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e and shroomz


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candyflippin or hippetrippin whatever its called

Whats up people :)

Iv never eaten shrooms before. Are they better to do with e?

I don't wanna catch a bad trip (never tried cid either) And Im a nervous person to begin with.

So it would make sense to me, to drop a pill so I feel calm and without worries, and than take the shrooms.

Dose anybody have any first time experience stories or advice for me??

One more thing, Iv had these shrooms for like 2 months already. Are they still good?

And are they supposed to be all dried out looking?

Thank you



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hippi flippin

this is something that i have never tried but i swore to myself that i was going to this past weekend. i got a hold of the most powerful mushrooms i have ever eaten this weekend so there was no way i could have functioned with E too. usually when people eat shrooms and E i have heard it is better to eat the shrooms and then later take the pill. if you have never done shrooms i would suggest to just take them by themselves and if you are feeling good later on then maybe pop the pill. they are very different drugs IMO. one of these days i am going to try them together but mushrooms always are enough for me. maybe if you want to feel calm before eating them you should smoke a blunt or something, that always works.... also i you eat them on an empty stomach it might hit harder.

have fun, be safe.... peace

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Well, if you have never tripped on anything before, then do not start off by hippy flippin...it can get very intense. Eat some shrooms by themselves first, you'll enjoy it. Shrooms are wonderful and usually very happy. I've only had one bad shroom tirp out of tons and that was cause I took WAY WAY to much. Just relax and enjoy yourself. E potentiates psychedelics very much when you do them together.

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I've heard it called 'trolling" as well as those names.

My first experience: Ate about a quarter of mushrooms, munching on them over the course of three or four hours, ingested E about one hour into it.

It felt really good, body wise, and everything was going well, but I blacked out and pissed myself, so maybe it was too much. Nice while it lasted tho!:blank:

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Originally posted by jbocc10

hippi flippin

this is something that i have never tried but i swore to myself that i was going to this past weekend. i got a hold of the most powerful mushrooms i have ever eaten this weekend so there was no way i could have functioned with E too. usually when people eat shrooms and E i have heard it is better to eat the shrooms and then later take the pill. if you have never done shrooms i would suggest to just take them by themselves and if you are feeling good later on then maybe pop the pill. they are very different drugs IMO. one of these days i am going to try them together but mushrooms always are enough for me. maybe if you want to feel calm before eating them you should smoke a blunt or something, that always works.... also i you eat them on an empty stomach it might hit harder.

have fun, be safe.... peace

So bocc, I take it you enjoyed yourself in Amsterdam...................

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Thanks for the info. everybody

Iv decided to take baby steps, and just eat the shroomz alone.

Dose anybody know the shelf life of these things. Like I said Iv had them for like 2 months. Do you think they are still good?

And they are all dried up. If you crush it, it turns to shake.

:confused: :confused:


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In my experience, there is some shelf life on shrooms... yours might not be quite as potent. I took some that had been around for a week, and they weren't really that effective. However, I've had a little limited shrooms experience, so somebody might have a more precise answer. :confused:

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Originally posted by individual

In my experience, there is some shelf life on shrooms... yours might not be quite as potent. I took some that had been around for a week, and they weren't really that effective. However, I've had a little limited shrooms experience, so somebody might have a more precise answer. :confused:

. . . I used to get big caps fresh from the cow fields of Ocala when I was living down in Florida . . . Exceptionally intense and earthy high that put cid in the category of "cheap date" permenantly in my eyes . . Freshness is key with Shrooms, I used to hate getting dried up ones, they're gross, and ineffective (for me at least) . . .

. . I would suggest taking the shrooms first (small amount) and see how you like the trip part of it . . .If you think you can handle the trip while feeling the somatic intensity of rolls, then by all means go for it . . . but I do NOT suggest eating caps for the first time, then rolling on the same night . . .

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fuck it skip all that shit get a hold of some good acid and drop a pill and candyflip for like 9-12 hours hahaha.

nah but for real if you are worried about buggin while trippin try to get your hands on some xanex or some other type of antianxiety medication. Most bad trips are caused because of too much anxiety. People say smoke a blunt to calm you down but news flash people marijuana can make you anxious as well.

I do like to smoke like a half hour after i eat shrooms though... seems to make them kick in

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the only mix which seriously fucked me

first vodka

along with it Hash (when i say hash i mean a fuck loads of it)

then coke

and in the end 2 E's ..

I did this on new years 1999 back home ..

I was seriously Rocked .. but it was not a bad trip at all

I was loving it .. and had a constant smile on my face for HOURS!!and wide open eyes !!

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Shrooms will slowly loose their potency depending on how they are stored (cool, dry, out of light, paper bags are good) untill they are about half as strong as they are fresh. But they will remain at that strength almost indefinetly.

BTW I think shrooming on a low dose of shrooms and a roll or two is a great way to start. You are in such a good mood it makes the trippy part insane.

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I popped a pill or two and was feeling niiiiice, so I ate the shroomz (boiled them in water, and drank the water)

We split 1g between 2 people. I don't know if it was not enough, or coz the shooms were weak. But I really did not feel anything.

I had some (very few) colerful closed eyed visuals. I seen waves of color. And it keep moving like I was flying threw stained glass windows. But after the e weared off (which was not the best rolls Iv ever had) I just felt kindda strung out.

The thing that scared me about shrooms was that people say they make you think about a lot of shit. When Im fucked up, all I wanna think about is being fucked up!

Thanks for everyones input :D


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Depending on the shrooms, 1 g will barely do anything to you except give you that uncomfortable body high. I have had shrooms on a couple of occasions that 1 g would fuck you up nicely, but those are extremely rare. Hippyflipping is a lot of fun, but it can also be very intense if you do it right The line between fun and frightful can be crossed quickly if you don't watch yourself. Just remember that shrooms are not like pills, you can't just keep taking em and not wig out.

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