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Fuck Nyc, Fuck People, Fuck Me!!

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"Should I leave my cell phone and BRAND new digital camera in my car or take it with me?"

"Nah leave them in the car, its safer. You might drop or lose them in Roxy"

Here is my short Roxy review:

Had fun. More details to follow.

Here is my post 4:30 am review:

Came back, got in car. Noticed missing ash tray. Noticed open glove box. Noticed 2 missing cell phones, 1 back pack, 1 digital camera, 1 Alpine MRV-T707 amplifier. Also noticed fucked up passenger side door lock on a 2000 Eclipse GT. Why is it I saw at least 5-6 Porsche 911s right in the same area, but nobody fucks with them. Just me.

Waited 3 fuckig hours for the NYPD to come because 911 can't get their shit together. In the mean time I did NOT see 1 cop. I parked on 22nd bet 6th ad 7th. The cop told me to park next to a dumpster, thanks asshole.... the city put a fuckin dumpster right behind my car after i parked it. ASSHOLES! So bottom line, i'm missing a whole lot of my SHIT! My friend came to visit for the weekend and does't have any personal items.. AT ALL! Fuck it, i'm going to sleep.

PS - if you call my cellphone tell the fokers to give it back. Thanks. Also, please send me your phone # if i had it in my phone.

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Oh my god!!!! That really sucks! I am so sorry. I was supposed to go to Roxy but I stayed home instead. Maybe you should have too!! People should keep their hands to themselves. Just one question, was your stuff in plain sight? If so, never leave shit lay in your car, always put it in your trunk!!!! This way if they are looking in cars before they decide to break into one, they will

choose the car with the most visual shit! I hope you have good insurance!!!! :(

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ummm.. next time leave ur beautiful car at home dummy... u know how us new yorkerz do... GRIMEY!! n we dont give a fluckkkkkkkkk!!! nah im playin but seriously.. when i go out.. i dont bring my car anywhere!! too many things happen in ny... sorry for what happened babe! kep ya head up :hat:

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wow.. i feel your pain hun.. thats happened to me at exit 2 years ago.. I stayed in there for about 2 hours b/c it sucked and when i walked to my car, my cell, my friends cell, 100 cds, my stereo, box, amp and credit cards were gone. I will NEVER EVER EVER park on the street again.. I pay $30 at exit, $20 at SF, $10 or $15 at roxy.. its soooooo worth it.. IM sorry tho.. :(

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Yeah I kow I should have parked in a garage, but it seemed like the city isn't that bad anymore. I have full coverage, and I reported about $2,500 stolen, so hopefully i'll get it back. It all depends on my insurance company. It just sucks ass I have to go through all of this. Aghhh... i have to go find my checkbook and make sure i still have it. And now i'm off to buy aonther cell phone. Everything was out of sight.. i made sure of it. I even took down my ezpass and parking permit. There was NOTHING in sight. They left my friend's cell phone on the back seat. I'm assuming the car alarm wasgoig off for a few minutes so they didn't exactly have time to shop for shit. Sucks for me. I'm tired :(

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People are so fucked up... the night you have a fuckin great night always has to be cursed with something.. ask Larry... lol he knows my luck with my damn car, my wallet in can cun.. I have had absolutely no luck this year =(

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like a month ago in the same area, they broke into the passenger side stole my head unit, thank god i put shit in the trunk, maybe its the same assholes, im afraid to drive my car into the city now, dealing with these assholes, gives me a fucking headache. sorry to hear that

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Originally posted by hmnyc

like a month ago in the same area, they broke into the passenger side stole my head unit, thank god i put shit in the trunk, maybe its the same assholes, im afraid to drive my car into the city now, dealing with these assholes, gives me a fucking headache. sorry to hear that

Yeah I don't think this car will see overnight city parking for a very long time. Hopefully insurance will take care of this stuff. I still can't believe I waited 2 1/2 hours for a cop to show up. They messed up my call so many times. I ended up calling 911 6 times, and the 10th and 13th precinct.

Oh yeah... and on top of everything I had a bottle of smirnoff in the trunk. So put it behind the dumpster so the cops wouldn't see it, just as a precaution even though i'm 21. When I checked 3 hours later that was stolen too, except the thief took a giant SHIT right there. NYC still has its wack areas. :eek:

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im gonna set up a sting one night pretend like im going to the club and see if anyone tries to fuck with my car again and fucking kill em, fucing assholes got nothing better to do then fuck with peoples shit. they should gather all these fucking criminals and put them on the front line in aafganistan, hunting for mines and shit

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That was my god damn 25$ bottle of smirnoff. What am I gonna do tonight. You should have reported it to the cops but I feel asleep in the back.

We should have kicked the @#$% out of the homeless guy too. I bet you he drank it and took the dump.


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HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

Bro, that sucks, and i just saw that fucking camera the other day!!!!!!!!!!!

But now does everyone who asks Quoth, "you take the train to the city? How come you don't drive?" :idea:

Simply cause of shit like this and parking is way expensive and it only cost $1 to get to ny.

But yo man did you say that the thieves took a bottleof smirnoff from yer trunk...then took a shit in yer trunk?????? man it must fuckin smell in there. Who removed the shit from you trunk? Did you wear gloves?

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Originally posted by quoth

HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

Bro, that sucks, and i just saw that fucking camera the other day!!!!!!!!!!!

But now does everyone who asks Quoth, "you take the train to the city? How come you don't drive?" :idea:

Simply cause of shit like this and parking is way expensive and it only cost $1 to get to ny.

But yo man did you say that the thieves took a bottleof smirnoff from yer trunk...then took a shit in yer trunk?????? man it must fuckin smell in there. Who removed the shit from you trunk? Did you wear gloves?

bro, re read what he typed.

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