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for all you WWF fans that didnt get WRestlemania

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

As if it's not bad enough that all the guys juice-up, there are no longer any women in the WWF who don't have ridiculously fake ta-ta's :tongue:

Hogan will be back with the nWo in no time... it was all a big set-up. Should make for a good nitro though.

Not ALL of them juice up, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do to take yourself to the higher level.

and Nitro :confused:

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Originally posted by legend38

Not ALL of them juice up, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do to take yourself to the higher level.

and Nitro :confused:

oops, force of habit... my friends still refer to RAW as Nitro... we used to love WCW. I can't stand WWF... if there were no WCW wrestlers (really just Hogan and the nWo), I'd never watch WWF. It's gotten really, really bad (watching Stone Cold spill beer all over himself got old 3 years ago.) WHAT?? <---- SO f'ing stupid

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

oops, force of habit... my friends still refer to RAW as Nitro... we used to love WCW. I can't stand WWF... if there were no WCW wrestlers (really just Hogan and the nWo), I'd never watch WWF. It's gotten really, really bad (watching Stone Cold spill beer all over himself got old 3 years ago.) WHAT?? <---- SO f'ing stupid

You didn't just say that... tellllllllllll me you did not just say you used to watch WCW.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

oops, force of habit... my friends still refer to RAW as Nitro... we used to love WCW. I can't stand WWF... if there were no WCW wrestlers (really just Hogan and the nWo), I'd never watch WWF. It's gotten really, really bad (watching Stone Cold spill beer all over himself got old 3 years ago.) WHAT?? <---- SO f'ing stupid

You actually enjoyed WCW programming?

The only reason I watched Nitro was for a couple reasons.

1) It gave me something to watch til Raw came on at 9.

2) WWF commercial breaks

3) I liked a large portion of the talent roster.

The WCW booking team was controlled by a few of the big name talents; the same talents that refused to put the younger wrestlers over and allowed for a stale, repetitive program.

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Originally posted by o-jay®

He'll be 49 years old this year. 49 year old men and steroids don't mix in my opinion.

First of the man doesn't look a year over 25, second off Hogan is the reason why wrestlers have to take steroids. He did admit that he used them in the early 80's, but swore of them since.

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Originally posted by nrgy112

First of the man doesn't look a year over 25, second off Hogan is the reason why wrestlers have to take steroids. He did admit that he used them in the early 80's, but swore of them since.

and tell me that you didnt just say hogan doesnt look a year over 25!??????????

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Originally posted by roninmess

and tell me that you didnt just say hogan doesnt look a year over 25!??????????

LOLOL!!!!! My thoughts excactly!!!

Hogan wasn't the only wrestler to use steroids. Back when he used them steroids were legal and accepted by atheletes worldwide. Most of the wrestlers from that period of time used them.

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Originally posted by legend38

I hope not, I would keep the same attire but with the old Hulk intensity.

Yellow and red is Cheese IMO.

umm yellow and red arent cheese colors actually.. theyre ketchup and mustard LOL... when i was a kid i swear, every time i saw yellow and red together i thought of that... made me sick :tongue:
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Originally posted by linabina

umm yellow and red arent cheese colors actually.. theyre ketchup and mustard LOL... when i was a kid i swear, every time i saw yellow and red together i thought of that... made me sick :tongue:



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Originally posted by nrgy112

First of the man doesn't look a year over 25, second off Hogan is the reason why wrestlers have to take steroids. He did admit that he used them in the early 80's, but swore of them since.

so you are saying wrestlers take steriods because of hulk hogan? um no. all the main event guys have used steriods and still are, its so obvious, end of discussion.

would you wanna see a bunch of xpacs and spike dudleys fighting each other?

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Originally posted by legend38

You actually enjoyed WCW programming?

The only reason I watched Nitro was for a couple reasons.

1) It gave me something to watch til Raw came on at 9.

2) WWF commercial breaks

3) I liked a large portion of the talent roster.

The WCW booking team was controlled by a few of the big name talents; the same talents that refused to put the younger wrestlers over and allowed for a stale, repetitive program.

For a couple of years WCW was MUCH MUCH MUCH better than WWF. WCW had all of the talent, all the good angles, and a much better/bigger audience (used to destroy RAW in the ratings). Think about when the nWo first came into existence... probably the best wrestling angle in the last 10 years. This is when I used to watch.

Ever since Hogan stopped wrestling on WCW (he was still employed, just barely ever wrestled), wrestling has just been awful.

And if you want to talk about repetitive programming... all I have to say is, "What? Stone Cold Said So. The Rock Says, Finally The Rock Has Come Back, The Hooooo Train, etc. etc."... a combination of these phrases have been repeated at nearly every WWF event for the past 2-3 years... :blown:

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

For a couple of years WCW was MUCH MUCH MUCH better than WWF. WCW had all of the talent, all the good angles, and a much better/bigger audience (used to destroy RAW in the ratings). Think about when the nWo first came into existence... probably the best wrestling angle in the last 10 years. This is when I used to watch.

Ever since Hogan stopped wrestling on WCW (he was still employed, just barely ever wrestled), wrestling has just been awful.

And if you want to talk about repetitive programming... all I have to say is, "What? Stone Cold Said So. The Rock Says, Finally The Rock Has Come Back, The Hooooo Train, etc. etc."... a combination of these phrases have been repeated at nearly every WWF event for the past 2-3 years... :blown:


The difference between WWF and WCW repetitive programming , in the instances you stated above, is this; all these acts are over with the WWF crowd. If they weren't, you would not have thousands of fans proclaiming "WHAT?!?!" or "If you smell what the rock is cookin". People go ballistic for that shit.

The formula for WCW programming when it was succesful? Book a huge main event with one of the following names : Hogan,Nash,Hall,Steiner,Jarrett,DDP, etc. big names when WCW was in business.

Matches were decent, but how did they ALL end? IN A SCREWJOB!! No one wanted to put the other wrestler over , 9/10 times the main events were DQ'd . This is what led to their ultimate demise.

Fan reaction? They threw GARBAGE in the ring! You saw this every week as well as I did. People tuned in to see who would turn heel and join nWo, to hear what they would say, see who would get taken out by them. In the end, fans were disgusted!

There is not a DOUBT in my mind that the nWO was the best angle in wrestling history, but it was misused and booked the wrong way.

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Originally posted by legend38


The difference between WWF and WCW repetitive programming , in the instances you stated above, is this; all these acts are over with the WWF crowd. If they weren't, you would not have thousands of fans proclaiming "WHAT?!?!" or "If you smell what the rock is cookin". People go ballistic for that shit.

The formula for WCW programming when it was succesful? Book a huge main event with one of the following names : Hogan,Nash,Hall,Steiner,Jarrett,DDP, etc. big names when WCW was in business.

Matches were decent, but how did they ALL end? IN A SCREWJOB!! No one wanted to put the other wrestler over , 9/10 times the main events were DQ'd . This is what led to their ultimate demise.

Fan reaction? They threw GARBAGE in the ring! You saw this every week as well as I did. People tuned in to see who would turn heel and join nWo, to hear what they would say, see who would get taken out by them. In the end, fans were disgusted!

There is not a DOUBT in my mind that the nWO was the best angle in wrestling history, but it was misused and booked the wrong way.

and that my friends was larry's longest post ever on Clubplanet LOL.:laugh:

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