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Posts posted by MissDiva

  1. After Sept 1'st everything gets cheaper - sales, discounts, vendors, stores - since there are less people in Sept they try to encourage spending/shopping etc. It was a HUGE difference overall - we went for a week in August and 3 weeks in September. I'd suggest going at least 10 days so you dont cram everything in and overexert yourself (we went for 28 days - SAME $ for the ticket and we got a month deal at a hotel 5 mins from Ibizatown and 5 mins from Space ($500 for the entire MONTH because it was an apartment style hotel) I strongly suggest doing that as opposed to aregular hotel. We had a HUGe top floor studio, 2 queen beds, kitchen area, huge closet, sofa, and HUGEEEE balcony overlooking the water. Most people spend $5-600 a week for a hotel, our bill for that apt was $530 for 28 days!!!! They will negotiate w/ you if you give them your length of stay - say, if you ask for a week but say "what deal will you give me if I extend it to 12 days" or whatever........In Sept there are much more vacancies and less tourists so you can bargin w/ them and they are more likely to be flexible.

    Also HUGE plus - it is cooler and more comfortable in Sept, August is unbearable.........Plus less lines, less crowd, and less drunken brits :))

    Ticket will be $650-$750 ish if you find a good deal online, got it through expedia... Could get them cheaper w/ layovers or at priceline, but I suggest planning to arrive around noon so you get the full day of your hotel (not coming in at 11pm so you have to pay for a day you missed) And leaving around noon, checkout time for the airport on the way back.........

    In Ibiza town people sell tickets for that nights clubs cheaper - usually 10-15 off each ticket, find one guy you like and KEEP going back to him every night - tell him you'll get all your tickets from him if he hooks you up. We ended up buying them all from him and paying 1/3 of what we would. Also they sell good "supplies" :) really cheaply and they want you to keep coming back, so they negotiate.

    Food is CHEAP - nice dinner for 2 is $40-$50 , equivalent to $100-$130 in the US. We had kitchen so had breakfast/lunch stuff in the room and groceries were dirt cheap too. Power bars and shakes etc - good idea!

    Its a good idea to plan for 2 or 3 nights out for ever one night in (on off nights we did a nice dinner/wandering around ibiza town/local bars etc) .......You enjoy the big nights much more when you're not completely exhausted and cracked out. Going for 6-7 nights is just too short, with traveling and getting adjusted and trying to cram everything in........Figure out whos spinning and what night and schedule it around that.....

    Def. the disco bus and cabs......no worries about parking ,gas, damage, driving mangled - cabs are EVERYWHERE.

    Most places have wristbands for re entry - sometimes we went really early (usually really cheap at that time) got the band and left, went back for afterhours....depends on the timing and event though..

    Cafe Mambo and all the beach bars next to it in San Antonio is a must - u can lay out all day there and watch the sunset/drink at night......Bora Bora near Space is the other option for day/evening /beach and drinks. If you stay right between Space area and Ibiza town yo ucan walk to BOTH - ur about 7-8 minute walk from either , thats what we did and it saved us a lot of time and cabs....Ibiza town, Pacha, Bora Bora and Space are within walking distance, we went to those places most so that made sense.

    Theres a bus that takes u to San Antonio during the day - best bet.....

    Ok think thats all - email me for more info :) good luck!

  2. Yea for the first time in my life I'm the minority - grew up in Westchester NY (Jew central) and went to NYU (NY JEW) and now I'm in the middle of everyone speaking Spanish a mile a minute and a billion Xmas trees!

    I did get a Hanukkah tree though, white with blue balls (hehe)


  3. It was weird - everyone was talking but it didn't really hit anyone, we went to the computer place and read all the papers , it was just STRANGE - everyone partying and getting fucked up and being happy but at home everything falling to pieces, we were crying on the beach drinking sangria!

    I think now I look back and am glad I was there, considering at that time I lived a in the village , very close to the WTC... but it was just strange, you feel so disconnected and helpless and I would call home and hear planes flying over my friends apartments.......................

    I remember Andy - crazy huh.....

  4. Government....

    Government Fluffer :)~

    The more angry these kids get, the more pleasant the opening of new venues get......The more ppl talk = better the buzz = ANY PR is GOOD PR :)~

    While everyone's enjoying Nocturnal, sad, attention hungry, bitter kids w/their ____ in their hand will be in bed by 12 :)

    BTW Dade, 2 comments you made that coulda come from my mouth: re: love nothing more than / dirty underground & HooJ party........

    Are you from NYC???

  5. "who cares about twilo, tunnel, palladium, sf, exit, deep = no more........those were dirty & ghetto and 80/90's club

    no more thank GOD"

    Im always amused when a person takes it upon him/herself to sum up the entire life of not one, but 6 clubs (4 history/memory making, long lasting, and economically (individual and NYC as a whole) & socially influential. Not to mention gave hundreds of ppl jobs, and thousands of ppl some of the best nights/memories/teenage and + years of their lives....

    ALL THAT summed up into "those were dirty ghetto 80's 90's clubs" HEHE!! Love it. Exactly what is ghetto about thousands of buff, shirtless, fabulous chelsea boys cramming into ARENA, or Juniors marathon weekends at Tunnel, or the first unbelievable years of SF, or the groundbreaking first-overseas-DJ-gigs @ Twilo (aka Cox vs Teneglia marathon & others).....('ill keep my mouth shu about the others lol) and so on and so on.............

