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Everything posted by ynicholas

  1. Awwwwwww thats so sweet. Right back at ya babe! ------------------ Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!
  2. You were definitely tearing up the dance floor last night Steve. See ya tonight! ------------------ Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!
  3. Is there a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> for Exit on Saturday night? ------------------ Non esco con Tizio, Caio e Sempronio. Forse Caio!
  4. I like muscles! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  5. 82 bottles of beer on the wall, 82 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around...81 bottles of beer on the wall...... ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  6. schwingpep...I was thinking the same thing! I love the San Gennaro festival...Lots of Italian hotties everywhere you look. Its heaven!!! What time are you think of checking it out? I think its till 11PM. CM, All I have to say is HA! HA! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  7. Oh artful, when I got into the cab I was FREEZING cuz he had the A/C on. Then by the time I got to my house I had a decent walk from the cab to my door. Then I forgot to get my keys out b4 I left the cab. Then all of a sudden I couldn't figure out which key it was that opened the door (had the locks recently changed). So that about sums it all up during that "storm". ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  8. Oh I forgot to respond to the topic...Yeah I'll be there!
  9. Steve, One day I tell ya, I'm going to know about this fiznag thing! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  10. Hrmpf....Forgotten yet again!!! Vejita that would be me Yvette aka Jammies (Jamjimvin) Its all good, there were soooo many names to remember. Two per person!!! ~*Jam*~ Maybe I should do something dramatic to be remembered...Any suggestions...Anyone?
  11. 89 bottles of beer on the wall, 89 bottles of beer. take one down (no spillage) and pass it around, 88 bottles of beer on the wall... ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  12. 96 bottles of beer on the wall, 96 bottles of beer...take one down and pass it around, 95 bottles of beer on the wall...Sinem where are you hun!??! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  13. You missed a lot of garage music last night. Centro was really nice...Body n' Soul? Thats sounding very tempting...Have fun in Miami and see ya when you get back! ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  14. You couldn't say it better yourself... "Haven't gone to see Danny at Vinyl yet." Hmmm..Vinyl the Answer??? Hopefully I see there if you go. ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  15. My arse and eyes. ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  16. Oh yeah...We have yet to hear from Steve, Sinem! I was soo soaked when I got home...Artful, admit it! you have a fun time dancin' to that music (at least with me ) Charlie, we gotta hang out again! You were so into the music last night. Steve, wake the fuck up!!! Sorry, excuse my language, Sinem's energy is passing through the computer Rachel, too bad you left soo early. I keep pondering on changing my screename but I am choosing to keep it. Too much hassle! It was nice meeting your friend (non ClubNYCer) too. Ciao ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  17. shannah...you're right...let me continue YET AGAIN ROB!!! 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer...take one down and pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall
  18. SHHHHHHHHHHHH! Be quiet.... ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  19. I'm in Casey, I am there! But I dunno if we would want to head to a club or to the bathroom after some Mexican! I'll be really quick and short. I had fun hanging out with everyone that was there and thanks Steve for hooking us up at Centro. And most of all, we must do it again! Now does everyone know who I am? ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  20. 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer!....Rob would you please continue this. ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  21. Oh yea I can dance too!!! I was the model behind frankie's girl dancer in his signature. I got the funky fresh dope moves! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  22. Everyone be on time!!! I, as usual am always late! Ciao ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  23. Have you lost your marbles Steve? ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  24. Mmmmmmmmmmm...Kettleone! Gimlet anyone? ------------------ Per me e arabo!
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