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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by LikmyLipz

  1. just doing a *buMp* to make sure this is seen....
  2. heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy so wheres cottoncandy dream? lmao
  3. i'm good how are you??? no its a pic of me with my blonde hair i'm in a halter top kinda looking to the side.. its on the reg ny board.. that pic
  4. hey i'm here.. i post on www.djfresco.com everyones nice and its a lil more personal then here,. with like 305748935739 newbies a day.. lol CORNNNNNNNNNN long time no see hun! mwahz MWAH CHUNK! LOL!
  5. hows everyone doingggggggggggggggg? been taking off the message boards, i post on djfresco.com casue dey veryyy nice over there.. lol any oldschoolers still here? yes i have new pics http://hometown.aol.com/bimbolicousss funny thing is some chick Mungo is saying my pic is her on the board.. someone fill me in who this hewa is? MISSSSSSSSSS U ALL! XOXOX MWAHZ
  6. AND SAYING THERE YOU..... its pretty sad that someone would post a pic of me.. and say its them in the pic thread... http://hometown.aol.com/bimbolicousss YES THATS ME B*tch SO PLEASE STOP SAYING ITS YOU! if your gonna go on a message board to say you are me, go on one that i'm not regestered on, with over 1k posts..? k? now please, go get a web cam, take a pic of yourself and get off my toosh.. THE END....
  7. LikmyLipz

    attn: DGModel

    I usually read the back of the book, then read the insert on the front inside cover.. then judge from there if I would like to read the book or not.....
  8. LikmyLipz

    attn: DGModel

    wow thats like 357 posts a month.. no i didnt read them all.. i have books i like to read..
  9. ok so people are sending me songs on pop outlook account.. every time i try to save the file it saves it as an .eml or gives me the option to save it as a .txt file (just save the whole email not the attachment) how do i dl the god damn song from outlook express???? PLEASEEEEE HELP
  10. my friend had a shit load of condoms in her walet and put one in my purse.. its been in there for a while.. and my purse goes everwhere i go so yes i always have a condom...
  11. wait so does this mean that Draper gonna be spining the sf 'GAY' friday night party?
  12. you should try selling.. or buying your books at www.half.com u can auction used stuff off.. like used cd's textbooks.. its pretty neat.. my friend sold a shit load of her old text books there.. and got a few for her new classes there....
  13. LikmyLipz

    attn: DGModel

    why cant you ever make ONE post even related to sex?
  14. Well I personally really enjoyed Dave Waxman, (besides playing rapture 2 times) lol guess that proves no ones perfect.. tehehehe otherwise not to shabby... Left around 5:30am ish jv was also off da meter.. lol i luff that man! Met one cp'er (mr. soprano) nice to finally meet ya mike, to bad you only like shook my hand and ran... lol now its time to save money for wmc, go into club hybernation and um work my ass off or something... lol
  15. whos going???? i wanna meet some of you, and see some that i havent' seen in a while!!!! look out for me so whooooooooos going? hehehehehe
  16. hahahaha it was cool.. lil get together at peters.. got to meet some new people.. got a lil buzz... finally got to hear pete spin.. lol I HATE LIVING ALL THE FAWK THE WAY OUT HERE! i bet your not to far.. lol
  17. lol yeah i was there.. i luff pete.. and i love to do his dishes.....! lol thats even if you were talking to me..
  18. LMAO simon you still cant dance.. :laugh: jk! Hey i just started dancing like a year ago... i usually just stood around talking listening to the music.. conversating and shit.. i been clubbin for about 5yrs.. 3yrs in the electronic genre scene..
  19. lol wow i'm exit 54 north of sunrise too.. thats scary.. we prob live in the same area... lmao if ya want gimmie an im. likmylipz, just say who u r.. (from cp)
  20. lol i'm Kerry i never went to stonybrook.. and no i wont be at the crackshack this weekend totally broke ass.. lol
  21. I LOVE TLC (the learning channel)
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