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URGENT MESSAGE for anyone who CARES about the SCENE!!!

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Originally posted by crobra

Exit management is trying to make a change; I think that everyone should try to support it. The fact that the effort is there and there is some sort of vote going on shows that the MGT is making an effort to change. People keep complaining about the Tiesto night when it was ridiculously packed, change doesn't come easy. The fact that NY doesn't have a large venue to house any big name DJ's is ludicrous!!! I don't see how any of us can judge if we haven't been there (I've only been for the two tiesto nights) or have only been there for one night. If the club makes an effort to change and brings in the talent, we should try to make the difference and support the club. I think Exit needs to change some of its policies, but there is an attempt to make a change and we should support the change.

Could not agree with you more bra :)

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Is there any possibility they would consider extending the voting to email ballots or through their website, etc. It's pretty presumtuous to expect any sort of fair cross section of the clubbing/exit community to come out on a random tuesday, treck to the no mans' land of the mid-west side, to cast a vote on their way from work to home. (Though it might give you a better chance considering the B&T crowd is at a huge disadvantage ;-) Just a thought...I don't go to Exit, but I support your intentions and would vote if there was another way.

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Originally posted by legend38

If Exit is forced to bring a resident back, why does it HAVE to be Draper? :confused:

Because Marvisi wants $$$ and Draper-headz are pressuring to have Draper back.

That's the point, we need to show Marvisi that Exit can succeed WITHOUT Draper.

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Originally posted by crobra

Exit management is trying to make a change; I think that everyone should try to support it. The fact that the effort is there and there is some sort of vote going on shows that the MGT is making an effort to change. People keep complaining about the Tiesto night when it was ridiculously packed, change doesn't come easy. The fact that NY doesn't have a large venue to house any big name DJ's is ludicrous!!! I don't see how any of us can judge if we haven't been there (I've only been for the two tiesto nights) or have only been there for one night. If the club makes an effort to change and brings in the talent, we should try to make the difference and support the club. I think Exit needs to change some of its policies, but there is an attempt to make a change and we should support the change.


Personally... I don't think Draper deserves a residency anywhere including Exit. The reason they are conducting this vote is because the hardcore Draper fans have been boycotting Exit, and they aren't making the money that they used to. Yeah, alot of us don't like exit, don't like the people, etc... but I think voting down the residency of Tony Draper is necessary for weeding out the crap in this city. I admire the efforts of Exit's staff to improve upon thier club, and it is a step in the right direction that we should not turn the other cheek to.

I also have a question about this voting thing. There are alot of people who probably want to vote but cannot make it into the city (like me for instance). Is there any way we can email our votes, feelings, concerns, and lists to Exit management? If so, please post the email addy.

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Thanks, everyone, who is really being positive about this and lending your support. For those that have asked about an email campaign - I am looking to set up an online petition or something, but I have to get the okay from the partners and from the owner first. I understand it's really hard to get up there on a Tuesday, but I hope you will all be patient and understanding as you have been so far, and I will post word soon about whether or not I get permission for an email campaign!!

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

I understand it's really hard to get up there on a Tuesday, but I hope you will all be patient and understanding as you have been so far...

Ok...another prolem I have with their management team...

I went there on a Thursday to get some sort of "seal" on my promoters Card...I was told to be there at 1:00pm...

So I go aLLLL the way there....Just to have someone tell me...

"oh _____, is not here yet...he'll be here in most likely an hour..."


I had to be @ Work in an HOUR....I Rushed to get there Killed my DAY...It took me about an HOUR and A HALF to GET THERE!!!! :mad: with all the FREAKiN' TRAFFiC!!!....THEn to have someone TELL me To WAiT...FOR maybe an HOUR or MORE?????? Like I have nothing better to do, but to Wait AROUND Exit waiting to get a "seal" on a CARD that I already spend another DAY going to GET.... :mad2:

...Poor poor Management...Especially when you dont respect your promoters...

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LOL GlowGirl, I had a similar experience... that's not the promotions staff though, that's the security staff, or a certain member or two therein. I have some problems with them... really annoying. :rolleyes: But if we get to keep the party, there's plans in the works to do some whipping on the unruly-ass security types...

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lol...u call these promoters good. I've said to many people over the past week that i could not believe what i walked into last friday nite. Yeah these promoters did a good job at bringing the cracked out ghetto into Exit. What used to be a nice club turned into a shit hole. I was there a half an hour and then i walked the fuck out. You know why? Cuz it sucked. Sorry kids being a Draper head my votes in with him. Peace.:D

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Originally posted by hotchickie5

lol...u call these promoters good. I've said to many people over the past week that i could not believe what i walked into last friday nite. Yeah these promoters did a good job at bringing the cracked out ghetto into Exit. What used to be a nice club turned into a shit hole. I was there a half an hour and then i walked the fuck out. You know why? Cuz it sucked. Sorry kids being a Draper head my votes in with him. Peace.:D


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Originally posted by hotchickie5

laugh all u want but when Draper was there Exit was always packed out. Now Exit is struggling to get half as many people in there on a friday nite

That doesnt mean he was good. It was just a place for all the kiddies to go and get cracked out while listening to some noise. If the new party takes off like I hope it does, then the club will start pulling in the numbers it did before.....

