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Anyone Know Anything About Dreams?

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I use to be able to MAKE myself

fly in dreams through LUCID DREAMING (controlling dreams).

But I always love random flight dreams..

They are inspiring.

Here's one interpretation of Flight dreams

from a sight on DREAM SYMBOLS:

FLYING : usually represents freedom from the physical body, as we experience in sleep & while dreaming where we don't use our physical bodies but instead use our mental & spiritual bodies to experience our dreams. It's one of the first things people attempt to do when they gain control of their dreams and start lucid dreaming. Everybody seems to have a natural inclination to want to fly, unless that is changed by a fear of flying due to a frightening incident in their waking lives. Flying = freedom; either a desire for freedom, an "escape" from restraints in your physical life (like a mini-vacation for the mind) or any number of possiblities. Tie it in with the context of your dream...what were you doing in your dream besides flying? How did it make you feel? etc. Also, the type of flying I'm referring to, here, is the person flying on their own without an airplane or any aircraft at all. That would be a different symbol dealing with spiritual awareness, among other things.


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Dream interpretations always amaze me...but controlling your dreams Mugz? Whoa...:eek:

I can never remember my dreams, let alone control them. All I know is there's a common theme in them all...I'm constantly searching for something whether it's an object, person, etc...


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the flying dream is very common. its related to the common (but usually controllable) desire to jump off of cliffs and stuff. not jump to your death, but while looking out to the horizon having the idea that u can fly out to it.

both have to do with the desire to be free and untethered, and provide a release from all the worries and stuff u might have.

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. . .Lucid dreaming isn't actually that hard to get into . . . it's quite simple actually . . . What I do is: Right as I wake up, before I open my eyes for the first time, I grab my journal and pen off my nightstand and ready it . . as soon as I open my eyes I begin writing all the details of the dream down, even the most miniscule things I can remember . . . Eventually over time, your mind will begin to "remember" your dreams even after waking . . and quite clearly at that . . . and as things progress you will automatically tip yourself off as you're about to dream, and be able to control it . .

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Originally posted by mugwump

I use to be able to MAKE myself

fly in dreams through LUCID DREAMING (controlling dreams).

me 2...still do....

...I have o.o.b.e s very often...Ive had them as a child...at fist I thought and my parents thought there was something wrong with me so I went to see a doctor...and he told me a whole bunch of BULL...like Brain Tumor? Seizures? Epileptic? I Have NONE OF those...I went an also saw a priest, cuz I get very scared when it happens, almost feels evil...and he told me that I shouldnt be scared, I should feel fortunate that i have this gift...he said i was a mystic...?

....anyway...they still happen....as a matter of fact I had 2 experiences last night....

...they can also be categorized uder "sleep Paralysis"

and Associated Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Experiences...

...and I wont lie...I really dont like when this happens, actually Im pertified...it feels like Im dying...it hurts my head, my jaw, my body is paralyzed, But I am able to travel...


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Originally posted by Crackorn

It means you will have a good crop this year. Till your soil soon and your ears of corn will be bigger and sweeter than they have been in ages.


I've had interactive dreams before... is that wierd??

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i have a dream book but its not that good...anyways it says this about flying : This dream represents the dreamers basic ambition but the interpretation of flying is modified by teh details fo the flight and its conditions...if you successfully maintained your flight at low / medium height you can expect to acheive your goal w/out much difficulty...if you were tryin to reach a high altitude the dream is telling u that yoru grasp is greater than your reach and u would be wise to alter your course. i dont kno if this helps but thats wat it said...i need a better book! :D

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

me 2...still do....

...I have o.o.b.e s very often...Ive had them as a child...at fist I thought and my parents thought there was something wrong with me so I went to see a doctor...and he told me a whole bunch of BULL...like Brain Tumor? Seizures? Epileptic? I Have NONE OF those...I went an also saw a priest, cuz I get very scared when it happens, almost feels evil...and he told me that I shouldnt be scared, I should feel fortunate that i have this gift...he said i was a mystic...?

....anyway...they still happen....as a matter of fact I had 2 experiences last night....

...they can also be categorized uder "sleep Paralysis"

and Associated Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Experiences...

...and I wont lie...I really dont like when this happens, actually Im pertified...it feels like Im dying...it hurts my head, my jaw, my body is paralyzed, But I am able to travel...


Wow this is really interesting to me! I have never heard of this. So can you remember everything clearly?

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heh yea i have the mini edition of dreams for dummies; quite interesting but it says all the same things about flying. i get flying dreams a lot too, plus controlling dreams are also really fun. i want to start keeping a dream diary but yea i'm too lazy for that. the minibook is really helpful, has some interesting insight on sexual dreams too:tongue:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

me 2...still do....

...I have o.o.b.e s very often...Ive had them as a child...at fist I thought and my parents thought there was something wrong with me so I went to see a doctor...and he told me a whole bunch of BULL...like Brain Tumor? Seizures? Epileptic? I Have NONE OF those...I went an also saw a priest, cuz I get very scared when it happens, almost feels evil...and he told me that I shouldnt be scared, I should feel fortunate that i have this gift...he said i was a mystic...?

....anyway...they still happen....as a matter of fact I had 2 experiences last night....

...they can also be categorized uder "sleep Paralysis"

and Associated Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Experiences...

