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The Fat0ny Experiance.


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Im sure there will be a million stories to tell after conference. So ive decided to write down as much as possible and never forget it. Also, it gives me a chance to share some of my experiances with you guys (my friends :* ). Your welcome to post whats been happening with your conference experiances as well.

The conference kick off for me was the Airtight Jazid party. It was nice seeing all the people from CP there (danny, mimi, dade) It was a pritty chilled out experiance and a nice way to start up conference.

The next day we did the Deeper substance @ Liquid party. It was great. Had alot of fun hanging out with even MORE CP people. Demi and Shawn (Thats not how you spell her name.. but sorta how its pronounced) spun a bad ass set nice and groovy and hard. I must say, watching a beautiful blonde british woman spin bad ass music, was the sexiest thing ive ever seen in my life. it will be an image imbeded into my mind forever. (especially since its my desktop background). Steve gerrard closed the night out. and it was also really cool to see him too.

P.S. To the doorman at liquid. I know you where doing your job. but you must remember...I am a liquid whore. It is my fav place on earth and jo0 cannot have gotten in the way of that. repruhzent, SINcerely -Fat0ny (billy and company... Your club kicks ass)

Ahh.. my favorate of all The stryke live PA. We got to the substance studio at about 11am (or was it 10. I dunno.. it was so long ago) and started setting up the stage at Level. I remember leaving the club at arround 650 to go check on my car and seeing southbeach being coverd by rain water. It seemed as if god was getting the streets ready for conference. The show was truly was amazing. My friend shane got the album and has been listening to "Lost" ever since.. but i still say its all about "All that remains". We broke down the stage and finished all the loading at about 2 am. Where the substance people all went home to sleep. Fat0ny and his crew headed to Opium for Way out west live. after a little blaging at the door to get myself in i proceeded to the door and unsuccessfull in locating dade. (i figured he would hook us up.. but then i realized how much money that would have costed the club and gave up) The next day we had found out that WOW's mixer had a conferentation with the weather. and was inoperable. There for the WOW Only live performance (and only US performance) was a DJ set. in it self it should have rocked the house.

Ahh the dissapointment....Ultra. Which is way too much time to write about. in this post.. so i will wait till i am not late to class so that i can finish... Peace out for now kids. i must leave.

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Originally posted by pod

The only annoyance has been the leftover spring break tourists.

Roger that!!! Had to actually beat down some dipshit who grabbed my girls crotch at BBL, and the security guys actually were blaming her!!! Fucking drunk spring breakers are such a buzz kill. But fortunately that put us at Opium with a much better vibe and music where each DJ didn't wash each other out due to their close proximity.

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I was wondering what the hell happened to you guys??? Sorry, to hear something like that happend to your wife shroomy- that's fawkin' absolutely unacceptable.

"the wash" was a gettin' on my nervous too. "sound proof" curtains my ass!

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A squad of dipshits tried to take my table away from me at Gino's pizza..I'll recount it in script format for ease of use. I'm being serious when I recount this...

I sit down with a girl I know outside of Gino's...while we're waiting she goes off to the bathroom.

drunk spring breaker #1 (DSB1): Yo dawg let's get some pizza!

drunk spring breaker #2 (DSB2): A'ight!

annoying cunt #1 (fucking whore): Hey there's a table!

(flops down at my table)

me: excuse me, this table is taken.

DSB1: By us.

DSB2: Damn straight.

I'm thinking, what is this, high school?

me: no, really, I'm sitting here waiting for my friend to come out with our food.

DSB1: We saw it first.

me: I've been here for ten minutes, please leave my table.

fucking whore: Oh, you're nice, aren't you? It's my birthday and you're not letting me have a seat.

me: Who asked you? I don't care if it's your fucking birthday.

DSB1: Don't talk to my girl that way, punk!

me: Fuck off, get out of my table.

DSB2: Make us.

me: OK, I'll make it simple. Get-the-fuck-out-of-here.

DSB1: I'll break that camera over your fuckin' head.

me: Go ahead, I'm insured.

I signal for my friend at Gino's

fucking bitch: Who do you think you are?

me (thinking): I'm the best lay of your life, bitch.

me (really): Again, who asked you?

fucking skank: (gasps in shock)

DSB 1 and 2 get up, then are grabbed by my friend from Gino's, before any blows are exchanged.

Gino's employee: You're hassling one of my good customers, get the fuck out of here.

all of them: we didn't want your pizza anyway!!!

they get up and leave, I proceed to enjoy a good warm meal.

There should be some sort of checkpoint on the causeways for these kind of people.

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Originally posted by pod

A squad of dipshits tried to take my table away from me at Gino's pizza..I'll recount it in script format for ease of use. I'm being serious when I recount this...

fucking bitch: Who do you think you are?

me (thinking): I'm the best lay of your life, bitch.

ha ha ha...nice.....:laugh: :laugh:

let me know when u are going to get some pizza again at gino's so i can witness one of these events in the flesh...;)

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Originally posted by joeygk

I was wondering what the hell happened to you guys??? Sorry, to hear something like that happend to your wife shroomy- that's fawkin' absolutely unacceptable.

"the wash" was a gettin' on my nervous too. "sound proof" curtains my ass!

Yeah, sorry I had to bail Joey. I figured it was better to bail than to have to be bailed out. The deciding factor in the whole situation was when my wife stuck her hand in his face and he grabbed it and said, "get your fucking hand out of my face" this was of course after he put his hand on he crotch, she then said "Your lucky my husband is not around" to which he replied "bring the little fucker on"

so she did. Stupid fuck. Never thought I would ever get in a situation like that, while in that frame of mind :(

Oh well, didn't let it get us down (for long,) had a great time at Opium too.

