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Everything posted by LikmyLipz

  1. LikmyLipz

    Have you ever?

    anyone up for some fighting? lol
  2. um there is nooooooo physical addiction to pot.. so stop thinking about it.. think about sex instead..
  3. just dont stealll my siggggggggggggggg
  4. hes not allowed to spin anywhere in ny besides factory
  5. i wish jp spun at cpi over the summerrrrrrrrr....
  6. lol i was gonna say OMFGGGGGGGGGG u look just like robbie rivera.. some day i will marry that man.. lol
  7. is the pic in ur sig u?????
  8. welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i only speak the truth... its funny i read reviews for sf after all big themes and everyones always FUCKIN BITCHINGGGGGGGGG about how packed it was how hot it was how the music suckkkkkkked... but then go back for every fucking themeeeeeeeee! hellllllllllllllo u people dont learn.. its like a lil kid touching something hot, and gettin hurt.. YOU USUALLY STOP TOUCHIN IT!
  9. LoL heyyy sweetie mwah.. but seriously on huge themes when i go i hide in the caberet.... lol yeah i missed it.. im sick.. and i'm taking off.. frankly the last time i was at factory i was TWATBLOCKED.. lmfaooooooooooo and it kinda killed my libido to go back for a while.. so i'm taking a few monthes off..... i'm sure simons doing backflips that he dont have to see me there.. lmfao
  10. welllllllllll i like her.. :tongue:
  11. YOU ARE NOT SUPPPOSEDDDDDDDD To go to factory on theme nights.. (go on the off weeks) theme nights are for those people who go clubbing once every other monthhhhhhhhhhhhh! Jps always insane the week after a huge theme... IMO thats the best time to go.. actually fuck IMO.. IT IS THE BEST TIME TO GO.. so dont hate on factory on a theme (jps bday, ann.party, classics, underwear, s&m, Toys for tots, halloween)BIG THEMES) when you knowwwwwwwwww there is gonna me 10x the people packed into half the space..
  12. for some reason theres something about the second girl that draws me to her.. but not that shit hangin from her mouth when shes sucking
  13. i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee being on top... i deff dont mind doing all the work.. holding the guys hands behind his head.. talking dirty moaning hot good his cock feels in my tight wet pussy.... oooooooooh how can i forget riding backwards.... morning sex = backwards riding ughhhh who can say no to morning woooood? :drool: :drool:
  14. i live on long island.. its not convient for me to ask around NYU lol
  15. no i dont like anal.. it prob wasnt done right.. i only tryed it once, it hurt alot.. and i'll swallow if im in a relationship with a guy
  16. yesh yesh yesh i miss it when it was CLUB NYCCCCCCCCCC wa wa wa wa almost 4yrs
  17. lolllllllll aww das sweet http://members.aol.com/likmylipz
  18. that narrows it down to like everyone.. lol
  19. awww I <3 me 2 lol hehehe
  20. ooooooooooooh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oooooooooh its me isnt it (attitude) lolol jk.. hmm maybe it isssssssss:idea:
  21. LikmyLipz

    attn likmylipz

    ::melts:: mwwwwwwwwwah with tongue..
  22. awwwwwwwww thankyou fresco.com representtt wa wa
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