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Credit where credit is due: The promoters @ Exit have stepped up to the plate and boldy gone where Exit has never gone before.

If you want to see a continuing line-up of International talent and not a return to cheese, vixxen is right, you need to come out and support.

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when was judge jules at exit?? damn

Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

ummmm....I guess you weren't there for DJ Tiesto,Judge Jules or Dave Ralph...You are so right, EXiT was soooooooooo EMPTY :blank::rolleyes:

My opinion on the situation:

-Change the NAME of the Club ENTiRELY, not just add a "2" in it...

-Get rid of that retarted enormous DJ Booth/Stage that takes up WAY Too much room on the Dancefloor...DJ's are not "ROCK STARS" when you go to a Club you go to Dance...Just Go to a CONCERT if you want to stand around pump ypur fist in the air and Cheer...

-Let everyone be allowed to enter all the different

rooms...instead of making them VIP...this will result in LESS people in the main room which = more more to dance...let alone be able to walk around without creating OSMOSiS with the people standing next to you...

-no more than a $30 door entrance...

-Make Security RELAX with their "OUT of CONTROL" Searching which is violating people's 4th Amendment...

...That's Just a Few of my suggestions...

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also on the note of bringing back draper to exit, for crying out loud, how many more times could one bare to listen to rhythm ready anymore, I know I cant.... but thats my own opinion. I wouldnt mind the idea of a resident dj, I just wish he or even she was a little more talented and brought new tracks to the scene rather then playing the same tracks week after week.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Listen, I think almost all of you missed my point here. The vote has nothing to do with liking Exit, nothing to do with whether or not you go there.... this has to do with the quality of DJ's that are showing up in your city. Yes, Centro has some, and yes, other venues have some, but what city do you know of where one club has a monopoly on the good dj's? That's what I thought. The point here is that New York has lost a few parties that were meant for bigger talent, and this is an attempt to replace that, even if only temporarily.

I am asking you to put your problems with Exit aside (btw, the promoters on that party are working on several issues like GlowGrl's suggestions.. security is #1 issue at the moment), forget that it is exit, and remember it is the SCENE we're discussing here. Honestly, I could give a rat's ass if the venue in question were Exit, my mom's house or the verrazano bridge - the point is, the DJ's are there, the proactive attempt to improve the scene is there, so COULD WE DROP THE WHINY, SUPERFICIAL, SELFISH BULLSHIT FOR FIVE MINUTES AND LOOK PAST OURSELVES TO SOMETHING BIGGER THAT MAY BENEFIT US ALL IN THE LONG RUN???? Or are we gonna sit there with our thumbs up our asses and ask, two months from now, "hey, is Ferry corsten spinning anytime soon? no? Why not?"

Oh and for those of you who are scared about Draper fans - there is a receptical for them now, it's called World, the other is called Heaven and Hell. Can we leave them THERE maybe??

EXIT can never save the scene. We should all just sit with our thumbs up our asses until the next big thing. Thats it. Patience People !

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Originally posted by smokesum

EXIT can never save the scene. We should all just sit with our thumbs up our asses until the next big thing. Thats it. Patience People !

Didn't your mom ever tell you pessimism is bad? ;)

Like I said, we all hope for a new, great venue. But no one venue is going to have a monopoly on good DJ's (can you name me one?) and so it's best to just support your scene as a whole and improve what you can. :idea:

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Really hoping that Draper wont be coming back, pretty sure he wont. For those that think he's got talent, you are either ignorant or very narrow minded, obviously you haven't herd anything and obviously not willing to open up. It is people like you that create, what is now, the worst club scene in the world. On that note, please make the right decision better this club not on a domestic level but international.


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<<This place is the K-Mart of nightclubs. There is something for the Chelsea body boys, straight laced B&T`s, wanna be b-boys, the ass and tit crowd and the rest of the pack. Although the nights are varied at Exit, the crowd is pretty much the same throughout. >>

is it then worth all the trouble? :confused:

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Originally posted by onglueme

Really hoping that Draper wont be coming back, pretty sure he wont. For those that think he's got talent, you are either ignorant or very narrow minded, obviously you haven't herd anything and obviously not willing to open up. It is people like you that create, what is now, the worst club scene in the world. On that note, please make the right decision better this club not on a domestic level but international.


u know u shouldn't assume that just because we like Draper that means that we don't have taste in music. i listen to just about every type of music techno to classical so u should try not to assume that just because we prefer one dj doesn't mean we don't listen or enjoy others.:rolleyes:

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I understand. But you must also understand the majority of the people that want Tony, want only Tony, hence the same style of music every week, which leaves no room for diversity, and world renowned talent. Tony is like a broken record, every week.

For all draper fans:

Don't spit on the world, cause if the world spits on you, you'll drown!

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Originally posted by onglueme

I understand. But you must also understand the majority of the people that want Tony, want only Tony, hence the same style of music every week, which leaves no room for diversity, and world renowned talent. Tony is like a broken record, every week.

For all draper fans:

Don't spit on the world, cause if the world spits on you, you'll drown!

cute...actually no matter wut i don't like listening to the same thing every week i would luv to see draper as resident but have other djs come in and spin also

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