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what the hell is wrong with America?!?!?!

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I was sitting in my schools student center tonight, studying for my anthropology test tommorrow, learning about different cultures and how norms and stardards are imposed and it got me thinking....Who decided that human nature is to strive for perfection, or is that the set of norms that has been laid down by the capitalist and highly competitive society we live in? Isn't the point of life to be happy? and can a person truly be happy following all the rules that go along with a society always pushing to do more and be more? we are homo sapiens, an animal, and we have our limitations, there will come a time, i believe very soon, when we reach the limitations of our animal brains, in our ability to deal with the norms our society imposes. The only reason will can still function now is that by the time society forces its lessons down our throat, we are old and mature enough to form our own thoughts on how to live and be happy...the problem is that the age where this targeting occurs is getting younger and younger, kids in elementary school asked to compete visciously for grades, and by the time they are in middle school to pretty much have their lives planned out. Children this young have no idea what the real world is like and they are highly impressionable. These kids may come to believe that these lofty, near impossible goals, are the standards they ALL must live up to when they get older. Is it any wonder now that adolescent anxiety and depression has risen dramactically in the past few years? I believe it is time to stop and reevaluate what we are doing..has our blind quest for advancement pushed our human nature to the wayside? Technology is growing faster every day, and we hardly get a chance to settle in before new technology hits the market. This highly affects elder members of our society...in the past they were looked to as wise and were who you went to for information on how to do things. It gave a whole generation a sense of purpose, and gave them something to be happy about as their bodies slowly gave out...now the technology has passed them by, and these Wise Elders are now going through future shock, the home they knew, as foreign as another country..

So now we have lost the parts of human nature which allow us to be young, adolescent, and old, which leaves us with middle age. Most of our middle age is spent working long days, saving and planning for the future, until we can retire, and live in a place we have lost touch with...

To me, it sounds like not really living at all, just all moving parts in the big machine we call America. I dont know what we can do to fix it, but its something we need to start devoting some serious time to.... thank you for humoring my rant, im sure many of the ideas are not new to you, but if anything gets you thinking, then maybe some of what im saying makes sense...HAVE A GREAT NIGHT:D

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i have to say dude you mustve had ALOT of time on your hands to write all on clubplanet... but you are so right! eventually we will all be machines sitting in front of computers never leaving never moving.. we wont even have to eat. just pop a pill of mcdonalds double cheeseburger meals and we're set. how does that effect our elders!? good god.. they used to ready by candlelight! we've come along way and whose to say its for the better.... we just gotta keep going tho....unfortuantely society gives us no choice.

nice talkin... and hey its takes alot to give EXIT another try... good luck!

--so tired...shit to do... shit to do... :(

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clubmouse, why is America the culprit here? if anything, US is probably one of the few countries where asses like Backside Boys or one of those pop fucks can make millions with no talent or education. Fuck all that, US is the place of opportunity. You wanna see competition among kids? go to Japan, Korea, Holland. I was born in Russia and i remeber in 5th grade, the kids there did shit that kids here do in 7-8th grade. Kids here have it wayyy to easy, it makes me wonder why US is so powerful. Capitalism perhaps, we really take many things for granted.

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Originally posted by clubmouse

I was sitting in my schools student center tonight, studying for my anthropology test tommorrow, learning about different cultures and how norms and stardards are imposed and it got me thinking....Who decided that human nature is to strive for perfection, or is that the set of norms that has been laid down by the capitalist and highly competitive society we live in? Isn't the point of life to be happy? and can a person truly be happy following all the rules that go along with a society always pushing to do more and be more? we are homo sapiens, an animal, and we have our limitations, there will come a time, i believe very soon, when we reach the limitations of our animal brains, in our ability to deal with the norms our society imposes. The only reason will can still function now is that by the time society forces its lessons down our throat, we are old and mature enough to form our own thoughts on how to live and be happy...the problem is that the age where this targeting occurs is getting younger and younger, kids in elementary school asked to compete visciously for grades, and by the time they are in middle school to pretty much have their lives planned out. Children this young have no idea what the real world is like and they are highly impressionable. These kids may come to believe that these lofty, near impossible goals, are the standards they ALL must live up to when they get older. Is it any wonder now that adolescent anxiety and depression has risen dramactically in the past few years? I believe it is time to stop and reevaluate what we are doing..has our blind quest for advancement pushed our human nature to the wayside? Technology is growing faster every day, and we hardly get a chance to settle in before new technology hits the market. This highly affects elder members of our society...in the past they were looked to as wise and were who you went to for information on how to do things. It gave a whole generation a sense of purpose, and gave them something to be happy about as their bodies slowly gave out...now the technology has passed them by, and these Wise Elders are now going through future shock, the home they knew, as foreign as another country..

