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Someone explain to me the problem with fake tits and juiceheads.

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Whoever said Pam Anderson wasnt or isnt insecure has lost his mind. She has altered her body so much. Why? Because she was INSECURE about it. All that makeup, all that silicone. The slutty clothes. She wants attention. She doesnt think she can get it without all that shit. That insecurity.


And you personally know Pamela:laugh: keep talking shit bout stuff u dont even know

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Registered: Feb 2002

Location: New York, NY

Posts: 232

Gender: Male

I think fake tits are gross. So obvious. Where do these girls get the money for this shit anyway?

Where do you get your money?????:rolleyes:

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Registered: Mar 2002


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Can't we all just get along??????

all i have to say is that the ones with the major attitudes are the ones that never got any attention when they were in highschool or there was some kind of neglect somewhere along the way... and now all of a sudden johnny is ripped and suzie got a new pair of tits and everyone wants to hang out with them? they don't know what to do with the attention so it all goes to their head. I am not saying everyone who got new boobs or did a cycle or 2 is like this. but this is the conclusion i have come to.

Mabye you shouldnt jump to conclusions:rolleyes:

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y do u assume taking care of ur body means no brains and personality? people shouldn't be stereotyped just because they decide to work out or get fake boobs. for some people it may be a sign of insecurity but to an extent everyone is insecure about something.

This is the smartest thing I read yet

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Originally posted by magilicuti

The insecurity thing is just a reason made up to hate them. I dont buy it. I'm sure we all have our insecurities. Some people just deal with it by using steriods and getting fake tits. What's the difference with a person who sticks their fingers down their throats and doesn't eat?


This is the dumbest thing I heard, How are getting fake tits compared to an eating disorder, If you get you tits done properly its not unhealthy, BTW I do not have fake boobs

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Originally posted by sfqtipie

This is the dumbest thing I heard, How are getting fake tits compared to an eating disorder, If you get you tits done properly its not unhealthy, BTW I do not have fake boobs

Can we have a little "show and tell" perhaps? :cool:

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I don't personally have anything against the whole juice head crowd. Personally, i think their bodies make them look a little rediculous but thats their business. The one thing i really do notice a lot at clubs, is that a lot of the steroid and silicone enhanced people don't seem to be going to actually enjoy the music and themselves. I know it's a generalization, but it seems that they are never relaxed and themselves...they're more content leaning against a wall and flexing their muscles at every girl that walks by. Hey, the clubbing experience is different for every person but that is just what I've noticed. It just seems that they are always doing something under the assumption that people are watching them...never really letting loose and being themselves. Again, i'm not trying to say that they are all the same cause they obviously aren't all like this...but I have observed that most are.

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Its all about attitude I don't care how people wanna dress, look, whatever. I have no problem with anyone. If i go somewhere I am going there for the music. But the pushups in the bathroom is weird....not a normal thing to see.

I dont like the ppl who think their hot shit. I mean If u look good then thats fine, but dont think ur better than anyone.

Also I dont feel that just because u wear certain clothes, go to the gym, etc makes u an insecure person or are stuck up. Theres stuck up ppl in every shape, size and color.

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20

Its all about attitude I don't care how people wanna dress, look, whatever. I have no problem with anyone. If i go somewhere I am going there for the music. But the pushups in the bathroom is weird....not a normal thing to see.

I dont like the ppl who think their hot shit. I mean If u look good then thats fine, but dont think ur better than anyone.

Also I dont feel that just because u wear certain clothes, go to the gym, etc makes u an insecure person or are stuck up. Theres stuck up ppl in every shape, size and color.

i simply adore these *revivals*. once one forgets about a funny thread, there's someone to post a reply (in this particular case, the post wasn't very inspirational)....push-ups in the restroom -- well most of the male models do push-ups before fasion shows, while the *chicks* massage their silicons.


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Originally posted by zlatang

i simply adore these *revivals*. once one forgets about a funny thread, there's someone to post a reply (in this particular case, the post wasn't very inspirational)....push-ups in the restroom -- well most of the male models do push-ups before fasion shows, while the *chicks* massage their silicons.


well that was my reply to the original question. I didnt feel like reading 9 pages and we're talkin about a normal person going to a club and doing push -ups in the bathroom, this isn't about a model doing push ups for fashion show. ;)

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Personally whatever people want to do is their choice.....if they way to get fake boobs and put steroids in their body thats their business, whatever they want to do to make themselves happy...personally I'm not fond of either, but that's just me. However, if they have a snobby attitude and think that the world revolves around then, then thats ridiculous. Then they need a smack upside their head and get a reality check. Confidence is one thing, when it becomes conceitedness, thats a different story. My two cents :tongue::)

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i say if some 1 wants to make them self the best they can be if its fake or not more power to them and they get my respect for loven them selfs so much they gotta make them selfs better ;) cause in life no ones perfect but every 1 should try ther hardest to become it

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Originally posted by destiny779

Personally whatever people want to do is their choice.....if they way to get fake boobs and put steroids in their body thats their business, whatever they want to do to make themselves happy...personally I'm not fond of either, but that's just me. However, if they have a snobby attitude and think that the world revolves around then, then thats ridiculous. Then they need a smack upside their head and get a reality check. Confidence is one thing, when it becomes conceitedness, thats a different story. My two cents :tongue::)

but there you have it -- the line between confidence and arrogance is so thin....:eek:

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