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attn: all vinyl haters......mikey999 and saleen

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hmmm......i know why saleen won't go to vinyl.....without alcohol to intoxicate the girls there.....he would never be given the time of day!! i thought you were done posting on the jersey board.....so why don't you fucking beat it!!

no energy, fags, crackheads.......you need to shut the fuck up.....don't you promote for hunka bunka or some shit?? stupid homophobic asshole........i have news for you.......the reason vinyl is soo good is because everyone is there for the music....not to "pick up chicks" or get bombed in an hour!! yeah danny sucks....thats why he was nominated for a grammy.

i think its hysterical that your worthless posts are taken off the music boards......you obviously know nothing!! yeah baez and rich luzzi are fucking awesome....i have seen them both......and they are tolerable at best........


please continue to think this way.......i want to keep assholes like you out of vinyl for as long as possible!!

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Originally posted by clubkitty

hmmm......i know why saleen won't go to vinyl.....without alcohol to intoxicate the girls there.....he would never be given the time of day!! i thought you were done posting on the jersey board.....so why don't you fucking beat it!!

no energy, fags, crackheads.......you need to shut the fuck up.....don't you promote for hunka bunka or some shit?? stupid homophobic asshole........i have news for you.......the reason vinyl is soo good is because everyone is there for the music....not to "pick up chicks" or get bombed in an hour!! yeah danny sucks....thats why he was nominated for a grammy.

i think its hysterical that your worthless posts are taken off the music boards......you obviously know nothing!! yeah baez and rich luzzi are fucking awesome....i have seen them both......and they are tolerable at best........


please continue to think this way.......i want to keep assholes like you out of vinyl for as long as possible!!

Saleen is entitled to his opinion just like you are. Just some facts, Saleen is not a promoter for Bunka. He never said Luzzi or Baez were awesome. He said Luzzi put on a good show and that he attracts good looking girls to his performances and thats a plus for him. He also said Baez was good on Saturday. In the past he had said he sucks. To a certain point, Vinyl is becoming a crackden. The blatant drug use there is getting out of hand. I am there almost every Friday and at times it is getting rediclous. I am glas the staff is doing their best to control it. I believe Saleen does have some knowledge in music, so I have to disagree with you on that he knows nothing. I dont usually agree with Saleen on everything but he is entitled to his opinion. Its not right that the moderators on the music board deleted his posts because they didnt like what he wrote. Dave should be the only one that does that. I would understand if they were insulting, but they weren't. Let Saleen have his opinion, no matter how wrong he might or might not be. IMO they are bigger assholes that Vinyl can get rid of. Thank you

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Saleen is entitled to his opinion just like you are. Just some facts, Saleen is not a promoter for Bunka. He never said Luzzi or Baez were awesome. He said Luzzi put on a good show and that he attracts good looking girls to his performances and thats a plus for him. He also said Baez was good on Saturday. In the past he had said he sucks. To a certain point, Vinyl is becoming a crackden. The blatant drug use there is getting out of hand. I am there almost every Friday and at times it is getting rediclous. I am glas the staff is doing their best to control it. I believe Saleen does have some knowledge in music, so I have to disagree with you on that he knows nothing. I dont usually agree with Saleen on everything but he is entitled to his opinion. Its not right that the moderators on the music board deleted his posts because they didnt like what he wrote. Dave should be the only one that does that. I would understand if they were insulting, but they weren't. Let Saleen have his opinion, no matter how wrong he might or might not be. IMO they are bigger assholes that Vinyl can get rid of. Thank you

what.......is saleen sucking your dick or something??? i didn't ask for your opinion on this matter soooo......STFU :D

