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~My official Johnathan Peters Review@ Sneaky Petes~

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Originally posted by origskeemr

ok sicone its cool you feel that way... wtf i dont care i am not JP

but Girly please say your jokin:laugh: :laugh: to say Roxy has real music... bwhahahahaha dont get me wrong i think JV is talented but wtf are you talkin about...thats all i have to that cause i am not about to battle who is better and who like who

I was joking DERRRRRRRR:idea: :idea:

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i wish you guys heard him @ the party Arabian Nights in 99' by far the best set i ever heard (IMO). i am not saying he is GOD, but everyone has an off night i even heard your GOD DT off a night that i went. And in no way do i get offended by this thread but it just bothers me that you guys feel he is like this constantly. You guys find this thread funny cause of the way you guys feel about SF and what you think of JP, but in all honestly... whateva i dont wanna fight over a message board, but you guys should really hear him at SF his home before judging him. Just like you cant judge DT unless your at his home Vynl cause i heard him at a diff club and he wasnt all that. Once again before you guys go all crazy and be like DT is GOD and he is "be yourself" he plays for the people... I think he is great but dont knock JP cause obviously he is doin sumptin right...

BTW all you people that go to Roxy and rant and rave over the set there can kill yourself cause you dont deserve to speak on this thread:blown:

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I've seen this discussion take a turn about JP.......instead of critisizing the way he plays it is more about who he plays for now.

It seems like the sf heads are taking a turn to defend JP as saying 'he is home at sf and the crowd there loves him. We love the sets that JP plays for us BLAH BLAH BLAH'........I think everyone is missing a huge point here.

How the hell is JP going to develop as a dj if he can't play anywhere else and win fans in other areas?

Trying to mask up the fact that he blew a performance in a club upstate by saying its the sf culture that really appreciates him??????

Listen, I know JP has a tremendous following in the city, and I even posted a while back that I think he and Junior have the biggest followings in the city.......but he can't limit himself to one club one night where everyone will appreciate him. If this were to remain the case then he would become nothing more than a dj that goes nowhere outside of their 'home'. I've seen this happen before in Providence and Boston where the dj is 37 yo and is still playing in the same spot and still sucks.

I think JP is innovative....whether that caters to his crowd at sf or if thats what he's really about I don't know, but a dj with that status especially in a city where the competition is quite possibly the fiercest in the world outside of London should be able to perform well on a random night. There is no excuse for him disappointing fans of music such as siceone like he did that night. As far as having an off night.......off nights don't last the entire night. Off nights just seem to have no energy and no flow, they don't make a debauchary of djing skill...........

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ok dammit. now i have something to say.

how about SHUT THE FUCK UP, everyone. :)

It sickens me how NYC is one of the only places on earth where people into music just CAN"T seem to co-exist. Everybody's gotta bash on everybody, clubbers vs. ravers, ravers vs. other ravers, clubbers vs. other clubbers. It's fucking sickening and it's one of the reasons that I'm starting to HATE NYC.

everytime someone bickers that their DJ is better, or starts using the term "real music" (yes i've used it myself and i feel dirty for it), it just seperates us. Whatever happened to the unity between all those who just wanted to go out and have a good time?

people are entitled to like what they like... after all that is the essence of music, but must we hate on each other so damn much for just doing what we love, regardless of what it may be?

for real. cut it out. we're all a big family.

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Originally posted by origskeemr

i wish you guys heard him @ the party Arabian Nights in 99' by far the best set i ever heard (IMO). i am not saying he is GOD, but everyone has an off night i even heard your GOD DT off a night that i went. And in no way do i get offended by this thread but it just bothers me that you guys feel he is like this constantly. You guys find this thread funny cause of the way you guys feel about SF and what you think of JP, but in all honestly... whateva i dont wanna fight over a message board, but you guys should really hear him at SF his home before judging him. Just like you cant judge DT unless your at his home Vynl cause i heard him at a diff club and he wasnt all that. Once again before you guys go all crazy and be like DT is GOD and he is "be yourself" he plays for the people... I think he is great but dont knock JP cause obviously he is doin sumptin right...

