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ATTN: new Matrix order......

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

I def got SHOTGUN to the master bedroom suit upstairs...

Now now Mikey don't get all GREEDY.. I WANT THE BIG BED WTF?!?!

I think we should brawl for this one.. once you get back from WMC.. it's ON. :gang::biggun:

So now we're brawling for my #3 AND for the big bed. :mad:

Wow.. :eek: We're gonna have a LOT of making up to do!! ;)

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

so in other words ur headin out to poughkipsiee to go get shitfaced and take over a hick club?? can i b down? i mean like for real..im always down for dumb shit like that

well we dont need to be shitfaced, and its not dumb shit, but yeah you can come if u want.

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Originally posted by teklord310

I don't live too far away so people are welcome to crash at my place. No porkin unless i'm involved though, sorry. :cool:

Whatever Yarin. You're not allowed to get in on ALL the action!!

So I guess that means we're not staying at YOUR place.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by codica3

Whatever Yarin. You're not allowed to get in on ALL the action!!

So I guess that means we're not staying at YOUR place.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Fine then. Be that way. :eek: So I guess this means you are involved in the action? You going 3 way?GOTCHHA!

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Originally posted by teklord310

Fine then. Be that way. :eek: So I guess this means you are involved in the action? You going 3 way?GOTCHHA!

No of course not, not I.

So bite me. :D

And unfortunately, I just remembered something..

April 27th is the last Friday of the month.. and I was supposed to go to hear Howells.. it was planned.. but then I forgot about this.. ugh..

But no, I will be there.. I promise.

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yeahhhhhhhhh baby

Back from WMC with some tracks, new ideas and ready to do this...

As far as matrix...its MY house and when you're in MY house, U get to hear me play as I'd like to--so a big reason I like everyone to come up (other than regulating the crowd) is to see me in my element--where Im not worried about promoters or any BS...

and the crowd is above 14 tek--I've spun there for 5 years...I might know a lil something about the crowd...:cool:

Mike BuGouT

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