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so how was all the fun on Friday night?


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hola peeps! just checking in... doesn't seem that there are any reviews of friday yet... sharam bust it up? and what about porter?

i had a wonderful weekend of *sleeping* and getting some stuff done for a change ... :D

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I've been in a meeting, but what's everyone else's excuse!?! Hmmmm??? Slackers... (wait, just the opposite)

Sharam was good, not incredible though. A1, if you've seen deep dish twice in the last two weeks for 10+ hours I think you'd have been a bit disappointed at this set. Here's what I wrote on the Avalon board about the night:

[AVALON]I thought Sharam and 16B's set was good, but not phenomenal. 16B played a good warm-up, but started banging it out a little early. There wasn't a great flow from the beginning of the night to the end, it just felt like they were dropping songs at random without thinking of how it'd work with what had been played or would be played for the rest of the night.

When Sharam took the decks, things started picking up a bit (maybe too much). That Autoporno mix was my favorite song of the night (just when you' think you're totally sick of a track, here comes a dope remix). I was nearly convinced they played two mixes of that song because the beginning of the track was so different from the end.

I was hoping they'd switch into gear after that song, but the night kind of stayed on that same level. Good songs, a bit too vocally (which is signature Deep Dish style), but no real build-up to the end of the set... just kind of an even-keeled night, which was good, just not spectacular in my eyes.

I think I was a little put-off by the end of the night as well. When Sharam played Driving to Heaven (yes, I'm calling it that), I just got a blah feeling. The song's kind of played out (maybe just because I hear it all the time), and I see that song as a much better opener than closer. So, when I heard it come on, I figured I'd meet some friends in Avalon and leave with them. WHAT A MISTAKE!! The end of Dave Ralph's set... well, made me want to Ralph. He played some high-energy trancy song out to the very end, let the music stop for a bit (no one was paying attention, the floor was dead, people were leaving)... then what does he play?? The joker. From start to finish, no remix, the straight-up, just like you remember it (or wish you didn't) song. You know the song I'm talking about "Some people call me a space cowboy, some call me the gangster of love, some people call me Maurice"... some people were calling me disgusted! If I want to hear that shit I'll go to Fanuel Hall with the other people stuck in college frat-party mode... I'm in Avalon, I want to hear a new song with a nasty beat. It wasn't creative, it wasn't cute, and it made me lose all respect for Dave Ralph. I wish I had ended the night in Embassy... I heard Scribble's dropped a nasty dub of "Better Off Alone" (thumbs down)


I went to check out Porter afterwards and had a good time. His set was kind of slowish, with a LOT of build-up, but right around 4:30ish he started kicking it with a few nasty, nasty songs. Just as he was starting to turn it up a notch I left though... I was there practically alone, had to be up the next day, and didn't have anything to aid the process ;) Still had fun, but it was no Ali!!

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Yeah, considering you're not a member of the Deep Dish-4-life fan club, I definitely think you made the right choice! Just gives you more fuel for this week!

brian, wow zero for two lately at avalon?? what's gonig on?

are y'all going to Bad boy bill on friday or Acosta on Saturday. i would love to go to see the latter -- i saw him in december at Exit and he was great! :) (i hate exit though)

but i have friends bday and she doesn't want to go there. :blown: i am really not looking foirward to my trip back this time

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Yeah Katie, the problem with you saving fuel for this weekend is that you're not gonna have anywhere to burn it! Bad Boy Bill and Derrick Carter are at Avalon/Axis this Friday. I'd be interested to see Derrick Carter, but I think I'm going to sit this one out. I've been to Avalon like 8 or the past 9 weekends (something like that), and I'm starting to get burnt out/sick of spending the $$$$ if I'm not going to have a REALLY good time!

Wed. should be fun though, Joslyn said she might come down for Porter, so that'd be cool. I think Drew said he wanted to go too.

Sue, I think I'm going to miss BBB and George Acosta. Everytime I go to see a trance DJ these days I don't go nuts for the music... I think I'm just sick of trance-y stuff!

Yeah, the last two weekends were a bit of a disappointment, but Friday honestly wasn't all that bad. For the most part Sharam from Deep Dish played a good set, just wasn't as good as some others of theirs I've heard (I always expect a lot from those guys!) But, The Joker was the nail in the coffin that night... I couldn't believe my ears when I heard him playing that as his last song... why would you do that?? Apparently he ends all of his sets that way :blown:

In case you couldn't tell, I HAAAAAATE Classic Rock!! :tongue:

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well, actually brian.. it's okay.. after miami I need more than *one* weekend to rest up... i had a fabulous weekend doing other stuff for a change... next weekend could be the same...

when there is a *good* reason to go out... i'll be there ;)

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I swear you are on crack ! :tongue:

Sharams set was off the charts on Friday. 16b ripped it up early and Sharam finished it off. I liked that set better than the other 2 so far. I didn't enjoy their 10 hour set at Vinyl in December. I like it better when they play seperatly. They have more direction and the sets are easier to follow.

