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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by LikmyLipz

  1. im so glad i'm not the only one
  2. I wish i could make it.. i'm currently TRYING to save money up for the WMC.. wish me luck.. hehehe
  3. girls.. hmm maybe even guys.. when masterbating, do you ever stop a few seconds before you know you will orgasm, let yourself calm down then build back up (lol jeez i can do this like 15 times) to make the orgasm feel better kind of 'explode'... ok now for the people who do this.. do you ever mis-judge by a mili second and stop to calm down and miss it and have this crappy 1 second orgasm because you stopped but your body didnt? GRRRRRRR I HATE THAT.. (lol i'm prob the only one) :splat:
  4. its not that hard.. just make sure you relax, and if you dont want to be doing it.. your not going to be able to.. you can do whatever you put your mind to! :D wow am i the tallest chick on here commin in at 5;8?
  5. lol you deff sound like a rookie.. hahahaha no offence.. I would say Aphrodiety (or how ever you spell it) the one who use to do the door at twilo sats.. Paris i would say was a harsh door person hmm maybe like 2+ yrs ago... Hardly anymore... And harsh or mean dont mean them not letting you in with ur fake id.. LMAO i see some pretty fukkin funny shit sometimes... Like these freaks with there High School id.. like come on.. atleast borrow a brothers or sisters.. its there job to weed out fake id's and underage.. you forget how big of a fine that is to pay 500$+ per person.. Tough door person= A door person who wont let you in becasue your 'ugly' or dont have the 'look' even though your dressed nice, not in a large group and have equil amounts of men and women and everyone is dressed to impress.... I never been there but i rememeber a friend telling me how aubar use to hand pick off the line when they first opened...
  6. go for yours... its much more fun being a cunt....
  7. ill be there anyone else???
  8. i like when a guys sitting on the couch or the edge of a bed and kneeling infront of him so my tongue rings can perfectly rub the frenulem (excuse the spelling) and i love to make eyecontact
  9. i was thinking about hosting my own ftp server.. but i have no clue how to do it... also thinking about starting a yahoo group.. if anyones intreasted in gettin on.. let me know....... XOXO Mwah OXOX
  10. All this 'ME' licking going on.. I LOVE IT!!!! lol hehehe jk
  11. ok what is everyone using.. ?? what gets the best search results? what gets the best DL results? Win mx is great.. easy to use.. great layout.. easy to org. things and stuff but never any results.. only one server connects for me I like audiogalaxy cause thats the easyest.. but the search results are usually grim... Kazaa and Morpheus just suck always crashing.. etc etc anything i'm missing out on?
  12. ok can someone tell me WHERE, WHEN??? lol teeeeheeeee thankies XOXOXOXO and damn it fiery we gotta go conquor NY Chunk!
  13. LikmyLipz


    i will be thereeeeeeee
  14. lmao u guys are cracking me up... hmm the middle name street thing.. Ann 18th? i dont think that works either.. lol Hmm middle name and street i live on now? Ann La Bonne Vie... that works.. lol
  15. oh lets not forget grabbing the back of his head b4 gettin all agressive..
  16. lol its a lil joke.. besides its better to be all talk then all slut?
  17. what night a sat night? friday night? i would say go to roxy.. if your looking to go to a club.. theres not that many places that serve cheep drinks.. Sat night? hmm i hear good things about Twirl.. (check vipguest list) for info i know they do comp admission sometimes, and open bars.. deff check that out...
  18. lol did someone call my name????? oh i love nibbling and sucking on a guys lower lip and gently running my tongue under his upperlip then just shove my tonge in his mouth all agressively after hes use to me being all sweet.. just for a lil suprise..
  19. um i'm not showing pics of my nips on cp.. sorry.. and um theres a pic of my tonguerings right in my lil thing under my name.. lol
  20. hmm i have 2 tongue both nippies and my belly button... i'm thinking about going to get my hood pierced again (the first time i had it the guy used jewerly that was to heavy so i took it out after 2 days)
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