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My big Fuck You to Stuckonearth

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This party must have been the worst organized event I've ever been to. My worst nightmare doesnt even compare to what happened last night. Lets start with the line to get in. Actually, I shouldnt even call it a line. More like 500 people pushing on each other to get to the front. Then once you get closer to the front, you get soaked like a mothafucka. But does security do something to fix this. NO....These are the same people that tell everyone who has tickets to move to the right but are pointing to the left. And its not like they did this once, they did it over and over again. So it took over 2 hours to get.....Once I got inside it didnt get any better. It took another 20 minutes to check our coats. So in the end I only heard Carl Cox for 45 minutes. Well thats not that bad. I'm thinking Richie Hawtin is gonna come on for the next 3 hours. But once again I was making sense. I mean why would you wanna put one of the headlining dj's into the main tent, which is bigger, when you could have him play up in the atrium which is alot smaller. Yeah thats the way to go. Lets have everyone go up the wet metal stairs.:rolleyes:....Ok so me Msoprano, GGFella, and some of my friends try to make our way up there. Easier said than done. Security is not letting anyone up there because there are too many people. No fucking shit there's too many people. Thats what happens when you try to cram several thousand people into an area 3/4 the size of the main tent. But because I've only been here for 45 minutes I decide to wait alittle bit more until they open it up. So there's a bunch of us just chillin in the tent waiting. We notice coat check is not moving at all and we would find out later on why. While I was down there I talked to one of the light tech's who also wasnt too happy because security wasnt letting his staff upstairs also. So about 30 minutes later GGFella and myself go outside to check if we could go up. Thank god they're letting people go up. So the two us go up the first staircase to see whats up. Well it turns out they're not letting anyone who leaves to go back up. Luckily, we saw CCD and she let Gianni go back down to get everyone. So we all finally make our way up. Richie Hawtin is fuckin destroying the place. Everything's good until they stop the music to announce that someone feel down the stairs and they need the kid's brother to go with him to the hospital. Once again this could have been avoided by simply having Hawtin in the main tent.....So around 6:15 me and my friends decide to leave thinking we'll get to coat check before it gets mobbed. We get down there to see that Msoprano and GGFella have given up on getting their coats and are heading home. So we're waiting there moving at a snails pace when one of the securty gaurds comes out to say that coat check fucked up and they dont know where everyone's coat it. Now having worked coat check before, I can pretty much say that its a simple process. You hang up the coats in number order so it's easy to find it later. But this must have been too confusing for the retards they had working there. But somehow I managed to get out of there at 7........So in the end, the music was good but everthing else just killed it. Way too many people walking around fucked up. And promoters who throw parties for the money instead of the party itself. The scene is dying........

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my night was exactly the opposite. when i got there, it was about 1:30, walked to the front of the line (soaking wet). told the guy 'listen, i need to go inside...' and he let me. i didnt bother checking my coat because i figured there were gonna be some issues with the coat check. i went to the tent but it was so wet and nasty my friend and i decided we shoudl just go inside. after we are up there for about 45 minutes my friends who were meeting us inside called and we all met up. i ended up talking to some kids who told me hawtin was spinning inside instead of in the tent, which made my night cuz i wasnt feeling that leaking tent at all. we were already inside when hawtin went on. we found a spot to dance right in the front by the stage so i dropped my coat on there. it was great, by the time we went outside it was light out.

i didnt think we were going to have so much fun, especially after walking like 10 blocks in huge storm. i almost wanted to get in a cab and leave at first but everything ended up working out perfectly.

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Originally posted by somebitch

my night was exactly the opposite. when i got there, it was about 1:30, walked to the front of the line (soaking wet). told the guy 'listen, i need to go inside...' and he let me. i didnt bother checking my coat because i figured there were gonna be some issues with the coat check. i went to the tent but it was so wet and nasty my friend and i decided we shoudl just go inside. after we are up there for about 45 minutes my friends who were meeting us inside called and we all met up. i ended up talking to some kids who told me hawtin was spinning inside instead of in the tent, which made my night cuz i wasnt feeling that leaking tent at all. we were already inside when hawtin went on. we found a spot to dance right in the front by the stage so i dropped my coat on there. it was great, by the time we went outside it was light out.

