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Everything posted by HouseMusicImpresario

  1. Women beat their men..... Men beat on the drums. Looped over and over again for like 40 minutes. Going thru it looped for like 50 minutes. Fierce ruling diva..... You've got to believe. Looped for An hour!! YADAH YADAH YADAH... "JP can mix records on the fly, just to let you know"
  2. I feel sad..... i still have all my FTHC flyers from Crobar. I dont think I could go to this. It would feel too weird... maybe thats just me. I really miss Crobar.
  3. There will never be another Crobar. As time goes on we all start to see how special that place really was. The only thing that can replace it is the same name (Crobar) at the same location (28th) doing the same thing everyweekend (Boris, Victor, PVD, C&C, etc. and Johnny Dynell in the Bamboo room). Nuff said. Cant forget about that massive Phazon. :-) And Mikey D on Lights.
  4. Wow!!! That place is still open? Is Eddie Dean still the owner?
  5. Geeezzz.... why is this place still the talk of the town? It's a lost cause. New Yorkers just wanna dance to House Musik. Fuck all this "buy this table buy this bottle" shit!!! Who gives a Fuck anymore! Im honestly waiting for this place to fold so we can get something with some real "substance" in that building.
  6. Come on people be truthfull..... Pachita was formaly known as Level 4 when sound factory was open. What Pacha did was take away the glass staircase that went from level 3 to level 4 (over looked level 2). What they use now is a freight elevator to take you directly up. They make you pay extra to get up there (VIP I guess)... but when SF had the place there was no VIP shit!!! You could also walk around the main floor on the catwalk without paying Thousands$$$$ of dollars to do so. Level 1 Basement Level 2 Main Floor Level 3 Entrance Bar Lounge Level 4 Pachita When is Crobar comming back to NYC??
  7. That pic was taking in the Pink room..... 3rd floor of EXIT/Black or whatever you wanna call it. Back in the day it was the white room I believe. Exit was the shit.... my how things have changed.
  8. If that is the case.... does anyone have the word on how it sounds? Is it ground stacks, Flown arrays, or both? Whats gonna happen to that Crobar Phazon...... where do old systems go to retire? How is that Spirit system working out in Webster-Hall? www.funktion-one.com
  9. Does anyone out there think PACHA messed up that room the same way Spirit fucked up the old Twilo space on 27th street. Thats one of the points that Rob Fernandez made when they aquired the space on 46th street. He didnt want to change it around soooo much that it was unrecognizable.... the way Spirit did to the space on 27th street. Let's hope MANSION doesnt do the same to 28th strret..... Just a thought.
  10. I stopped by 28th street on NYE..... the head bouncer said sometime around February for Mansion. They had a trial party on NYE that they said was "sucking inside". The good news is, that monster of a system will stay the same. No news on the new Crobar space though. :-( And like everyone else on this page...... I too am tired of Pacha already. It's too fucking small. And they really fucked up the flow of that place. Where did the glass staircase that took you up to the top floor go? Why cant I take a walk on the catwalk that goes around the dance floor? Should have left it the way SF designed it. VIP shit doesnt belong in House music Clubs!!!!
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