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Everything posted by LikmyLipz

  1. omg this is histericalllllllll (click here)
  2. hmm i dont really have any intreasting booty storys... i dont do one night stands
  3. lol email me ur pic first.. bimbolicousss@aol.com
  4. no i dont personally care for her either.. and IMO buffy is alot better looking..
  5. ok u gave us every detail that we would have rather not heard.. what did you do WHEN U GOT TO THE HOTEL..???
  6. you should start off, u made the post.. this isnta free wack off porn story post.. hehhe
  7. booty as in ass fucking? or booty as in sex?
  8. actually i remember them saying no guys allowed.. hmmmmmmmm
  9. umm who said guys are allowed period????
  10. u love me daniiiii welcome backkkkkkkkkk
  11. hmm i like buffy better.. lol
  12. TRANZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BIG DADDY I MISSSSSSS YOU SEXYYYYYYY wtf is uppppppppp im me sometime on Bimbolicousss!
  13. ok its by cevin fisher someone helpppp me pleaseeeee
  14. no men dont listen, u tell them "concentrate on my clit use ur fingers for my pussy, and what do they do? they lick ur hole.. like thats gonna do anything
  15. lol no i love the pic, its cute.. besides the shirt says i love lick and i'm lickkkkk hehhehe well i have never gotten off from oral from a guy.. but i have from a girl.
  16. ok its a lil older.. i'd say its like tribal dark house the girl says "ooh, do you like the way that feelssss"
  17. ohhhhh this one is hot
  18. well i dont date women.. i dont consider myself bi.. i like to think more along the lines of sexually open... dont feel so insecure.. just cause a girl like girls, dont mean she cant like boys too..
  19. Mild congratulations, you are... 55% dateable! You are neither more not less dateable than your peers-- welcome to the land of mediocrity, home of the masses! You have an undeniable animal magnetism, but you're just as likely to attract small animals as you are to attract human beings. Nevertheless, the people you flirt with generally find you funny and cute, or "fute." You have good hygiene, which is an imporant aspect of relationships involving two or more people. Avoid seafood and walks in the woods.
  20. i cant orgasm when i'm rolling at all
  21. ok i had to remember to bump this up
  22. im home, sick n online..
  23. ok so i can make myself cum quick when im on top.. and well i can make myself cum at the same time.. maybe if i hold my breath.. lmfao
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