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Saleen is entitled to his opinion just like you are. Just some facts, Saleen is not a promoter for Bunka. He never said Luzzi or Baez were awesome. He said Luzzi put on a good show and that he attracts good looking girls to his performances and thats a plus for him. He also said Baez was good on Saturday. In the past he had said he sucks. To a certain point, Vinyl is becoming a crackden. The blatant drug use there is getting out of hand. I am there almost every Friday and at times it is getting rediclous. I am glas the staff is doing their best to control it. I believe Saleen does have some knowledge in music, so I have to disagree with you on that he knows nothing. I dont usually agree with Saleen on everything but he is entitled to his opinion. Its not right that the moderators on the music board deleted his posts because they didnt like what he wrote. Dave should be the only one that does that. I would understand if they were insulting, but they weren't. Let Saleen have his opinion, no matter how wrong he might or might not be. IMO they are bigger assholes that Vinyl can get rid of. Thank you

thank you brian, coun't say it any better.

Only a matter of time that the drug use closes that place. If it was all about the music, they would hire a drug sniffing dog and NO DRUGS WOULD EVER MAKE IT IN THERE, BUT WHY DON'T THEY DO THAT, WELL FOR ONE PEOPLE WOULD SLEEP TO DANNY T SOBER AND TWO NO ONE WOULD GO! And clubkitty you crackwhore, rememeber this, I'm the one that sends a lot of those danny t and vinyl tracks out to the masses, i'm not the one leaking them but i send them out to everyone. so your fucking welcome...........


also, so what if I like luzzi because a lot of girls followed him from club to club. What is the big deal. Hot women plus hot beats plus ceeotter and you can't go wrong. Listen I'm 25 and at the age of 22 I placed a 5 year bann on all girlfriends and relationships, so I got about 2 more years left to have fun. Sorry you "purists" at vinyl can't understand while a guy would go to a club just for the women. Your a fucking idiot. look at notalltheres post about metro, he talking about women/guy ratio too. Thats why guys go out. is for the broads. and if they don't admit to it they are gay. even if they have a GF or not...

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

The blatant drug use there is getting out of hand. I am there almost every Friday and at times it is getting rediclous. I am glas the staff is doing their best to control it. B]

Doing their best to control it...yeah, by asking everyone they catch with something for $20 or else they will get the boot...the bouncers are making a killing doing that!

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just an observation:

The blatant drug use is getting out of hand in the whole dance music scene in general..........

Vinyl is a good example, SF is a joke in that capacity..........on the other side though, Tempts has it's fair share as does Surf Club(who knows why though)..........I even hear about people doing shit in Joeys........wtf?

I'm not gonna deny I've ever been a part of that but people need to come to grips, at some point, at why they REALLY do go to a club............if people do drugs, that's their choice but at least admit you are there to get banged up first and not for the music solely...........too many people use the music as an excuse.....it's pathetic.


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Originally posted by clubkitty

what.......is saleen sucking your dick or something??? i didn't ask for your opinion on this matter soooo......STFU :D

Nope, cant say that Saleen is sucking my dick. I was just making a statement that he is entitled to his opinion, no matter if he is wrong or not. Are you one of those girls sucking the bouncer's dick in the bathroom at Vinyl???

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Originally posted by clubangel

Doing their best to control it...yeah, by asking everyone they catch with something for $20 or else they will get the boot...the bouncers are making a killing doing that!

Not all the bouncers do that. I saw at least 3 different bouncers catch people doing shit and escorted them right out the door last Friday. Of course there are some bouncers that are shady, and the management and DT's staff is trying to best to get rid of them.

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Originally posted by saleen351

Only a matter of time that the drug use closes that place. If it was all about the music, they would hire a drug sniffing dog and NO DRUGS WOULD EVER MAKE IT IN THERE, BUT WHY DON'T THEY DO THAT, WELL FOR ONE PEOPLE WOULD SLEEP TO DANNY T SOBER AND TWO NO ONE WOULD GO!

If your gonna use this issue as a point.....then How can u not say the same about temps.

every sat, and sunday i was at temps i don't think i could walk around 5 minutes without someone saying to me...... "You know anybody that has?" ..... "anyone got bumps?" "x, k, G? "

Lets face it every club has drug problems....

