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Posts posted by atf104

  1. I guess i failed to make the point... DT will turn a project down no matter what the $ is....if its not his style or he feels he wont be able to do anything with it... JP will take it just for the money...thats what i was trying to say... I actually like MLIYL when it came out...but eek now... Thats what i mean... Flash, "when i grow up", elements...all CLASSICS... and JP's deeper rekords?? case in point!

    but this has been a intelligent 'bashing session' so thats cool! 'cant we just all get along' smile.gif



    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  2. sf97,

    Its not really what you play, its the kind of music... Most djs refer to the synth intense progressive/trance that commercial clubs play as "cheeze"... Yes JP plays some good stuff, but for the most part he plays commercial trance and progressive house. DT played the deep dish mix of 'music' a few times, it didnt go over well but I think its terrific. That deep dish sound sounds so good in a club. The difference between dt and jp, is that dt turns down 80% of his offers to remix stuff and maintains a high level of quality with what he remixes. Pretty much any DT production no matter how old or new is a quality track that can be played in a club. From what ive been told, JP will produce anything, if the price is right. I friend of mine from philly who is good friends with jp tried to get him to do a favor and remix a song by a band he was promoting. JP said "sure...for $15k in advance..." And when JP was high on the my love is your love... he played that friggin song for 45 minutes every week....thats what did it for me, i couldnt take 10 minutes of whitney singin acapella. Danny plays his new songs, but as soon as they are released and become popular, he STOPS playing them regularly. Thats how it should be. Vinyl always has an air of freshness to it every week. Ive not experienced that anywhere else, regarless of what kind of music is played. Literally 8 hours of new music every week. SF started becoming the same thing every week when i was going.

    So yes JP is not KTU commercial...but at the same time he is commercial. DT plays vocals and stuff but only QUALITY vocals, his Karen Ramirez by Oscar G he's been bangin recently...no one has it, and its an awesome vocal! But its not the typical "amber, whitney, etc..." You should hear this track! its sick!



    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  3. sf97,

    Its not really what you play, its the kind of music... Most djs refer to the synth intense progressive/trance that commercial clubs play as "cheeze"... Yes JP plays some good stuff, but for the most part he plays commercial trance and progressive house. DT played the deep dish mix of 'music' a few times, it didnt go over well but I think its terrific. That deep dish sound sounds so good in a club. The difference between dt and jp, is that dt turns down 80% of his offers to remix stuff and maintains a high level of quality with what he remixes. Pretty much any DT production no matter how old or new is a quality track that can be played in a club. From what ive been told, JP will produce anything, if the price is right. I friend of mine from philly who is good friends with jp tried to get him to do a favor and remix a song by a band he was promoting. JP said "sure...for $15k in advance..." And when JP was high on the my love is your love... he played that friggin song for 45 minutes every week....thats what did it for me, i couldnt take 10 minutes of whitney singin acapella. Danny plays his new songs, but as soon as they are released and become popular, he STOPS playing them regularly. Thats how it should be. Vinyl always has an air of freshness to it every week. Ive not experienced that anywhere else, regarless of what kind of music is played. Literally 8 hours of new music every week. SF started becoming the same thing every week when i was going.

    So yes JP is not KTU commercial...but at the same time he is commercial. DT plays vocals and stuff but only QUALITY vocals, his Karen Ramirez by Oscar G he's been bangin recently...no one has it, and its an awesome vocal! But its not the typical "amber, whitney, etc..." You should hear this track! its sick!



    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  4. Originally posted by tranza:

    There is no party on saturday night in NYC that is better then the one at Sound Factory..

    15 years huh?? Please inform me.. He didnt even blow up untill his residency at Sound Factory.. Thats, what, 3-4 years?? I know where he has spun in the past, and blah,blah,blah, but he has only been big for a few years..

    And from now on, dont look at me like some Jersey reject that only goes to the Sound Factory and has no idea what he's talking about.. Ok??

    Just because I defend him, doesnt mean he's my favorite..

    Uh saturday?? well, id pick twilo over the factory any week, Im no junior fan, but junior can at least mix (usually). You guys are so homo phobic...too bad most of the factory people dont know that JP is queerer then a $3 bill, omg! the god himself is gay! omg! Anyway, he is what he is, and Im from PA, i dont look at jersey people or anyone differently. Its the same reasoning behind people not coming to vinyl because they think its gay or something... If you are that insecure and need to go to a place full of steroid and silicon enhanced bodies that do more drugs then a pharmacy to feel "masculine"...then the factory is for you. I go where the music is... and besides twilo, centro fly, vinyl and a few others, there is no where to even go where they dont play cheeze. More power to people that like cheeze...