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I Cant remember how many times ive sat down to write this post. Every time i did sit down, something would come up and the shit would never get done. So. now that im home.not doing shite. i figured id finish my update.

Ultra was crap. I feel an incredible weight off my chest that i didnt pay to get in there. I feel very sorry for those that did pay to get in there (unless your a pookie head raver kiddie then its all worth it).

Things i was dissapointed at @ultra.


No party is worth 2 hours in line.

I really dont want water that bad. Ill just go over to the Cool off tent. Break the hose and fill up the water there. And or Steal the water on stage and or ask for it from DJs. (i love you Lee B.)

-General Ridiculesness.

I cant beleive they were confiscating peoples water and candy and shit at the door. (only to sell it inside for 5X the street value).

Everything was off by an hour. If you haddent noticied, the schedule was all Effed up. (like thats a new thing at ultra).

There were WAay too many stupid people there. There was an excess of stupidity that exceeded comprehension. Too many Candy Kids with so many fucking bracelets on their hands and necks it made them unable to walk correctly. There were too many people wearing stupid shirts (IE: All Pookied Out, which i took a picture of) There were too many people that looked as if they had wanderd in from a Death Row Records concert.

-General Setup.

ok. I get it. its fucking loud. You win. 100,000

sound systems shouldent be 3 feet from eachother.

Where the hell did the security in this place come from. I dont feel secure when a man with a double digit IQ is telling me to back away from the dj booth.

What was up with the space promotion all over the place.

-Fuck the guy that hit me with the golf cart.

Pritty self explanitory.

-Things that were cool at ultra.

-Kosheen is really good live.

-PVD Is back. This excited me soo much to hear that he did good.

-Progressive Tent was really cool.

-Its all about the free posters at the end of the night.

-good music, some really nice people.

well. thats all i can remember for now. ill finish up later with the rest of my week. : P

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Ahh after hours:

Immidiatly following the very unsucsessfull and unfullfilling experiance of Ultra (the extream dance music festival), me and the fat bitches decided we needed a little more out of life. The gang had been invited to the Substance "Afterhours version 1.0" party, so after a quick stop at Denny's we decided that it was time to head out. The party started at 5:30a.m. Unfortunatly, we had a serious problem leaving the area of Downtown Miami. It was mentioned to me early before ultra that the MDCC Parking garage was going to be "closed" @ 10pm. I though.. ok.. they bring down those little wooden things and everyone leaves. What was not mentioned to me was: That MDCC has the security of a WWIII bomb shelter. Half inch thick steel garage doors locked the enterances and exits arround the entire building. Needless to say, we gave birth to a baby calf. After getting incontact with MDCC security, we were informed that the garage would open at 7:30 and were assured that our car was safe....as fuck. We arrived at the party fashonably early and helped set up. Greg began by playing some banging techno. Those of us who where there were all about it. But the neighbors however, were not about it. This crazy old lady walks in looking like the ho' from "Kingpin" (you know, the cunnilingus landlord *shivers) and asked us to "turn this shit off". No one appreciates good music anymore. We turned the volume down to a "reasonable" level, which gave it that really nice afterhours chilled feeling. As the hours passed the people from the spundae party began pilling in. Everyone was bringing their own vinyl and taking turns at the tables. Mike Truman Showed up (yunno.. that guy from hybrid), and played some bad ass wicked shit. The party ended arround 12ish. Everyone thanked Greg, and Matt, and the rest of the Substance people for their wonderfull hospitality. We Thanked them for an amazing time, and a night... i mean morning really worth remembering. (Supah Greg...Numba ONE!)

The Substance/Spundae party has definatly been the highlight of conference for me so far. I really cant wait for afterhours 2.0.. ir 1.2 or whatever they call it next year. After the party had ended, no one knew what day it was, or what the hell they were going to do for sleep. Some people went to the Sasha and digweed boat party. Others, went to Isolations house for the after, after, after, after party Bar-B-que, and then went to sleep and went to school the next day. I would have posted the pictures from the substance after party but due to the damage sustained to my camera after the ultra music festival, i have been unable to get them onto my computer. I am currently negotiating with Sears to see if i can trade in my camera for a new 707 5.0 mega pixel one(jizz) you can still catch the ultra pictures @


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WMC historically coincides with Spring Break for many of the northern and Deep South schools, so we get a preponderance of NY guidos, Alabama hicks, and so forth wandering the streets making life hard on the WMC attendees. I got my letter to the editor published last year in Mixer for suggesting that the WMC move to mid-April, so that way Miami can get all the Spring Break trash moved/shot/gassed/steamrolled out of the way.

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Originally posted by pod

WMC historically coincides with Spring Break for many of the northern and Deep South schools, so we get a preponderance of NY guidos, Alabama hicks, and so forth wandering the streets making life hard on the WMC attendees. I got my letter to the editor published last year in Mixer for suggesting that the WMC move to mid-April, so that way Miami can get all the Spring Break trash moved/shot/gassed/steamrolled out of the way.

I think the Winter Music Conference should actually be in winter. It would be even more of a treat going to Miami, then.

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Originally posted by pod

WMC historically coincides with Spring Break for many of the northern and Deep South schools, so we get a preponderance of NY guidos, Alabama hicks, and so forth wandering the streets making life hard on the WMC attendees. I got my letter to the editor published last year in Mixer for suggesting that the WMC move to mid-April, so that way Miami can get all the Spring Break trash moved/shot/gassed/steamrolled out of the way.

Pod, think of the logic of that ... Do you think they'll actually do that? ... NOPE ... Do you know why?


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