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Everything posted by ItakeX

  1. OMG A-ron...I'm so glad u were ok. Things like that make me wonder why ppl do it all over again. I can't see how some ppl come so close to dying and then they go back to doing it all over again. Don't you guys see that as a sign? I read all of these stories and I can honestly say that my stories are boring compared to these. I used to think that everything I did was BAD, but I was actaully and angel compared to most of you. At least now I can go out and not have any of my past nights hanging over my head as if it were a bad thing to do. I just hope that all of you who have posted and have had your really good "Fucked-up" nights, will be very careful in the future because most of you may not be so lucky if it happens again. Be safe, smart and responsible. Remember moderation is the key! <3 Bev
  2. Call your company's IT guy or the systems administrator. My office had the same problem...they had to shut down the servers and work on the computers for 24 hours.
  3. I went both nights and I think Fridays have a better vibe. Mainly because all of my friends are there.
  4. Full-time, Executive Assistant for a large asset management company. Part-time clubber on the weekends!! I deserve every minute of partying. I work hard during the week so I can enjoy my weekends. That doesnt make me a bad person does it??
  5. Welcome to the board! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  6. OMG! I hope that they are ok...that is such a scary thought. When I read that post I got the chills. My heart and prayers go out to them and their families. So sad.
  7. Why don't people reseearch before taking drugs? It's common sense. If you don't know what it is or its effects, find out!
  8. If you were a nurse, then you would definitely know what ecstacy is. Everyone knows what "e" is.
  9. You should definitely consult your physician. It could be more serious than e-related. I hope everything is ok.
  10. I wouldn't take them especially since your dealer told you not too. That's important. So get rid of them. If you do decide to take them, I hope everything is ok. Don't mean to scare you, but seriously think about it.
  11. I have noticed recently that each time I take a pill, I get sick. When I started taking e a while ago, it would pass and I would be fine, but now forget it. I can't seem to get over that sick feeling and I find myself running to the bathroom. After that I am good to go. Any reason why, after all this time, I would be getting sick?
  12. What the hell is "plug it"? I know I'm a little slow, but I'm not an expert on taking drugs.
  13. How can I get some of these Nikes? I want to try them sooo bad because I missed ot 2 weeks ago. I passed up the chance to roll and found out later on that they were Nikes. SO disappointed. Are there any left? Or did everyone swallow them?
  14. Clovers - year ago buddahs tom & jerrys dinos turbos teletubbies As for white nikes...I cant wait to get my hands on them!
  15. I have been on birth control for about 6 years and I have taken e on occasions. I'm still good. I guess it would be like any antibiotic u take. Take extra precautions while having sex on extacy! That's all u have to worry about.
  16. Well, I've heard of liquid e on pacifiers. There was this one story where a few people were really sick from sucking on an extacy dipped pacifier. I'm not sure if I would recommend any other consumation than pill form. It's the only successful way to do it.
  17. I think you should definitely worry about yourself first. If you want to go out and have a good time, then do it. Let your bf and cousin fend for themselves. You won't be there to hold your cousin's hand forever and you sure as hell shouldn't put up with that insecurity crap from your bf. Why not take a night out for yourself and have a great time! You probably deserve it for all the work you've done for your cousin!
  18. I think I am going as Vanessa, the Secret Agent from Austin Powers. What's your take on that guys?
  19. OMG!!! Yes...it is 4:10pm and I can't wait until it ends. What's everyone up to tonight?
  20. I was there last year late and it was really crowded and I wasn't feelin the vibe either. Hopefully this year will be better. If you're gonna get, try and get there early and make sure you have a costume because Paris won't let you in!
  21. I definitely don't recommend it! I tried it and I didn't get to feel the pill as much because I was concentrating on the sex. Personally, I'd rather roll in a club then in a bed. It's more fun! Besides all the foreplay is the best on e anyway. That's just my opinion.
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