BTW all you people that go to Roxy and rant and rave over the set there can kill yourself cause you dont deserve to speak on this thread:blown:

are you talkin about the arabian night with the fake camel in the entrance,the employees dressed up as arabs and sheets hangin all over? i remember that party, though i stayed till 9 or so i thought it was horrible. especially around 7 8 am withh im playing some whacked arabic type shit but to each their own :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by cintron

ok dammit. now i have something to say.

how about SHUT THE FUCK UP, everyone. :)

It sickens me how NYC is one of the only places on earth where people into music just CAN"T seem to co-exist. Everybody's gotta bash on everybody, clubbers vs. ravers, ravers vs. other ravers, clubbers vs. other clubbers. It's fucking sickening and it's one of the reasons that I'm starting to HATE NYC.

everytime someone bickers that their DJ is better, or starts using the term "real music" (yes i've used it myself and i feel dirty for it), it just seperates us. Whatever happened to the unity between all those who just wanted to go out and have a good time?

people are entitled to like what they like... after all that is the essence of music, but must we hate on each other so damn much for just doing what we love, regardless of what it may be?

for real. cut it out. we're all a big family.

It was this idea called PLUR.........and I stress the word idea

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I've seen this discussion take a turn about JP.......instead of critisizing the way he plays it is more about who he plays for now.

It seems like the sf heads are taking a turn to defend JP as saying 'he is home at sf and the crowd there loves him. We love the sets that JP plays for us BLAH BLAH BLAH'........I think everyone is missing a huge point here.

How the hell is JP going to develop as a dj if he can't play anywhere else and win fans in other areas?

Trying to mask up the fact that he blew a performance in a club upstate by saying its the sf culture that really appreciates him??????

Listen, I know JP has a tremendous following in the city, and I even posted a while back that I think he and Junior have the biggest followings in the city.......but he can't limit himself to one club one night where everyone will appreciate him. If this were to remain the case then he would become nothing more than a dj that goes nowhere outside of their 'home'. I've seen this happen before in Providence and Boston where the dj is 37 yo and is still playing in the same spot and still sucks.

I think JP is innovative....whether that caters to his crowd at sf or if thats what he's really about I don't know, but a dj with that status especially in a city where the competition is quite possibly the fiercest in the world outside of London should be able to perform well on a random night. There is no excuse for him disappointing fans of music such as siceone like he did that night. As far as having an off night.......off nights don't last the entire night. Off nights just seem to have no energy and no flow, they don't make a debauchary of djing skill...........

Perfectly said.....A good dj should be able to read the crowd no matter where he plays. Especially a guy like JP who's been doing it for so long.......

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JP = most hated man in the industry

maybe JP will never be a huge DJ outside of SF, but the man is responsible for adding to (NY) clubbing history in one way or another...he had gained and lost fans, and given many people a lot of good memories.....whats wrong with that?

look at the screen names on this board....you dont see any PVD13424 or Corstenlover....you see SFspikes2envy, sfqtpie, etc.....this guy has fans just like any other DJ has fans....and to them, JP sounds good to their ears like your favorite DJ sounds to your ears

I happen to dislike trance....i find it repetitous and boring....does that mean that I dont know anything about "good" music? absolutely not because taste in music is relative, and each person has their own definition of ear candy


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Originally posted by clubkat

So cater to the crowd that loves you and destroy the ears of everyone else?. . .or is that not what you're trying to say? :confused::blown:

No...not really. Im just sayin it's probably more comfortable for him to play where he knows he'll be appreciated, for the most part. And I doubt he destroyed the ears of most people there that night, just a select few. :D

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Originally posted by cintron

ok dammit. now i have something to say.

how about SHUT THE FUCK UP, everyone. :)

It sickens me how NYC is one of the only places on earth where people into music just CAN"T seem to co-exist. Everybody's gotta bash on everybody, clubbers vs. ravers, ravers vs. other ravers, clubbers vs. other clubbers. It's fucking sickening and it's one of the reasons that I'm starting to HATE NYC.

everytime someone bickers that their DJ is better, or starts using the term "real music" (yes i've used it myself and i feel dirty for it), it just seperates us. Whatever happened to the unity between all those who just wanted to go out and have a good time?

people are entitled to like what they like... after all that is the essence of music, but must we hate on each other so damn much for just doing what we love, regardless of what it may be?

for real. cut it out. we're all a big family.

On point!:eek: We should all be happy we're able to hear these DJs pretty much whenever we want. Thats why you really gotta love the city and the dedication these DJs have. :cool:

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Originally posted by bmw4jay

No...not really. Im just sayin it's probably more comfortable for him to play where he knows he'll be appreciated, for the most part. And I doubt he destroyed the ears of most people there that night, just a select few. :D

See I dont understand that....Why wouldnt he be appreciated anywhere else if he really is a good dj? :confused:

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I've seen this discussion take a turn about JP.......instead of critisizing the way he plays it is more about who he plays for now.

