired thier first on air dj and first mixer. I beilive they are waiting for the winter Music conference or sometime right after that. The program direct has been there since early Feb. One thing I can assure you is it wont be anither Power 96. Power never gave or supported this music till 99' when the mix and Grooveradio kicked in. Personally, they will never have my support. With the on air dj issue, since they are trying to stay away from hiring other station dj's in the S. Fla market, its taking a little while longer to find the talent. All I can say is be patient, some progress has been made and will continue to be made but please dont ever compare it to power.

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Originally posted by djconcept

. . .but please dont ever compare it to power.

I can only base my opinions on what I hear when I switch the dial over to 93.1 So far it sounds like pwr 96 minus the hip hop. Most people have no way of knowing what's going on behind the scenes. 95% of what they play on the air is cheese. Once in a while they throw in a cute little track that I can swallow but for the most part I'm disappointed with what I hear. I do hope, however, that you are right and that the DJ(s) they've hired aren't going to bore everyone with the same old bubblegum, comercial trance stuff. :)

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Once upon a time whenI was just a youngster tuning the dial on the radio (yes, back than you actually had to turn the knob manually), I came across a new radio station calling itself 96X and yes, they too, played non-stop music. No commercials. WOW, what a concept. But all good things must end. And this will and must happen to Party 93.1. If they want to make a profit and stay on the air. I don't know feed their families? Maybe shell out out some $$$ to air live sets from clubs that we love to go to cuz they bring each of us our favorite DJ's. Stop bitching and give it time. I'm sure all of you who claim to listen to nothing but your burned CD's have atleast set 93.1 into memory. Supprot it. Provide input. It may not be exactly what you're looking for YET. I've run into ALOT of people who've said they haven't changed the station since it started. Best of luck to Party 93.1 and hopefully Power will start bringing us more of the dance music we crave. Party on clubbers!

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Originally posted by busty36

Stop bitching and give it time. I'm sure all of you who claim to listen to nothing but your burned CD's have atleast set 93.1 into memory. Supprot it. Provide input. It may not be exactly what you're looking for YET. I've run into ALOT of people who've said they haven't changed the station since it started. Best of luck to Party 93.1 and hopefully Power will start bringing us more of the dance music we crave. Party on clubbers!

Busty, I don't think anyone here can deny that they haven't listened to 93.1. What is quite obivous is that everyone is wondering what heck is going on. So much hype into this radio station when it first started but it has reached a stand still. Yes they have slowly made some progress. The most impressing is that they are the official Ultra 4 station. Of course to be seen/heard the extend of this.

As listerners we all can demand what we want hear. How else would 93.1 know if they are doing a good job. I am very sure they read boards such this one to see what the people are saying.

Personally, I haven't stop listening. But it is very tiring hearing over and over the same song in less than one hour sometimes. Besides we on CP like having disucssions like this because most of the time something we didn't know will be known. That's why this is a community where we all inform each other of events that are happening. :shades:

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