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There are so many things on this thread to comment on wow...lol....first off saleen I understand you want to pick up women, I am also 25 and now back on the market, but Vinyl is an afterhours place and is not a place to go to pick up women, I am sure you can handle 4 or 5 hours of not picking up women....lol.....as far as the bouncers go alot of the security is coming over from Twilo (as are the fucking drug using customers) which is why these guys are taking money and getting head, remember Twilo ??? Same thing,....... now it is true DT & Kevin are trying to rid of these animal bouncers and get the old staff back, which makes for a happy playground, saleen you sould really come out with me one night, I promise you a good time, as far as drugs being out of control at most places, temps is as bad if not worse then Vinyl, so is alot of other places, so that issue gets nullified, DT has got a badnwagon following but I have never had anything but a good experience there, and everyone I go with says the same thing everytime, "holy shit, thank you for bringing me here, holy shit" so what if someone asks you if you know where to get bumps, tell them no and they will go away, you dont have to do drugs, I dont and neither do the people I bring, the true DT fans are very warm and friendly, DT is warm and friendly so long as you play by the rules, HUGS NOT DRUGS, I understand everyone is entitled to there opinion, but to comment on something you have never experienced is just plain wrong

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I'm a Vinyl hater!:tongue:

Where were you guys Friday? I rolled in after playing at SF, and Danny was roocccckin it like there was no tommorow. It was unbelievable and I think he even played better than his birthday last week.

Reguardless, ill talk to you 2 later :)

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Originally posted by tyco

...if people do drugs, that's their choice but at least admit you are there to get banged up first and not for the music solely...........too many people use the music as an excuse.....it's pathetic.

This is true...I'm starting to see a lot of Vinyl defenders saying this

but rarely do I see a sober person there..:confused:...SF aint any better though...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by vision

i was gonna say the same thing but not in those words..lol

PS I know who you are! I guess your waiting for freestyle to come back..... your secret is safe with me..........

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Originally posted by vision

freestyle??lol...not since teen nites at the malibu in scotch plains..damn i'm old

gotta agree with djustinh..i think he was better last week than on his birthday

I was watching him for an hour or so, and I know Danny preaches "Say No to Drugs!" but ummm, my man was on something. At one point he was looking at his CD book, he would stare at the crowd then go :eek: stare at the book then go :eek: back at the crowd :eek: back down at his book :eek:. He was definately buggin' out on something, but reguardless he was ridiculously on point and took us on a musical rollercoaster that which was off the chain.

Best part of the night - "Ok, sorry to shut the music off, but the fuckin cd player keeps skippin. They need to get a new one, and im not payin for that shit! So im just gonna put the cd in this player instead." that was when he changed the Shackles remix cd. gotta love em ;)

Whether people want to admit it or not, a majority of the time, Tina and other drugs do enhance once's ability to perform behind the mixer(studio) or decks(club). Jesus, Caffeine helps you stay on point.

It was still a great night. :D

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Originally posted by djustinh

I rolled in after playing at SF, and Danny was roocccckin it like there was no tommorow.

Justin .... When did u start SF....i thought SF fridays didn't start yet?

haven't seen u since JP's bday i think whats up?

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Originally posted by djdanfury

Justin .... When did u start SF....i thought SF fridays didn't start yet?

haven't seen u since JP's bday i think whats up?

There was a special event thrown by a bunch of promoters and I was supposed to do Level 4, but when I got there there was no mixer, one turntable, and no monitors, so the promoters and the owner got together discussed the situation, and since i signed a contract for the night, they put me on the main floor 1:30 to closing.

It was a 21+ party and it was packed, and there was also a ton of asians, hence the fact some ofthe promtoers were asian.

All in all it was a great nice, and a thrill to play on that system :)

but Fridays will reopen at 18+ with Sean Ink.

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