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Everything posted by ynicholas

  1. Well here is my $0.02... 1) Did anyone catch the camera angle on Lars Ulrich from Metallica? Homeboy was KNOCKED OUT!! 2) Why did Britney wear that outfit like that? Whats up with showing her thong underwear like that? Nice outfit, but distastefully put together. And the hair! No need to get into that. 3) What was up with the camera angle to Eminems nuts while he was performing? I don't want to see that! 4) Janet was hot and Britney needs to learn a couple of steps of her own... 5) Jennifer Lopez looked like she just stepped off a plane from Mexico (where she spent 5 days recooperating...boohoo). Did anyone peep the hips she was a growing. The Spanish in her is catching up to here hips. She can dye her hair a million times over blonde but she will be still be seen as a Latin woman, not a white one (so stop it already!). Anyway I think she napped on the limo ride from the airport and Puffy handed her a bandana so she can do something with her hair. 6) I got bored of watching it so I didn't get to see the whole thing...Its not like MTV is going to play this VMA thing over, and over, and over again! ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  2. Don't worry about it nine peepers! I went to the first one (I am type 1 too) blindly and I had a great time. I will hold your hand if need be ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  3. Sounds good for me hun! Just remind me next week...So I don't bolt out of work! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  4. Ok, I look healthy, not skinny. do you think you look skinny artful? Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat so you are probably diesel ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  5. I'm down for the pasta place too. I am with blueangel...I LOOOVE Italian food (and men ). You will probably hear me saying after the meal...Ho mangiato troppo! (I ate too much) ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  6. PFloyd...Walk REALLY slow! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  7. Its annoying when some people in a club hold the cigarette out, far away from their body at a club. Its usually girls that are trying to look cool. When you try to walk past them, they act as if their cig has more right to space than a person. If you smoke at least know how to hold it correctly! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  8. OMG...How did you pull it off (no pun intended) on the train. I once saw this guy on the 4 train with an enormous bag over his lap. Some girl was sitting across from him and I noticed his hand was under the bag and the bag was moving. He was soooo obvious and I felt bad for the girl who had to be the object of his spanking...ewww!!! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  9. OMG...How did you pull it off (no pun intended) on the train. I once saw this guy on the 4 train with an enormous bag over his lap. Some girl was sitting across from him and I noticed his hand was under the bag and the bag was moving. He was soooo obvious and I felt bad for the girl who had to be the object of his spanking...ewww!!! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  10. I'm with you on that one blueangel. Got to have music too to round out my life! I had to show off my moves alla frankie style! See ya! ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  11. I have been playing basketball all summer to keep in shape, but now that summer is over I am going to hit the gym starting next week (I hope). Lets see I will probably do light lifting and moocha cardio to start. I have an athletic body shape. I am not skinny (others beg to differ) and I am not fat. I'm 6'0 165lbs...So I don't look malnourished or anything. teddy - are you looking to start working out? ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  12. Does anyone still go there? ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  13. Right on neptune! There were plenty of guys I have met this summer that was sooo hot, but once the start talking to me, I start to feel like everything is about them. What about me?? I know of couple of guys that are the exception. But as to the topic at hand, I think its a combination of physical, chemical, and even how you are feeling emotionally at the moment you meet eyes with someone you find attractive. Some days I feel some guys are not as attractive than when I see them at another point in time. I mean one day some guys can look like the hottest thing on earth while on other day he isn't hot shit to me. Just my opinion ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  14. Crackorn...you naked @ Twilo??? That should be a sight! ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  15. Hi, I am 23 siciliagirl. ravegirl - Where did you live in Belmar? I mooched off of a couple of people on 10&B and 12&E . I'm looking into getting a share down there next yr. This past summer was off the hook! And to everyone else - Whats going on @ SF on the 16th? It would be cool to meet you guys there along with the deeper crew. Ciao, ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  16. Awwwwwwwww poor baby. Do you need someone to rub your tummy for ya? Hope you feel better! ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Chi tace acconsente.
  17. "How Old Am I?" A man decides to have a face-lift for his birthday. He spends $5,000 and feels really good about the results. On his way home, he stops at a newsstand and buys a paper. Before leaving, he says to the sales clerk, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but how old do you think I am?" "About 35," was the reply. "I'm actually 47," the man says, feeling really happy. After that, he goes into McDonalds for lunch and asks the clerk the same question. The reply is, "Oh, you look about 29". "I am actually 47." Later, while standing at a bus stop, he asks an old woman the same question. She replies, "I am 85 years old, and my eyesight is going. But when I was young, there was a sure way of telling a man's age. If I put my hand down your pants and play with your balls for 10 minutes, I will be able to tell you your exact age." As there was no one around, the man thinks, What the hell and lets her slip her hand down his pants. Ten minutes later, the old lady says, "Okay, it's done. You are 47." Stunned, the man says, "That was brilliant. How did you do that?" The old lady replies, "I was behind you at McDonalds." ------------------ Chi tace acconsente.
  18. LOL!!! Homer in a dress! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  19. SF...Nuff said! Just my opinion! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  20. I think we need to put together one fat ass trip to Cancun in March...Hey whaddaya say! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  21. Hmmmm lets see... I would get the laser surgery for my eyes, so I don't need to wear contacts... I would get lipo in a few areas... I would get implants (small ones of course)... I would also get the laser hair removal procedure... But I would never do any of these things (even if I had the money) b/c I think like the way I look and I don't want to mess with my eyes at all (plus I like wearing contacts). ------------------ Chi tace acconsente.
  22. I will say hi to you dirtyslapper! ------------------ Chi tace acconsente.
  23. There is also South Padre Texas, Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, Daytona Beach...What about going into the mountains on a ski trip during spring break...You don't always need a beach to enjoy it! ------------------ Chi tace acconsente.
  24. Did someone tell you that diva? Personally I don't think so. I would do it if there is no room on the dancefloor (heck, I'd do it if there was room! ). If someone were to be looking to hookup wouldn't they be off into the crowd? I mean judging from distances and all I don't think guys would be bothering a girl that is way above them grooving to the music. My Monthly Metrocard worth ------------------ Chi tace acconsente.
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