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Honest Report from EXIT

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Hey CP-ers, this is my first post and I just want to say, before I report on the Musik party at Exit, that I think you all are awesome, and I was always too intimidated and shy to go clubbing until I found this website last year and saw how funny and supportive (ok sometimes outright bitchy, but in an oddly supportive way) you all can be.

Sorry if I'm super inarticulate but I just got back from the Exit party and it's 5 AM (I know, I didn't stay that late...)

Here's the Report:

* I was starting to get really frustrated with all the posts praising SF and bashing Exit, because since I started going to clubs I have been to Roxy, SF, Webster Hall, and Exit, and (sorry Popnails I know Roxy is your place) I thought Exit was the best. I thought SF was ok, but I don't like the set up of the main techno room. I'm sure we all agree that Webster Hall doesnn't even need my criticism because it so clearly sucks. I just thought Exit's huge techno room was so good, and the music when I went was awesome, and I thought the crowd was really pretty good as well.

BUT tonight changed EVERYTHING. Let me say that this was not me being in a bad mood, or me not likeing the DJ or whatever. I was in a great mood and I was just listening to Chris's CD earlier today. It's hard to explain why exactly Exit sucked so much tonight, but I'll try:

Music, systems, lights, DJ's everything aside, the crowd was a HUGE problem. Has anyone else ever noticed how the main floor of the techno room is completely segregated?? The crowd seems to divide itself in half in either side of the center platform (doesn't compare to the ones at Roxy, Popnails...your'e right) with all the rolling asians on the half furthest from the stage, and all the ambiguously gay bodybuilders in the half nearest to the stage. I know I sound like an ignorant and bigoted moron, but I think I should follow-up that comment about the two crowds by saying that I am both asian and what many would say is an ambiguously-muscled guy. Throw in your assortment of fake ID 16's and you have a really bad crowd.

On top of that, it was like the build in the music (post and during Chris) was not in sync with the lights, and the foam was just WEAK (do they think people haven't been to Ibiza??). I tried to move around a lot for variety, and in three different places there was either vomit on the floor that hadn't been cleaned, or people physicaly vomiting in front of me. It was awful.

About the music, it was so weird because sometimes it was amazing, but a lot of the time it was either the crowd wasn't responding to the nuances of the music, or the mixing wasn't flowing with the mood of the crowd, or both, but I just don't understand how I can like Chris so much and think the music was overall pretty bad tonight. I tend to like Trance, or Trance with House-like vocals and I HATE House with vocals like Freestyle...tonight, it was almost like House without vocals but absolutely lacking the progressive movement of good trance.

I honestly feel bad writing, because I think all the rest of you are more experienced clubbers with probably better taste, so I must just sound like an idiot. I guess I just figure that since people are always arguing over SF and Exit, I would say what I experienced tonight and why I thought it sucked...

Ugh, I just couldn't believe how bad the crowd was...it was like Webster Hall bad...

Ok, 'night!

Please respond to my comments, but please don't be TOO harsh, because I am really just posting this because I think it might help people get a better idea of what the new "Musik" at Exit is all about. If anything I said seems offfensive orr jsut plain wrong, I apologize.

-- Seb

**If I don't get burned too badly for this post and I'm encouraged to keep posting, I'll try to add all the cute graphics and signatures that decorate you're posts...until then, sorry for the boring format!!

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went there with a coworker after work last nite, got there at about 2. Honestly, I havn't really been there on a nite that I wasnt working so it was really my first nite to just go chill there. I didn't think it was that bad, although granted, I didnt have to stand on line in the FREEZING cold or pay to get in so that makes me EXTREMELY biased...this was the first club in nyc that my coworker had ever been to, and his quote was 'you got a better chance of getting laid in a diner then this place.' There definately were about 5 guys to every 1 girl, and most of the girls that were there all were with their boyfriends so in that respect it did kinda suck...it would have been alot more fun if we went there with a large group like I usually like to do, but it was a last minute thing so whatever...

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First off, welcome to the board. Feel free to post all you like, generally we don't bite ;)

Secondly, I'm gonna slap my trademark phrase lately onto this- Fix it. I'm not saying do it yourself, but I am saying - You have problems with the party, so how would you fix them? (realistically). If you have an answer for that, you're golden.


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Repeat 100 times and be redeemed.

I must have been VERY tired. That's hilarious that I just invented some other name as if I am completely incapable of reading. I'm very sorry. Although you have to admit, it does make you sound like a celebrity.;)

Ok, but about the :confused: wrt my "techno" room...I'm SO sorry if I violated some unwritten club code that the room in which techno music is played should NEVER be refered to as the "techno room", but come on...techno as opposed to hiphop, or one of the VIP rooms, or at other clubs the 80s or Top 40's rooms....I don't think that one was as big a mistake as butchering the name of one of the CP-vetrans who's posts I respect so much.

-- Seb

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Originally posted by sgentil )

Ok, but about the :confused: wrt my "techno" room

-- Seb

:laugh: :laugh: ok sorry to laugh but "TECHNO ROOM" you are what is exactly wrong with exit, clueless people. now im sorry to make fun but that is why exit gets bashed so much. its uneducated people musically wise or people who just go there to get mangled who dont know shit. if u havent been out much and want to get into the scene thats fine, but to make stupid comments about everything that is wrong with a place or why it sucked isnt gonna look good either especially if your callin the mainfloor the "techno room" :laugh: thats fucking great. to make comments about foam being like ibiza is also ridiculous whatd u VH 1 special on ibiza.

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Maybe instead of complaining about people being uneducated you should work to infuse the rest of us morons with your immense wealth of knowledge. I am not saying that there aren't people who are musical gods compared to me because compared to people who have been following club music for decades I am a total neophyte. BUT, even though I just started exploring NYC clubs these past two years, I have been following club music since I was still on the west coast seven years ago...I think that trying to be a good listener for the past decade should count for something--and I think that for you to claim some sort of educated/superior status because you are too savy to call the main floor the "techno room" is pretty senseless...the label for the space and people's use of the label in refering to the space is in no way related to their knowledge/appreciation of music--I don't see any correlation between choosing one constructed label over another, and one's comparative level of "education."

The most brutal insult is the VH-1 thing, though :rolleyes:

1) I almost never watch TV and have no idea what you're talking about

2) We have a vacation home in Casablanca and the past two summers I've spent a lot of time in Portugal, Spain, and various Med. islands, including going to Ibiza twice. So:heart: sorry but you're just wrong about that one.

It cracks me up that you consider your opinion somehow more valid because you know better than to call it the techno room. And I wasn't just bitching about why the part sucked, I was trying to describe my perception of the Musik party since there was a lot of speculation about it beforehand. Si tu veux, tu peux me rendre visite au Maroc et je puis t'accompagnier aux clubs où " main floor " ne veut rien dire...then again maybe everyone who doesn't use the same wrods you do is ignorant and it's not just me. Interesting way to claim superiority...

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