You should have been on the floor right next to me....you would have seen it my way! Or maybe you just needed to get there early and have a few j&c's first ;)

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Originally posted by teamj5

I swear you are on crack ! :tongue:

Sharams set was off the charts on Friday. 16b ripped it up early and Sharam finished it off. I liked that set better than the other 2 so far. I didn't enjoy their 10 hour set at Vinyl in December. I like it better when they play seperatly. They have more direction and the sets are easier to follow.

You should have been on the floor right next to me....you would have seen it my way! Or maybe you just needed to get there early and have a few j&c's first ;)

Honestly, I did need to just be on the floor enjoying things with someone who was enjoying the show. I had way too many friends show-up that night, I felt like I was constantly being distracted!

When I got home from work Friday I was expecting one friend to call and we'd meet in there, along with meeting Jess and Drew. I ended up going with my girlfriend, my roomate (who NEVER goes out), CocoJ, her boyfriend, Tom, 2 of their friends, my friend who I mentioned earlier came with his girlfriend, another friend of ours and his slutty new girlfriend (the village bicycle), we met someone else we knew inside, blah blah blah, it was just too much! At one point me and my girlfriend said screw it and headed for the middle of the dance floor, which was sweet, I just needed to get away for a bit. Then, out of no where, a group of 4 meat heads come pushing their way through Axis doing the meathead "Me findum' girl to lay" walk. First one tries giving me a push, but I do the "I'm dancing here and standing my ground" move, the second one gave me a nasty shove. This is something I'd expect in Avalon, but for some reason when it happens in Axis, where everyone's having a good time, not getting in each other's faces it REALLY pisses me off. So, I shoved him back (not usually my move, but this guy was a dick). We exchange words, then more words, then fightin' words and eventually I just tell him to go back to the cave he crawled under and he actually did (I was suprised to tell you the truth). That just put me in a bad mood, which didn't help the rest of the night along.

I do think if I'm on the floor and the vibe's good it makes a HUGE difference in my night... I wasn't able to get into it Friday and that might have been why.

Hey, everyone... where the fuck are you!?!?! Hello??

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads


I went to check out Porter afterwards and had a good time. His set was kind of slowish, with a LOT of build-up, but right around 4:30ish he started kicking it with a few nasty, nasty songs. Just as he was starting to turn it up a notch I left though... I was there practically alone, had to be up the next day, and didn't have anything to aid the process ;) Still had fun, but it was no Ali!!

Hey yeah sorry I lost all concept of time on Friday;)

I talked to Ali and told him that we thought he tore it up and he was so psyched. He told me that he is opening for Acosta!

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Originally posted by kaydup

Hey yeah sorry I lost all concept of time on Friday;)

I talked to Ali and told him that we thought he tore it up and he was so psyched. He told me that he is opening for Acosta!

I'd like to see Ali again, but there's no way I'm going to pay to see Acosta!

Rise needs to get him back, or Avalon/Axis need to give him his own set to play around with. I wish he still DJ'ed Axis Saturdays... who does that now?? :confused:

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

I'd like to see Ali again, but there's no way I'm going to pay to see Acosta!

Rise needs to get him back, or Avalon/Axis need to give him his own set to play around with. I wish he still DJ'ed Axis Saturdays... who does that now?? :confused:

No clue, but he just seemed a little confused with what he was going to be doing.

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That's a tough call... Hotmail is really crappy lately. Sometimes I can't check my hotmail for hours. Plus, they're constantly trying to sell me more space. Like I'm ever going to buy anything when I could just get it somewhere else for free!

Then, CP is always crappy. I wouldn't trust that one either.

On the bright side, you would have been getting e-mails every 30 seconds from Drew and I talking about absolutely nothing, so it's not all bad.... unless you like hearing about absolutely nothing, in which case you'd be screwed.

I'm just talking for my own amusement here... work is killing me today :blown:

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

How does a sex site infultrate your website?? I'm kinda confused on that one! What kind of a site are you making? Is it for work??

Usually I infultrate sex sites, so I'm just trying to comprehend how they could do the same to me :tongue:

Yeah I wish that porn infultrated me a little more than usual

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