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Frat Boys Go Home...

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Am I the only one who thinks it's extremely annoying to see chain e-mails posted as a discussion point in a semi-intelligent thread??

-The Frat Boy Who Hates Meatheads More than Anyone

1. this post was not a chainmail posted... it was an article from some publication i copied and pasted it here... im sure i can find you the link if looked for it... and i do agree with you that, things like that i do find annoying as well... but more importantly 2. as for meatheads i hate them as well... i hate all ppl who fit stereotypes... however before i pass judgement or formulate my opinion on someone i try to get to know them... then from an educated point of view, base my thoughts, not an emotional state...

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Originally posted by spragga25

Please newbie.....you don't know me and are not even in my league....so don't even try bringing that up!

No class my natural black ass!

Go look at your cosmo mag and keep dreaming that you'll be like one of those "fake people"! :eek:

I repeat RELAX.. & get youself some CLASS

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A general rule to live by is, if you don't know what you're talking about, keep your mouth shut. From these posts its pretty obvious that most of you frat bashers have very little understanding of frats outside of a couple viewings of animal house. As someone was was in a fraternity I can tell you that, while every organization has its bad apples, most of the people I met through the greek scene (and it was a very large one, U of Michigan) thoroughly defy the ignorant stereotypes you all are dealing in.

My fraternity days may have taught me how to drink, but they also taught me responsibility, respect, hard work, comradery, trust, humility and a million other positive values. I never cheated on an exam, roofed a girl, or was disresepectful of independants (like my girlfriend). And most people I knew were the same way.

I really wonder about people who have nothing better to do than perpetuate ill informed negative stereotypes about others. Much of the criticism of fraternities is that they encourage conformity and a lack of indepednant thought, but most people who continually bash fraternities in this way are guilty of exactly that same evil. If you weren't in a frat, fine, that is your choice, but stop thinking that makes you better than those who do join, because it just isn't true.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

anyone else sick of all these goobers in the clubs/bars right now since ppl are off...

And for anyone who was wondering why I come back to New York every weekend practically... it's 'cause DC is filled with these and they won't go away. And they ALLLLL think they're hot stuff :blank::blown:

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First of all, I'd like to make this clear, it's FRATERNITY not FRAT.


And don't say, same difference, cuz it's not.

This just shows u how ignorant people are. If u don't know what its like to actually run a fraternity, please do me a favor, keep your mouth shut!

To each, it's own. It's okay to have your own opinion but in this situation keep it to yourself b/c u people bashing on fraternities are lookin like clowns right now.

dgmodel, why u bitchin so much?

Did some fraternity guy screw u over?

If so, don't take it out on everyone else!

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...i bet you'd never guess... i was in a fraternity in college.

i say 'was' because i never quite fit in

(even though it was the geekiest frat on campus

- we were busy being one of the first houses

to computer-network their house while

others were drinking beer and dehydrating

in the sun out on their porches)

and have since more or less 'divorced' my house.

the friends i made there are still friends.

the alumni that were the 'oldskool' frat type

i rarely speak to now - they were the football-watching

beer-guzzling, drunk-sing-along, womanizing types.

the newer pledge classes became less and less that stereotype

and more like me... strangely enough i'm better friends with

the guys that pledged after i was long gone than with my

own pledge class or the ones immediately after it.

it was something to do to gaurantee i'd have a place

to which i'd return after my back surgery first semester,

whom i could confide in the truth about why i was leaving

and who would be there when i got back.

was it weak?


could i have found a tight knit group of friends to serve the same needs?

you betcha.

but then again, that first semester at the house was a lot of fun.

no regrets except having to deal with

a typically-frat-minded majority in order

to find the cooler guys in the house with whom i could relate.

hmm... kind of like a microcosm of society as a whole, huh?

don't generalize.

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