So now we have lost the parts of human nature which allow us to be young, adolescent, and old, which leaves us with middle age. Most of our middle age is spent working long days, saving and planning for the future, until we can retire, and live in a place we have lost touch with...

To me, it sounds like not really living at all, just all moving parts in the big machine we call America. I dont know what we can do to fix it, but its something we need to start devoting some serious time to.... thank you for humoring my rant, im sure many of the ideas are not new to you, but if anything gets you thinking, then maybe some of what im saying makes sense...HAVE A GREAT NIGHT:D


doesn't it?:hat:

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Originally posted by clubmouse

I was sitting in my schools student center tonight, studying for my anthropology test tommorrow, learning about different cultures and how norms and stardards are imposed and it got me thinking....Who decided that human nature is to strive for perfection, or is that the set of norms that has been laid down by the capitalist and highly competitive society we live in? Isn't the point of life to be happy? and can a person truly be happy following all the rules that go along with a society always pushing to do more and be more? we are homo sapiens, an animal, and we have our limitations, there will come a time, i believe very soon, when we reach the limitations of our animal brains, in our ability to deal with the norms our society imposes. The only reason will can still function now is that by the time society forces its lessons down our throat, we are old and mature enough to form our own thoughts on how to live and be happy...the problem is that the age where this targeting occurs is getting younger and younger, kids in elementary school asked to compete visciously for grades, and by the time they are in middle school to pretty much have their lives planned out. Children this young have no idea what the real world is like and they are highly impressionable. These kids may come to believe that these lofty, near impossible goals, are the standards they ALL must live up to when they get older. Is it any wonder now that adolescent anxiety and depression has risen dramactically in the past few years? I believe it is time to stop and reevaluate what we are doing..has our blind quest for advancement pushed our human nature to the wayside? Technology is growing faster every day, and we hardly get a chance to settle in before new technology hits the market. This highly affects elder members of our society...in the past they were looked to as wise and were who you went to for information on how to do things. It gave a whole generation a sense of purpose, and gave them something to be happy about as their bodies slowly gave out...now the technology has passed them by, and these Wise Elders are now going through future shock, the home they knew, as foreign as another country..

So now we have lost the parts of human nature which allow us to be young, adolescent, and old, which leaves us with middle age. Most of our middle age is spent working long days, saving and planning for the future, until we can retire, and live in a place we have lost touch with...

To me, it sounds like not really living at all, just all moving parts in the big machine we call America. I dont know what we can do to fix it, but its something we need to start devoting some serious time to.... thank you for humoring my rant, im sure many of the ideas are not new to you, but if anything gets you thinking, then maybe some of what im saying makes sense...HAVE A GREAT NIGHT:D

bro..seriously i thin k you need an LIT from Kates....

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I agree, if u wanna see competition in schools, go to korea or russia ;p

And do u mean life is better that school? Ive been out of school, for hmm... about half a year, and its been hell. I wish Id be there worryinh about midterms, instead of going from gallery trying to not to get ridiculed, and still have the will to come home and work on my shit.

about how society changed so much in the past years... well, you are wrong. Society hasnt changed much in the past 2 thousand years. We are preatty much in the same spot, asking ourselves the same questions. Yes, the technology has changed... yes on the average we probably due have a few more free extra hours, but society hasnt changed a bit. Computers dont change society as much as we would like to believe, they dont make us any smarter... These lofty near impossible goals are the standards, if anything school makes them seem more attainable.

