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Everything posted by all4tribal1414779019

  1. i got u covered thanks hun just don't tell anyone we met online k :-X are we missing something here?? :-X http://www.cooljunkie.com/forums/index.php?board=6;action=display;threadid=20131;start=20 8)
  2. my bday is on the 26th n his on the 23rd...i wont be down next weekend so we doing one week earlier 8) i hope i don't take that many shots :-[ 1 day n counting
  3. i got u covered thanks hun just don't tell anyone we met online k :-X
  4. exactly my point alex level i agree w/ alot of things u said, since we do hear these awfull stories everynow n than...nowadays there are ways around it...an option would be to get a webcam start @ $30+, that way u know who you're speaking to "live" b4 you meet them.
  5. Track ID please im not that great w/ track id's lol im sure someone on here knows of it tho
  6. i wont be down next week, matter of fact i wont be down till early-mid october after this weekend i'll see ya in october then ;D lol ok man
  7. sup martha, i met u n melinda 2 weekends ago @ nocturnal when Diaga was spinning. Welcome, see u @ Noc
  8. thanks ya'll 8) be prepared for another great weekend in miami
  9. i wont be down next week, matter of fact i wont be down till early-mid october after this weekend
  10. Crobar > Metrópolis > Nocturnal > Space > Nikki's > Mansion > Amika > Pawn Shop dude last time i saw ur ass u were drunk off ur ass by 2am, how in the world u plan on doing that? haha when do u plan on sleeping?
  11. Diogo' date=' please...... You said that last time and strangely enough, after 6am it was impossible to make out anything you were saying. At Nocturnal: Diogo: RRRick, did youshehhehdhs that bitchchcin the reddres? Rick: What? Diogo: dabitchinda reddress Rick: you mean the grimy bitch with the juicy ass in the red dress? Diogo: (looking at me with a blank stare) uuh...I tink sssssooo Rick: how many beers have you had bitch? Diogo: ( trying to count on his fingers)only 2..... ummm 22... i think? Rick: ok man, time to close out your tab LOL Classic moment... I wish somebody was filming. [/quote'] i said that ??? when? i dont remember any part of that n i dont talk like that biautch lol
  12. great idea. no names, just the text. See that's the problem. The messages have references as to what people do for a living, their ethnicity, their phone numbers. So basically if I deleted all those details out it would be boring to read... guys still do those things? bwahaha hi im so n so, i like u we should chill plz call me on my cell, home, work, #2 cell if u cant reach me, oh and here's my email too okayyy...plz call me okkayy wtf Unless you actually met that person before, I think this is the lamest way to try to hook up... i was speaking in general not actually hooking up society aint looking down on us...who gives a fuck where u meet ppl if its on the street or online, i rather meet people online from friends or whatever that way u can talk n get to know the person alot more than having to deal w/ stupid bitches at the places we frequent on the weekends
  13. Just watched a special report on ABC Primetime on this. Warning: Deadly H5N1 Type A Influenza Pandemic Likely Coming To consider the impact of a sustained H5N1 influenza pandemic in the United States, it is reasonable to consider it possible that 10s of millions of Americans might die from such an epidemic were no vaccine available and quarantines employed. Even with a vaccine available, if it is developed and effectively administered, it is reasonable to consider an extremely conservative estimate of some few million US people killed by a sustained H5N1 pandemic. In the 3rd world where health services are fragile and inefficient, fatalities will surely exceed several hundred million people. The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised the specter of human-to-human transmission of deadly H5N1 avian influenza following confirmation that two Vietnamese brothers had contracted the virus and one had died. WHO confirmed that laboratory results had found the two brothers from northern Vietnam had been infected with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. According to WHO, "All evidence to date suggests that isolated instances of limited, unsustained human-to-human transmission can be expected from avian influenza viruses in humans." Seven of Vietnam's total 27 H5N1-related human deaths have occurred in the last three weeks (first 3 weeks of January 2005). The H5N1 avian influenza has also spread to felines. According to WHO there is evidence suggesting that H5N1 avian influenza was expanding its range of mammal hosts, including captive tigers and experimentally infected domestic cats. There is growing evidence that limited