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Everything posted by brandie

  1. heeeeeey girlie! ~ brandie
  2. awwe how sweet ~ brandie
  3. oo cody i totally woulda done it if had work for you to do in exchange lol . . . that woulda been easy n quick ~ brandie
  4. i have a new miata thats 30 fully loaded . . . but they really havent changed the model thaaat much so the older ones arent that bad . .. but i think its a lil TOO cute for a boy to be driving! and if you've over 6 ft. tall they're like suuuuuch a squish! ~ brandie
  5. i wanna come w/. . . . i like juan atkins. call me laaater. ~ brandie
  6. seriously? wooooow time flies . . . what have you been up to lately? ~ brandie
  7. hola highmay! miss you hunny! ~ brandie
  8. mondays @ lot, use the CliQueMe guestlist @ the door . . . wednesdays @ sessa, agreed. ~ brandie
  9. wow thats a long time lol jeez. ~ brandie
  10. way to bump your bitching shawn ink is not by any standards a bad dj . . . he kept me bouncin around all nite for many a nite at parties awhile back . . . anju is poorly managed, i dont know anyone that's kept a party there for more than a couple weeks . . . and the cabaret stuff is a mess in general, esp. when the right people aren't taken care of if you know what i mean, which obviously the manager/owner knew when they told shawn to keep the music non-danceable. ~ brandie
  11. i read them, and all my *loser* friends send me links to them so we can be amused together ~ brandie
  12. wooowooowooo! yaaaaaay! ~ brandie
  13. oooo and are you coming? i havent seen you in forever, i miss you! ~ brandie
  14. ehhh im celebrating my v-day on the 13th . . . with dinner @ industry, then LES & satoshi @ centro lol im contemplating going somewhere for the weekend on friday . . . anywhere. lol ~ brandie
  15. im always there .. . saturday nites is Vegas' party, always a good time . . . like was said above, its not for the music, but its still a great time . . . fridays are good as well . . . if you need list info etc, drop me a PM. ~ brandie
  16. other than getting to spend all nite with you, that was def. one of the best moments ~ brandie
  17. nice to see you last nite!!!!!!!!!!!!!! check your CP email . . . ~ brandie
  18. PMs, sorry for the delay. ~ brandie
  19. oh but absolutely. *pukes soup on you* ~ brandie
  20. *passes you chicken soup* you'll be juuuuust fine . . . i have a cold too that im battling . . . suck it up .. . gotta party the next two days lol ~ brandie
  21. if you get there before 12, i'll have the guestlist . . . so you wont be able to walk inside w.o. seeing me so you better say hello!!!! and dank & i go way back, we even went to our senior prom together lol . . . he's gonna rip shit up tonite, im so excited ~ brandie
  22. how about . . . right . . . NOW! ~ brandie
  23. i said *barely* mr. nathan! ~ brandie
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