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Applications being accepted...

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I'm looking for a partner in crime... Someone willing to spend lots of time/money/effort seeking out good times around the city...

Minimum Requirements for the Position:

Like music, and lots of it...

Be able to function on minimal ammounts of sleep

Like to jump from venue to venue (if its worth it, of course)

Must come out several nights of the week (not just fri & sat)

Must never utter the words "i'm too old"/"I'm dead from LAST night"/anything of the like...

Interviews start tonight...

I'll be checking out Frying pan(Info , Maybe Baktun (DirectDrive), and Vinyl (Deep Dish)...

anyone down??


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Guest tilly
Originally posted by joeg

Must never utter the words "i'm too old"/"I'm dead from LAST night"/anything of the like...


ayyye...respect your elders:tongue:

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by joeg

hehe, ain't nothin wrong wit sayin that, but doesn't fit the application, babe! :D

oh darn, my application has been denied...I can't go out and lose my hearing in pounding clubs that play mediocre music every night, waste my money, days and energy for no reason what-so-ever...DAMN DAMN!~

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Originally posted by tilly

oh darn, my application has been denied...I can't go out and lose my hearing in pounding clubs that play mediocre music every night, waste my money, days and energy for no reason what-so-ever...DAMN DAMN!~

I have no problem with that statement aside from the term "mediocre music"... I'd hardly call smith & selway, chris fortiere, dj wool, reid speed, aphrodite & eric morrillo "mediocre"... And that was just this week... :finger:

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by joeg

chris fortiere

IF you are going to "name drop," at least spell it correctly

fortier darling:tongue:

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Originally posted by tilly

IF you are going to "name drop," at least spell it correctly

fortier darling:tongue:

oh, you got me... typo = mediocre music...

Thanks for playing... open up your mind to something other than florida breaks sometime...

and I believe your so called "name dropping" was warranted, as to better depict the afore mentioned "mediocre music" for our viewers at home... :tongue:;)

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by joeg

oh, you got me... typo = mediocre music...

Thanks for playing... open up your mind to something other than florida breaks sometime...

and I believe your so called "name dropping" was warranted, as to better depict the afore mentioned "mediocre music" for our viewers at home... :tongue:;)

be in the scene for more than a month and we'll chat more about genres, scene in general and we can really start to name drop, k?

by the way, you must not have been paying attention to me ever since my styles range beyond just "florida breaks":blank:

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Originally posted by tilly

by the way, you must not have been paying attention to me ever since my styles range beyond just "florida breaks":blank:

That started, what... last friday when you went to see DT?

Don't even pretend like your not hypercritical of everything, Deb...

Ok, back to my applications... I need a partner damnit! :)

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by joeg

That started, what... last friday when you went to see DT?

Don't even pretend like your not hypercritical of everything, Deb...

Ok, back to my applications... I need a partner damnit! :)

what genre does DT spin? is that electro? hahahahaha...

"I'm a Breakshead yet I'm going to go to the IT party at WMC cuz I follow the herds and not the MUSIC FOR LOVE..."

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Originally posted by tilly

what genre does DT spin? is that electro? hahahahaha...

"I'm a Breakshead yet I'm going to go to the IT party at WMC cuz I follow the herds and not the MUSIC FOR LOVE..."

By IT party, of course you're reffering to Ultra 4... what?? whats that you say??? you're bitter because your not going to wmc... ohhh i'm sorry... i'll tell you how the plump dj's first time spinning in the USA goes when I get back from ultra...

DT is SOOooooo New York... I wish I was back in florida with bmf...


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Guest tilly
Originally posted by joeg

By IT party, of course you're reffering to Ultra 4... what?? whats that you say??? you're bitter because your not going to wmc... ohhh i'm sorry... i'll tell you how the plump dj's first time spinning in the USA goes when I get back from ultra...

DT is SOOooooo New York... I wish I was back in florida with bmf...


and you heard of plumb dj's all of last week? hahahahaha...

you'll learn that spending $50 on a dj(s) that you just heard about last week only cuz you know it's supposed to be a "special" thing to do is pretty shallow and that going for the true love of that dj is much more special....

humm..."I'm a breakshead..but i'm following the herd and going to PVD...instead of seeing a rare (and they prob won't come to NY) PERFORMANCE Of the best breaks producer & co with the cars that they shipped all the way from the UK..."but my friends are going to PVD..."

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Guest tilly

we aren't really arguing..just poking fun at each other cuz we're friends and we can do that...

the funny thing is that we were im'ing like nothing was happening through most of this...:laugh:

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Originally posted by tilly

we aren't really arguing..just poking fun at each other cuz we're friends and we can do that...

the funny thing is that we were im'ing like nothing was happening through most of this...:laugh:

lol... hey, no fair, you posted while I was out... :tongue:

yeah... You think CP would be used to seeing us trash one another from time to time... lol


Yeah, so back to topic... I need someone to bounce around with... what the fuck, wheres all the crazyass cp'ers who want music/fun???

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You kids are silly!

Been in this shit a looong time..

And the more I hear the more I like!

(Every genre has good and bad)

But then again those that have been doing this

for years (And across the globe)

Know that!As well as the fact that there are some people that

can never fully understand a large spectrum of colors..

(It's like getting angry at a dog for only seeing BLACK AND WHITE and not understanding what the color orange is!)

It's all good...

For me DIVERSITY in sounds is key and

is what makes music soooooo wonderful,

and clubbing such an adventure!

How boring it must be to live in

a world with only one or two choices


But whateva~

I'm down Joe..

Always have been..

Always will!

(And working's just a day thing..

MUSIC is my night!)

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Originally posted by mugwump

You kids are silly!

Been in this shit a looong time..

And the more I hear the more I like!

(Every genre has good and bad)

But then again those that have been doing this

for years (And across the globe)

Know that!As well as the fact that there are some people that

can never fully understand a large spectrum of colors..

(It's like getting angry at a dog for only seeing BLACK AND WHITE and not understanding what the color orange is!)

It's all good...

For me DIVERSITY in sounds is key and

is what makes music soooooo wonderful,

and clubbing such an adventure!

How boring it must be to live in

a world with only one or two choices


But whateva~

I'm down Joe..

Always have been..

Always will!

(And working's just a day thing..

MUSIC is my night!)

haha, the Originator of the "crazy music fiending clubkid"...

well whats your plan for tonight???

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by mugwump

You kids are silly!

Been in this shit a looong time..

And the more I hear the more I like!

(Every genre has good and bad)

But then again those that have been doing this

for years (And across the globe)

Know that!As well as the fact that there are some people that

can never fully understand a large spectrum of colors..

(It's like getting angry at a dog for only seeing BLACK AND WHITE and not understanding what the color orange is!)

It's all good...

For me DIVERSITY in sounds is key and

is what makes music soooooo wonderful,

and clubbing such an adventure!

How boring it must be to live in

a world with only one or two choices


But whateva~

I'm down Joe..

Always have been..

Always will!

(And working's just a day thing..

MUSIC is my night!)

seems as though you missed the point of this thread all together~ who mentioned diversity? I think this was about going out every night and staying true to what you "claim" you are into as opposed to following herds of ppl just cuz it seems like the cool thing to do.

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