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Everything posted by ynicholas

  1. I graduated in '99. I probably don't know him. Sorry... ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  2. Oh yeah, I forgot about basketball. ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  3. I WENT to Fairfield University in Fairfield, CT ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  4. July 2nd...I will be 24 YNicholas@aol.com ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  5. I was forced to use my passport once. I lost my license at Surf Club over the summer. I didn't realize till I drove home (luckily I didn't get stopped!). And to my suprise, I went back to Surf Club a couple of weeks later and a bouncer handed it to me. What a waste of $8 to get that reissued! ~*JAM*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  6. Mine? Basically having fun all the time! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  7. Hey rims...I thought I told you already. I graduated from there in '99. I actaully still know a couple of people up there right now. I think I am going to visit them in a couple of wks. Keep in touch. ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  8. WTG diva! I think I need to follow that route...nah, I spent too much $$$ partying. I am not ready yet! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  9. What a bummer! Thanks Casey for the offer, but I ran the dates by my friend and I already planned to go to Italy in September (oh wait...thats a good thing ). I wouldn't mind clubbing 24/7 though! I don't need sleep! Maybe I can hop on over from Italy for a couple of days. ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  10. I think I will make it to the opening day and from there it probably be downhill...At least I can say I was there on the opening day. I'd rather stick to DT, S&D, PVD, JP, UFO's, SEX, DRUGS, ROCK n' ROLL....I think I got a little out of control with the abbreviations! ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  11. my friend saw the movie and I was listening to the CD in my car, coming back from Montreal last summer. It definitely is racy and makes you want to speed. I love the vocal German in there even though I don't understand a thing! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  12. I'm with diva! How far is Ibiza from Malaga, Spain? I have a friend that lives out there. ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  13. scwhingpep has a hot date! scwhingpep has a hot date! What about going to shoot some pool? ~*Jam*~ ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  14. I think most of the problems stem from a lack of communication...Men are more visual and into what they see is what they get. Women on the other hand are more into the meaning behind what is said. My $0.02
  15. Rachel...That's hilarious!!! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  16. Good ole Fairfield!!! How is it up there rims?? ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  17. *BUMP* Just reminding people... BTW - Don't we need some sort of "official headcount" for the reservation? ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  18. WTG Sinem!!! I think WE need to head down to AC. You can be my good luck charm! BTW - What casino did you play in? ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  19. BOINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  20. YEAH! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  21. Did anyone notice one time when one of the Wayans brothers nudged the other as a cue to say something (read off of the cue card)? I think that was funnier than any joke they tried on that crowd). ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  22. I'm with you on that diva! I have a friend that plays this stupid phone game...Here is a taste. Jam: "So have you talk to him lately?" Friend: "No...I haven't talked to him in over a week...I think he is not interested in me anymore." What the hell is this high school! What is this phone tag, I mean phone game playing? Why can two people who have some interest in one another just get together once in a while for a conversation without a time frame in which one thinks the other doesn't like them anymore? And as far as Jam is on the difficulty scale...I would have to be a 3. It takes a whole lota shit to make me upset (besides why not be happy ) and I don't like arguing/fighting...Its the making up part is what I like! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  23. Sinem, good luck and do a $0.25 slot for me! ------------------ Per me e arabo!
  24. Oh boy...He we go with the finger pointing...Anything and I mean everything that girls are capable of, guys are just as likely to do. Of course I am the exception of all this drama! Its true...I know plenty of people that can vouch for me. I like to keep it real and upfront. And a lot of guys can't handle that. Once I know where I (or we) stand then we can move on from there. I don't like iffy situations...Who needs to be in a situation that doesn't make them happy? ------------------ Per me e arabo!
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