    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  5. I have a nurse outfit...problem with that?? wink.gif

    Anyway, people, if there is one thing DT is about, it's about breaking down barriers...its not about classifying the music as house, trance, tech-house, etc.. if its a good track, its a good track. And as DT says "I like it all.." I think too many DJ's stick to one genre too much. I like everything too, i go from deep house to vocal, to tech and trance, staying in one genre all night gets boring in my opinion.



    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  6. whew....prententious??? mac using big words... wow im impressed..not bad for that basketweaving degree you have...

    Just to comment, whenever danny returns from a trip,its always off da hook... especially europe... last time he came back with ac/dc, pasilda... smile.gif



    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  7. Saturdays is shelter and pretty much everynight at vinyl is a house oriented night, saturdays and sundays more so then fridays. Fridays is with DT, and no matter what you like..trance, etc, you wont be disappointed.

    Email me for the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guest list</A> ...



    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  8. Gatito,

    Actually im from philly and get my records all over. In philly mainly from 'about the beat', 'cue records', and 611 records. Whenever im in the city i usually hit satellite though. Its all about digging when youre at the store. Most people walk in and buy the current domestics, groovalicious..etc.. youre not gonna find the gems on those labels...gottta dig into the imports! smile.gif



    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  9. nokilee, you have some fucking balls (even as a girl) to spread bullshit like this! Yes im cursing, because people like you cause more problems then your sorry slutty, need to get attention ass deserves. If youre gonna post something as irresponsible and inaccurate as that on a messageboard, you better post it with the source if your info. Otherwise youre just embarressing yourself. Danny makes more money then you will ever see and doesnt do drugs or for christ's sake need to sell them. GO crawl back under your rock or the SF board where crackheads are the norm.


    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  10. Well deep house is all about the mood and the flow...the mixing... How you ever gonna have that at SF, where half the mixes are crashes, off key, and at 145 bpm?? Deep house is sexy... you can dance to it, listen to it, grind to it whatever you feel like.... Then again, thats VINYL!!! I enjoy going from deep...to tribal...to tech...a vocal here and there..its all about variety...I hate dj's that stay in one genre all night, it gets old real fast. DT is the only dj I know of that really goes through it all...in nyc anyway. Europe is more into that, but in nyc, you got all the people who want their "euro pop progressive" so... thats gonna be in the big rooms for a while.

    my .02..



    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  11. synthetik... we'll have to hook up in philly some time...Personally I always go to new york, cause i dont care for philly too much. But I know DT is in europe tonight... Im spinning at vinyl! Along with Antranig, who does production work with DT, he's very good. Hope we can hold the fort for da man.. smile.gif Fluid is a cool place though...were you there when DT was there?? What a time that was..



    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  12. Hey people, just reminding everyone, that DT is off to London so he wont be at vinyl tonight, but myself and Antranig will be filling in for the big man. We both are similar to DT in style and you WILL hear some big DT anthems tonight....dont wanna spoil it! hehe...(oops..he he he he he ha ha)... but this is no laughing matter. Anyway, if you wanna come and be on the list, email me at adam1@psu.edu before 5 today... Hope to see you tonight!!

    Peace to all,



    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

  13. OMG, that was amazing...forgot about half that stuff...

    Doesnt it seem like EVERYTHING for kids today is just cheap rip offs?? Doesnt it erk you seeing kids now walk around with the atari logo on their shirts and the transformers logos too?? They think its a fashion statement now! Is everything a rip off of voltron and the transformers? Guys, remember when it WASNT cool to have a computer?? GEEKS! smile.gif Remember when everyone dressed nice in school? Dressing like a slob wasnt in? When no one talked back to teachers....let alone had weapons in school! The big green machine.....woo woo.. smile.gif Anyone here have a "quad", dirt bike?? remember 3-wheelers?? smile.gif

    OK... here's one..name your first computer!!!

    I had an atari 800, 800 XL, Atari ST, then in 1995 got a (puke) PC....and 1996 got a Mac because it reminded me of the atari days!


    "Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

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