human-to-human transmission of H5N1 is occurring. Other strains of Influenzavirus Type A have made their way into the human population from birds and/or intermediate species, e.g., swine, and have achieved sustained human-to-human transmission. More well known examples of Type A flu pandemics in the human population include the 1968 Hong Kong flu... ...which killed 700,000 people worldwide. The most severe influenza epidemic of recent times was the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic which killed more than 20 million people worldwide and infected approximately 50% of the population of some countries, e.g., Switzerland at that time. It has been estimated, based on the mortality rates of those humans who have been infected with H5N1 avian influenza, that more than 70% of infected individuals might die from a sustained human-to-human H5N1 pandemic. As of 5 January 2005, the H5N1 virus had caused 45 confirmed human cases, of which 32 were fatal, or a little over 70% fatality. In comparison, SARS had an initial fatality rate of approximately 13% and was very inefficiently transmitted from one person to another when compared to influenza. Were a sustained global pandemic of H5N1 influenza to develop, it is entirely possible that some billions - with a "B" - of humans, certainly hundreds of millions, could die from the disease worldwide. There is currently no vaccine for H5N1 influenza though efforts are underway in different countries to develop a human vaccine. Clearly, it is only a matter of time until H5N1 Type A influenza becomes a global pandemic with potentially catastrophic impact. It is now time to pay attention to H5N1 Type A influenza. Professor Robert E. Lee, M.S., M.S.W., L.C.S.W. Brazil Offers to Produce Asian Bird Flu Vaccine for Global Consumption. Written by Melina Fernandes Thursday, 15 September 2005 Brazil presented a proposal to the World Health Organization (WHO) to be chosen as one of the international production centers for a vaccine against Asian bird flu. The proposal was introduced at the 2nd European Conference on Influenza, which began on Sunday, September 11, and ended Wednesday, September 14, in Malta. Asian bird flu is caused by the H5N1 subtype of the influenza virus, the same as the type responsible for the Spanish flu. The death rate is high. To the point where both the WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are worried about the possibility of a pandemic outbreak of the disease. According to Brazil's secretary of Health Surveillance, Jarbas Barbosa, a plan drawn up by specialists in the Brazilian Ministry of Health should be concluded and submitted in October. The objective is for municipalities and states to take preventive measures. The director of the São Paulo Butantã Institute, Isaias Raw, represented Brazil in Malta. The institute is responsible for 82% of the Brazil's vaccine production, including flu vaccine. Barbosa observes that the Brazilian proposal may be accepted, since few countries have shown an interest in producing a vaccine to combat the Asian bird flu virus, in light of the highly mutable nature of the virus. He points out that the WHO intends to reserve a strategic stockpile of the vaccine for use in prevention in case of a global epidemic, and Brazil's self-sufficiency would be welcome. The vaccine is still not being manufactured, but the WHO has already developed the seed lot. "Our expectation is that, when the product is ready for multiplication, we can initiate production of the vaccine (...) in Brazil in 2006, of at least 100 thousand doses to keep in stock for a quick response in case of a pandemic outbreak," he adds.
  14. if your hanging out with me, then its a safe bet your gonna be wasted.. :-[ :-X
  15. i'll do my best to not go all out this weekend :
  16. great idea. no names, just the text. See that's the problem. The messages have references as to what people do for a living, their ethnicity, their phone numbers. So basically if I deleted all those details out it would be boring to read... guys still do those things? bwahaha hi im so n so, i like u we should chill plz call me on my cell, home, work, #2 cell if u cant reach me, oh and here's my email too okayyy...plz call me okkayy wtf
  17. ive been doing that for a year now, it's a must lol looking fwd to this hopefully by that time i wont be 2 fucked up keep hoping :-*
  18. debauchery is my all time fav word...lol josh..let me know when you go to this..i might tag along... might my ass, we're all meeting up there b4 noc 8) so crobar, metropolis and then noc?? ??? yes
  19. fuckin sick... sat dinner->cro->eat->metro->noc->space->eat->drink h20->nikkis->sleep all this done by yours truelly Corona & Adrenaline, my choice of drug 8) ;D
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