It seems like the sf heads are taking a turn to defend JP as saying 'he is home at sf and the crowd there loves him. We love the sets that JP plays for us BLAH BLAH BLAH'........I think everyone is missing a huge point here.

How the hell is JP going to develop as a dj if he can't play anywhere else and win fans in other areas?

Trying to mask up the fact that he blew a performance in a club upstate by saying its the sf culture that really appreciates him??????

Listen, I know JP has a tremendous following in the city, and I even posted a while back that I think he and Junior have the biggest followings in the city.......but he can't limit himself to one club one night where everyone will appreciate him. If this were to remain the case then he would become nothing more than a dj that goes nowhere outside of their 'home'. I've seen this happen before in Providence and Boston where the dj is 37 yo and is still playing in the same spot and still sucks.

I think JP is innovative....whether that caters to his crowd at sf or if thats what he's really about I don't know, but a dj with that status especially in a city where the competition is quite possibly the fiercest in the world outside of London should be able to perform well on a random night. There is no excuse for him disappointing fans of music such as siceone like he did that night. As far as having an off night.......off nights don't last the entire night. Off nights just seem to have no energy and no flow, they don't make a debauchary of djing skill...........

DT sucked twice when i heard him outside of Vynl...so your point being what:confused:

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

See I dont understand that....Why wouldnt he be appreciated anywhere else if he really is a good dj? :confused:

Because of a number of reasons:

1. He probably had a small/wack crowd that really wasn't puttin out a good vibe(dancing,unity etc..)

2. People have such high expectations of a DJ and the fact of the matter is...DJs are human too...international or not. They are humans,they make mistakes(trainwrecks), and they have days/nights when they feel like garbage. All this effects how anyone would play, not just JP.

3. Again...JP knows Factory! He knows the people,he knows what gets em movin...when to drop certain things. I've seen him have numerous bad nites....but thats that. Aint gonna stop me from goin to hear him....

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Originally posted by origskeemr

DT sucked twice when i heard him outside of Vynl...so your point being what:confused:

Read the post again.......try to comprehend what it says.

Also, trying to make the comparison by bringing DT into the picture does not help your situation considering DT has worldwide status and is listed as one of the world's TOP djs. He didn't obtain that by mistake.

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Originally posted by bmw4jay

No...not really. Im just sayin it's probably more comfortable for him to play where he knows he'll be appreciated, for the most part. And I doubt he destroyed the ears of most people there that night, just a select few. :D

I hate to be the intellectual bully and knock every one down and shit but I gotta come at you guys with the truth. My point is not to make you guys hate JP. You can Like JP I don't care, I still like Zombie nation I DO!!! its a shame I wear with pride. But I would like to show you guys there are other types of music out there and may open a mind or two.. with that said.

JP has played Sneaky pete's on 2 other occasions that I know of. And the crowd loved him. My friend who I went with even appologized to me for JP's Content Sucking and he's a fan. And BMW4JAY you are absolutely right I asked alot of people in that club if they liked the music and most of them said yes. only the music snobs (the eliteists) would pick out train wrecks, or would gauge if a set had the right meter for a certain time of the night. so you're right jay only a few Ears bled. But how many have you have heard a shitty DJ yet blocked it out and danced anyway?

does it mean at the point you blocked them out they stopped sucking ?

Sneaky petes is a Decen't club whenthe music is good I have a good time because no one fucks with me and I know people so that answers that question.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Also, trying to make the comparison by bringing DT into the picture does not help your situation considering DT has worldwide status and is listed as one of the world's TOP djs. He didn't obtain that by mistake.

DT is also over 40 years old...JP aint there yet.

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Originally posted by siceone

..But I would like to show you guys there are other types of music out there and may open a mind or two.. with that said.


And BMW4JAY you are absolutely right I asked alot of people in that club if they liked the music and most of them said yes. only the music snobs (the eliteists) would pick out train wrecks, or would gauge if a set had the right meter for a certain time of the night. so you're right jay only a few Ears bled. But how many have you have heard a shitty DJ yet blocked it out and danced anyway?

does it mean at the point you blocked them out they stopped sucking ?

Sneaky petes is a Decen't club whenthe music is good I have a good time because no one fucks with me and I know people so that answers that question.

I hear ya...like I said before...he aint even my favorite. As for other types of music, I know it's out there. I listen to all types of DJs: No-names, big names , up&coming , international etc...As for being a musical "elitist"...thats a good thing. If eliteists wern't out there, these DJs would be turning into Draper running repetitive nonsense day in and day out. We all know we dont want that :laugh: ...Hope next time you see JP you have a better experience....:bounce:

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