Kids in middle school have their lives planned out? Yeah... they do, and its always been like that.. my parents decided what they were gonna do when they were around 13, my grandparents the same way. Its always been like that.

about the elders going thorugh shock... hah.. their experience has nothing to do with technology. Yeah, they cant type an e-mail, some of em dont even know what one is, but they went through the same shit that every1 goes through. School, competition, struggle to make a living, and all lifes experiences.... these things dont change b/c of computers and e-mails.

And striving for perfection? haha, dont blame society on it. Its more of a sideefect created by the struggle for existance. You might even look at it as natural selection. The competition is getting more and more fierce, b/c we learn more and more, whoever cant keep up, you find on the streets of NYC. Yes, its hursh, yes, its a pain in the ass, as I hate it, but theres no way around it... well there is one way ;p.

yeah... well heres my bitch session for today. :rolleyes:

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it was a long day, i had been studying for 7 hours, i went on a rant..just let it go... life is hard, its not getting any easier, and we're fucking up our nations youth....nothing new, go back to your lives...and im going to kates for an LIT;)

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Originally posted by clubmouse

we're fucking up our nations youth....

pretty bold statement.. w/ little support aside from your statement regarding middle school kids having their life planned out already *cough bullshit cough* then again, maybe i actually do agree w/ you somewhat there for exactly the opposite reason.. as has already been stated in this thread.. the US in fact puts relatively minute emphasis on education.. therefore, i see *that* as justification for condmening the US in the way you did..

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oh dear god, im sorry i ever wrote it, i dont have enough time or energy, or space to actually test any hypothesis, and i believe we ARE fucking up our nations youth, i dont know where you grew up or when, but the school i came out of was highly competetitive, everyone in my graduating class went to a top 25 school, and in that school district the push to suceed, not learn, but suceed, (thank you phuture) takes precedence over being young. Young children cannot act and be responsible like adults, and that is what society asks them to do, you think its a coincidence that reported cases of teen depression has risen 200% in the past 5 years (american psychiatric association) and its not because everyone is overreacting, and just joining the depression bandwagon, but becuase these underdeveloped minds are not equipped to handle everything that is thrown at them.. as for other countries, i havent done any research, so thats why i focused on america....i dont know enough about the subject to form truly conclusive responses, and all of this is just my opinion, based on personal observations, and a few 20 pg research papers ive done for my adolescent psychology class, maybe someday i'll have enough time to conduct real experiments but until then im just gonna keep spitting out views, now its time to get drunk...mug night at the baloon 2night!

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . indeed . . . the only color that counts in this country is green . . the freedom it can buy . .and the pain it can heal . . temporarily of course . . .

so quick are people to crucify capitalism..

i won't say it doesn't have its flaws.. but statement like this trivialize some of the struggles endured by people throughout history by MUCH harsher social structures then capitalism :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by PFloyd40

so quick are people to crucify capitalism..

i won't say it doesn't have its flaws.. but statement like this trivialize some of the struggles endured by people throughout history by MUCH harsher social structures then capitalism :rolleyes:

. . I think you mistook what I said about capitalism . . . I have no problem with people attempting to build things with the expressed want of money . . . however, one's goal in life should not make money into the final result, rather a nice icing on the cake of the final creation of ones hard work . . . The end goal should be that you built something that added to our world, not got paid . .

. . . Learn to understand . . cause the one's who do are usually the ones that are remembered in history in the greatest light . . . captain of industry or not . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . I think you mistook what I said about capitalism . . . I have no problem with people attempting to build things with the expressed want of money . . . however, one's goal in life should not make money into the final result, rather a nice icing on the cake of the final creation of ones hard work . . . The end goal should be that you built something that added to our world, not got paid . .

. . . Learn to understand . . cause the one's who do are usually the ones that are remembered in history in the greatest light . . . captain of industry or not . . .

i agree..

but what its coming across as (at least to me) is that you criticize the system, rather then the individual.. in which case i assume your stating that greed is a direct implication of capitalism.. yes?

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