I agree with you 100% ;) It was a GREAT NiGHT!!!

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And promoters who throw parties for the money instead of the party itself. The scene is dying........

FYI those peopl don't do it for that reason they spent shitloads of money for quality music and a unique venue. I think it would have been easier if the weather wasn't killing us.

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

FYI those peopl don't do it for that reason they spent shitloads of money for quality music and a unique venue. I think it would have been easier if the weather wasn't killing us.

i gotta disagree with you there...when i got there it was just drizziling and the line was waaaaaaaaaay down the block.....security was a joke....all kidding aside i could have organzied a better check in........
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what was up with the sound volume thing?

At first Coxy was having a great fucking time and says "We're going to take this all the way through to 7 o'clock in the morning", next thing you know he's really pissed off about the volume thing.

The vibe was crushed, and although it got good again, it didn't match the level of intensity that had been building beforehand. He ended promptly at 4.

Hadn't this been investigated prior? Poor planning...

All in all, aside of the obvious (i.e. wet, poorly organized, coat check ridiculousness, etc.) I had a very good night. I thought Cox threw down hard as shit and I was loving it. Ron, Crobra, good to briefly see you kids. Didn't meet any other CP peeps - mugz, don't know how I missed you.

Cox: "Fuck it, it's only water..."

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Originally posted by idrthrbclbng

what was up with the sound volume thing?

At first Coxy was having a great fucking time and says "We're going to take this all the way through to 7 o'clock in the morning", next thing you know he's really pissed off about the volume thing.

The vibe was crushed, and although it got good again, it didn't match the level of intensity that had been building beforehand. He ended promptly at 4.

Hadn't this been investigated prior? Poor planning...

All in all, aside of the obvious (i.e. wet, poorly organized, coat check ridiculousness, etc.) I had a very good night. I thought Cox threw down hard as shit and I was loving it. Ron, Crobra, good to briefly see you kids. Didn't meet any other CP peeps - mugz, don't know how I missed you.

Cox: "Fuck it, it's only water..."

yea i forgot about the volume...that totally brought down the vibe, then he even stopped spinning....the place was fucking cranking, then when he lowered the volume it brought everyone down....wtf was that about????
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Originally posted by msoprano13

yea i forgot about the volume...that totally brought down the vibe, then he even stopped spinning....the place was fucking cranking, then when he lowered the volume it brought everyone down....wtf was that about????

Dude, Coxy was having a great time, and the vibe was building sick-style. He says he's gonna spin till 7 (supposed to end at 4), which improved the vibe that much more, and then 5 minutes later he stops spinning and he's really pissed. The vibe was shot, people were standing around and shit. Ridiculous.

Someone fucked up...

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Originally posted by idrthrbclbng

Dude, Coxy was having a great time, and the vibe was building sick-style. He says he's gonna spin till 7 (supposed to end at 4), which improved the vibe that much more, and then 5 minutes later he stops spinning and he's really pissed. The vibe was shot, people were standing around and shit. Ridiculous.

Someone fucked up...

looks like im gonna have to put a hit out on someone:idea:
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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

FYI those peopl don't do it for that reason they spent shitloads of money for quality music and a unique venue. I think it would have been easier if the weather wasn't killing us.

Yes the weather sucked but its not excuse for the amount of time you had to wait for certain things. The police tape they put up before 3 on the line to get in should have been done before people even started arriving. Everything would flow alot smoother and people would be getting in alot faster. Also, I dont see how the weather could have affected the chaos that occured in coat check. And those two were my biggest problems. The venue and the music were great but the way things were setup just killed it for me.

BTW, you have my respect for working coat check at the end of the night with all that was going on.....

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About the sound being lowered. That was due to the NYPD. The permits for that sound level lasted only till a certain time. Main reason for having Hawtin Upstairs was to keep the music at a louder level.