    & yes, they were the 80s and 90's. Unfortunately, today is nothing like how THOSE years were :)

    To even say "thank god" to those places/times means one of 2 things... you never experienced it, or just didn't GET IT.........

    Oh and nothing is funnier than ppl typing "where 2nite (insert listing of names of clubs you read about in NY times special nightlife section on what's hot and/or message board reviews) I can't believe people are soooo completely naieve and hungry for attention...............jeez!

  6. Jet Apts OOOOOOOOOOOOO the storiessssssssss I have from there :) Some of the best memories of my life and craziness I am SO HAPPY I experienced....Every 10 minutes meeting these new crazy totally different ppl from all over the worlddddd :)~

    I gotta scan my pics tomorow!!!

  7. Agreed...you can't explain why 2390482304 sweaty european w/some americans thrown in :) mushed together happy as can be dancing for 20 hours str8 is the BEST you can get - :)

    I remember the last few days of summer 2001 after the attacks, Carl Cox on the terrace, It was so much energy the place was burstingggggggggggggg...........As much as I love NYC & USA nothing compares to that feeling!!!!

  8. I though Amnesia and Priv were both massive and nicely done - Manumisson/Monday was a great thing to experience but CHEESEY crowd - I think it started turning cheesey in 99 when E had the Ibiza special lol

    Space Ibz. is the people/vibe/energy/lineup/consistency - overall just did it for me, didn't have to impress w/ all of the stuff that other places did (shows, dancers)

    To me , THAT is impressive - when you have nothing but a plain club, and make it so good w/ just the people, music and energy... that's 100x more impressive/amazing time then paying people to entertain you by dancing around on stilts :)

  9. What Arena are you talkin about - I was making a joke referring to Arena @ Palladium in the mid 90's w/ Junior V (anyone who knows me knows why) Basically saying shit went downhill after 98ish..

    Im losing your point about clubs being copied - IMO everything is copied from everything, it's 2003 and clubs have existed for so many years that ideas are recycled again and again, IMO again I think IBIZA clubs are what a lot of designers strive for and my favorites being Pacha and Space Ibiza - I can understand why!

    Really is irrelevant where it comes from, if it works it works, When Danny first started at Vinyl it was a big ugly empty basement w/ no promotion (aside from Rob) and it WORKED x 100000 because it just was great - no help needed.........These days places try way too hard and oversaturate themselves w/ promoters/ideas and its too much of something that just doesnt work..........

    & for the 3'd time, I am not saying Maze is GOOD I'm saying my on random events w/ someone good spinning, it's good re: the music. (as is anywhere w/ someone good spinning) Jesus christ :)

  10. HEY! lol :)

    I actually used to work w/ Dirk and he's a COMPLETE prick (or he used to be at least) but a damn good director.

    ~sigh~ miss that NY attitude!

  11. No, actually the same staff from LIFE moved over to Spa right when Life closed - I worked the last night, NYE 1999 into 2000, then Spa began.........I actually think it was around April 2000 that Spa opened, they took a few months off after the closing to re group..........

    I lived on 13th and University actually :) What an area huh - miss it!!!!

    Spa was a mess (the entire thing - not talking about the door) compared to every Steven Lewis event that went on back from the 90's and esp from the same nights moved from Life - wasn't the same. Im not talking about someone who never went to Life and showed up at Spa, to them it would def. be a cute place, Im comparing the two. Life was a club, a lounge, all types of ppl/music/vibes/events/ mixed everything up into one - spa didn't even come close, for many reasons, but mainly b/c of the space itself... anyway a whole diff tangent :)

    My bf just works @ Maze - I only go to keep him company or on special events aka Peter for White party etc - I wasnt making comments on how places are in Southbeach, just stating how TOO many places open up and not enough ppl to go around. Opium, Bed, and Pearl were cute before but are a little tired now IMO (when you live here, its different than coming to visit and only going to these places everya few times a year) but the nik.beach scene got tired a while ago - way too much of just what you describe, trying way too hard :)

    In any case - lets discuss something more fun, like Arena :)~ lol

  12. Spa opened in 2000 when Life closed (The last night of life was New Years Eve 1999)

    I ended up getting door jobs myself at other places after 2000 so didnt' work at Spa, (thank god, hehe - what a mess that turned out to be)

    I actually started going out in the early 90's when he used to work at Limelight - little did I know years down the line we'd work together. Incidentally the other girl who did the door at Disco2000 who I was PETRIFIED of , ended up becoming one of my best friends 5 years later

    Funny how shit turns out. Unfortunately things went downhill after those years :(((

    Thus, my move to SouthBeach :)

    BTW there's a big buzz about Crobar24 down here- but IMO there are TOO many places opening for no people!!!! My boyfriend works @ Maze and every Sat night he says the place is EMPTY - nuts!

    OH and to the guy about the guy/5 girls who got denied - you can be gorgeous, but have the wrong look/attitude/age/type/timing - beauty doesnt guarantee you getting in all the time - in fact a funky, cool looking, unique and different looking ugly girl has more chance than a snotty, pretty tacky girl (not saying thats what they were , just making a point :)

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