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Johnny Blaze

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Everything posted by Johnny Blaze

  1. Hey peeps. Here's my hamptons review for all those curious. The last time I was in the Hamptons I had a horrible time cause 90% of the people there are losers. So I decided to make a mockery of the whole weekend. The first step in making a jack-ass out of yourself the entire weekend is to "fro" your hair out. (Please note: that I have extremely curly hair and when "fro'd" out, it looks like my mom had an affair in 1977 with our black milk man). Anyhow, step number two is to cook the multiple licks your co-horts have brought up and further engage in sniffles. Step number three.... buy a pink pic to stick in your hair while trying to still look cool. Step number four.... smoke continuously throughout the weekend, binge drink, drop more bombs then Nixon did in Nam, and run out K by Sunday morning. Clubs included...CPI's Friday night....Blew. Brazil Saturday Night.... A to Z ripped shit up. Stretch Armstrong signed my pick. Hot girlie girls everywhere. Life SUnday night... Awsome night. Hex Hector was good. Hot girlie girls everywhere. All in all, 1. THe Hamptons or any other place similar, is much more fun when trying to look stupid and just have fun with your friends. 2. I look good with an afro and a pick. 3. Hot girlie girls like going to the Hamptons 4. Stretch Armstrong is white. (For all yall non hip hop fans; he's the best DJ) 5. K works 6. It was cool seeing Jase again. He knows how to throw parties. Johnny Blaze "ain't a damn thing changed"
  2. Mine was awsome. A full Johnny Blaze Hamptons review is soon to come. Johnny BLaze "ain't a damn thing changed"
  3. I'll be there. Beware. Johnny Blaze "ain't a damn thing changed"
  4. Johnny Blaze aka Tony too long aka Tank Top Tony aka Techno Tony aka Tony too tan aka Rodrigo aka Guidano Pagano aka Tony shuffles aka Tony Atlas aka Tito Santana aka Tony Nuff Nuff
  5. I didn't have that much fun last time I went. I actually gave it a pretty bad review for 4th of July weekend. I guess it's fun though if your with your friends. Blaze
  6. There's a lot of hot women down there. Blaze
  7. Didn't Exit do this last year at the same time?
  8. I used to go to the Factory every Friday when it opened (peter's used to spin then). Then when he switched to Saturdays (I think around Fall 1997) it began to fallllll. I haven't been there for a year. And before that, twice in 1999. The last time I was there some shady fuck kept coming up to me and my friends asking if he could be our friend. I said to him nicely after a while to please leave us alone because he was scaring some of my friends. He then (this is hilarious) wipped out two glowsticks on short strings and started to twirl them SO BAD. They just kept getting tangled and what not. And then he proceeded to say "now can I be your friend". It was kind of sad. Yet funny now. It totally skeeved me out of that place. That same night two different complete strangers asked if they could have a sip of my water. I was like "Do I know you?" Shit that place is fucked up. I'm with djChris though. There will always be a place in my heart for the Factory. Johnny Blaze aka The Factory Head formally known as Tony.
  9. I'm dying to know as well. I drove my brother back to the city Sunday and we drove by at 4:30PM and we heard the music pumpin. Blazed
  10. LOL. Slowly? That place has been dead for 2 years +. No offense to anyone that goes there. Of course. Johnny Blaze "ain't a damn thing changed"
  11. Naaa. You guys are all wrong. Those are the girls leaving Sound Factory. As hard as it may be, pease don't mistake them for prostitutes. Johnny Blaze "ain't a damn thing changed"
  12. I don't don't think so doll. I need to save for next weekend. Johnny
  13. On behalveof the bored at ClubNYC wee oppoligize four pickin fun of yuu. Johnny Blaze "aint adamnd think changed"
  14. No man. That's how she always used to spell. She's wacked. LOL.
  15. "Knot" cool? THat's fuckin' hilarious.
  16. No shit! I remember the original glowgirl. She couldn't spell for her life. I think she's "slow".
  17. Probably. There's tons of clubs in NYC that this board will never here of or talk about. Blaze
  18. How YOU doin'? I'm Johnny Blaze aka Tony. I'm 23 but I party like a 28 year old. Johnny Two Steps
  19. Da grammer N' speling on CLUBNYC's bored is phine. I dont' now wat your tulking about.
  20. Yea but it's not nearly as good without Andy
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