Martin: I hear ya bro, but in all fairness not everyone is as saavy as CP. There were so many people that really didn't either understand english or just plain I hate to use the word stupid. But they just didn't listen to directions.

I felt like I was speaking like alien to people they were just like HUH. lol u saw me at coat check I was like move down. PEOPLE would just stand there lol I was trying to not have a breakdown.

idrthrbclbng: he didn't say he was spinning till 7. He said "WE ARE GOING till 7";)

Well I tried to help as much as possible. ULTRA FEST next stop...

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this party was legenary.... cox - unbelievable. hawtin - unbelievable. hawtin beat my ass into submission. wow.

the venue itself was great. i wish we could have taken more advantage of the balcony - that mall was soooooo crazy! (that sets the bar for future parties!)

the rain kind of added to it for me - made the whole thing kind of surreal. it only sucked at the walk home (and when my date went home with this asshole that had been hitting on her all night...)

the fucking red tape involved with moving around was just unacceptable. we only made it through the line by pushing and sneaking our way through. they wouldn't give us our VIP access dammit. friends waited 45 minutes to get upstairs. one friend had to pee in a cup at the food court just so she didn't have to wait again.

you would think, given the fact that raves have been thrown since the 80's, studio 54 mastered the art of crowd control in the disco era, and large concerts have been set up for god knows how long, you would be able to figure this out a little bit better.

it is a shame that with so much money being spent by SoE on the music, the venue and security, they chinse out on proper planning and operations, hiring enough staff to take people's tickets and coats, and PLAN FOR THE PEOPLE MOVING! hell the last hour is the vibe you take home with you from the party - if its spent pushing and shoving in front of coat-check then that's just a damn shame considering how amazing it was inside.

i guess we all just have to put the music ahead of the b.s. and that's that....

shouts to xpander, mugz, siceone, the tiesto guys, and everyone else who i know by face but not by name....



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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

he didn't say he was spinning till 7. He said "WE ARE GOING till 7";)

OK, thanks for the clarification CCD.

I thought that he said "We're going to take this through till 7 o'clock in the morning", and it seemed like at that time he wasn't aware of the sound thing. Also, I saw him getting into a limo at 4:15 right after his set. :confused:

Will definitely be at Ultra.

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great seeing you last night!

(Sorry about the date thing man...ouch!)


WTF is wrong with speaking Alien anyway?

But I know..I saw it too..it was Like:

Coatcheck:" move to the right.."

Clubber: "Huh?"

Coatcheck"Please move to the right so u don't hold up the line.."



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Originally posted by cotoncandydream

FYI those peopl don't do it for that reason they spent shitloads of money for quality music and a unique venue. I think it would have been easier if the weather wasn't killing us.

while i don't think the weather would have alleviated any of the piss-poor planning that went into this event - i think we can safely say that SoE did not throw this party for the money:

let's do a little math, shall we?

4000 * $40 = $160,000

suppose everyone buys (on average) 2 drinks: 4000 * $14 = $56,000

so their profit is capped out at $216,000 - plus sponsorships and minus costs. considering the manmonths that go into planning and promoting a party like this, dj fees, venue rental, insurance, rent-a-cops, bribes to the city council and police, bar and coatcheck staff, etc, a hefty chunk of that is gone. then add to it the risk involved if the party gets cancelled (this happened to a hardcore record store in nj and they had to sell the store to cover their losses).

now lets look at some other parties:

ultra: 30,000 * $60 = $1.8 million

dance valley, amsterdam: 90,000 * $40 = $3.6 million

amnesia, ibiza: 7,000 * $30 x 7 days/week = $1.5 million/week

given what's REALLY at stake in the techno/rave "industry" $200k seems like pittance to me.

add to that the fact that stuck on earth could have just as easily sold out this party @ a massive venue with 4x the capacity (and 4x the profit) where carl cox would be nothing but a tiny black dot or some pixles on a vid-screen i think its safe to say they've got other things on their mind.



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