...and I wont lie...I really dont like when this happens, actually Im pertified...it feels like Im dying...it hurts my head, my jaw, my body is paralyzed, But I am able to travel...


That happens to me every now and then... I hate it, I always start to slip into a nightmare whenever it happens... and I'm screaming in my head "wake up! wake up!" Very freaky stuff.

BTW, I though lucid dreaming just meant that you know you're dreaming, not necessarily that you can control it? Weird, when I very first started doing E... this used to happen to me alllll the time...

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Oh yeah, also, it has nothing to do with being a mystic or whatever... the simple explanation is that your mind and your body don't necessarily wake up at the same time... it's basically your mind starting to rouse to consciousness before your body does.

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

me 2...still do....

...I have o.o.b.e s very often...Ive had them as a child...at fist I thought and my parents thought there was something wrong with me so I went to see a doctor...and he told me a whole bunch of BULL...like Brain Tumor? Seizures? Epileptic? I Have NONE OF those...I went an also saw a priest, cuz I get very scared when it happens, almost feels evil...and he told me that I shouldnt be scared, I should feel fortunate that i have this gift...he said i was a mystic...?

....anyway...they still happen....as a matter of fact I had 2 experiences last night....

...they can also be categorized uder "sleep Paralysis"

and Associated Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Experiences...

...and I wont lie...I really dont like when this happens, actually Im pertified...it feels like Im dying...it hurts my head, my jaw, my body is paralyzed, But I am able to travel...


lay off the drugs!


No actualy that's pretty freaky shit..

I have Hypnogogic experiences ALL the time..

I haer voices in my paralizis and feel like

there is someone in my room until

I wake myself up by moving a pinky or finger

and waking up..

scary shit...

Carl Sagan wrote some great stuff

on that in "Demon Haunted world"

a great read if your into science and strange


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Originally posted by mugwump

lay off the drugs!


No actualy that's pretty freaky shit..

I have Hypnogogic experiences ALL the time..

I haer voices in my paralizis and feel like

there is someone in my room until

I wake myself up by moving a pinky or finger

and waking up..

YES! When this happens to me, it always feels like there's someone (or something, lol) in the room with me... and usually I'll think I'm reaching over to turn on the light but it won't turn on... the light won't turn on and I'm in the dark with this looming presence, and I'm screaming at myself to wake up! Ugghhh do I hate that!

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Originally posted by mugwump

lay off the drugs!


No actualy that's pretty freaky shit..

I have Hypnogogic experiences ALL the time..

I haer voices in my paralizis and feel like

there is someone in my room until

I wake myself up by moving a pinky or finger

and waking up..


I've experience this also even before I tried any drugs. The last time was 2 weeks ago, I felt something walking by my head and was hearing loud music. I had to scream in order to wake up.

I'm not sure if it was an OOBE, I only caught a glimpse of my body.

Lucid dreams I've also had but very few in between.

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Originally posted by mugwump

lay off the drugs!


No actualy that's pretty freaky shit..

I have Hypnogogic experiences ALL the time..

I haer voices in my paralizis and feel like

there is someone in my room until

I wake myself up by moving a pinky or finger

and waking up..

scary shit...

Carl Sagan wrote some great stuff

on that in "Demon Haunted world"

a great read if your into science and strange



No shit. I thought I just had some sort of weird dream going on. But that happens to me a lot. I am asleep but I can feel something in the room and I try to wake myself up but I can't. It is like I know exactly what is going on, but can't wake myself. And it is always like someone is breaking in the house or something. And I know I can feel myself moving to wake myself.

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most of my dreams lately have involved

what seemed like real conversations

and situations with people i know

in familiar places, with everything

just as it was left when i went to sleep,

or as i last saw it.

it's almost like i'm not asleep at all.

i wake up feeling like these discussions actually occurred.

what's that mean?

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Originally posted by mugwump

No actualy that's pretty freaky shit..

I have Hypnogogic experiences ALL the time..

I haer voices in my paralizis and feel like

there is someone in my room until

I wake myself up by moving a pinky or finger

and waking up..

Yup the pinky finger, sometimes try to move my leg also...I do The same thing...but Now Im able to just wake myself up from it just using my mind...I get many many vibrations throughout my body...My thoughts are as if I was awake...I know everthying thats going on...Ive even resited stuff that I heard on the TV as it was happening, after I woke myself up...

...Ive had 12 expereinces in one night...

...Ive seen my body from above and Ive seen it float and spin...float over the hudson river...over the brooklyn bridge...its quite freaky....:worry::shake:

...Ive heard my father's voice speaking to me as if he were right next to me (he passed away in '95)

...I have actually let myself really "GO" once once FULLY...and I definetelty entered a different dimension...I was Floating in some sort of galaxy with ambient Music blasted in my ears I was speaking to myself (praying)....I ended up in this "world" with Tall Vines coming up from the ground and then I floated into this steel/metalic HUGE building....

...then I saw a family eating on a wooden porch?

...then I enter these 2 LARGE like 40 Foot Tall STEEL Doors...

...into a RED Room with bright Lights...and that's when I said to Myself "OK...THATS Enough...NO More..." so I used like a "mental Force" and I got myself Back and woke up...

...It actually really hurts Physically when I try to get "myself back"

...there is an enormous amount of pressure in my head, my jaw begins to hurt, my body pulsates...Very hard to explain....I would say it feel like Im dying...

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