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The Highmay Grip


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Ladies gather round and let me tell u a lil somethin bout this boys "grip"!!! ::drool::

He will sweep u off your feet ::literally:: wrap your legs around his waist so that your pelvis and inner thigh may feel what is his hard. . . .abs! ::eek::

With his strong hands he will massage your back and keep u stable by "gripping" your firm behind ::and if your lucky, give your kitten a lil feel :grin:::

You may or may not place your head on his shoulders to rest ::cuz this boy will hold u down. . .errr. . .up for hours at a time::

If your as lucky as me to be below the 5' mark, your breasts will be able to brush his face. . .so that u may be able to feeeeel his warm breath or even his smooth tongue caressing your neck. . .or ear. . .even your own tounge! ::eek::

~but i have yet to experience any "highmay tounge action". . .i seem to pass out from the grip itself :confused:::

This HIGHMAY GRIP is purrfect for those times when u just walk in the house after a romantic date with your lover. . .when u walk through the door. . .look into each others eyes. . .and wham!. . .your having the raunchiest sex in the "grip" position!!!

::shit, i just got wet::

If interested. . .please. . .see Highmay himself. . .he is always willing to lend a hand! ::or a grip hehe::

~no morons, idiots, worthless people, or immature bia-tches as per the master himself~

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Ahhh Thank you Doris!

'ppreciate the love I get here...I really do! :D :D :D

And to answer your question Z, I WOULD be back in NYC, but this is our last weekend in preparation for Cheerleading Nationals down in Daytona next week. So it'll be cheerleading hell for me for the next 6 days before we go down and win.

But don't worry, I'll be back up in 2 weeks to celebrate my bday that entire weekend, so I hope you can come by!

Speaking of which, gotta go lift...gotta strengthen the grip! ;)

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Originally posted by highmay

Ahhh Thank you Doris!

'ppreciate the love I get here...I really do! :D :D :D

And to answer your question Z, I WOULD be back in NYC, but this is our last weekend in preparation for Cheerleading Nationals down in Daytona next week. So it'll be cheerleading hell for me for the next 6 days before we go down and win.

But don't worry, I'll be back up in 2 weeks to celebrate my bday that entire weekend, so I hope you can come by!

Speaking of which, gotta go lift...gotta strengthen the grip! ;)

Good luck babes...Def will try to be out and about for your b-day babes:D

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