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Everything posted by LikmyLipz

  1. its really not for flavor... but its a slight stimulant
  2. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i was running through web sites on aol.. and i found that.. some people should clean out there ftp..
  3. jeeeeeeeeezus i was just trying to be nice..
  4. http://www.sex-kitten.org/britneyspears_magscans.html http://www.sex-kitten.org/britney_spears.html
  5. i have this stuff called "goodhead, oral delight gel" its kinda oily but it gives a niceflavor, and the mint and cin. give a lil tingles... http://www.eroticxplorations.com/goodhead.html
  6. im not saying you.. i never see you hate on anyone... but i think someone has an issue if they sit back and call someone ugly for no apperent reason..
  7. well if people are meeting up and stuff.. its not just for fun... and no i dont i'm not upset are angry.. i just think its bs... like do people sit at the other side of the computer jerking off about someone sayign someones ugly.. go jerk at the porn pics n stories instead!
  8. i guess i'm the only one who thinks unnecessary negativity is very unattractive
  9. ok, so yrs n yrs of school the teacher preaches to you "if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all" and ok i understand people have different opinions, and different likes n dislikes n such.. But whatever happend to to that saying? Like ok, I can understand, some of you may dislike some other people on here for reasons like this or that.. but there is no need to just come out and call someone ugly or tell someone they are stupid.. I mean if the selfesteem lacks that much that you need to put someone down over the internet for sheer pleasure? Go seek mental help... I would hope people would be more mature then the way they are, maybe i'm asking for to much? oh well, enjoy your snowday..
  10. SEE THE PIC thats my AVATAR? well those are my LIPs..... I HAVE NOOOOOOOOOO NEED to overline.. i have no need to look like mic jagger
  11. u know how altoids kinda make ur mouth numb? well tissue on ur privates is more sensitive.. so... lol
  12. i once tryed the altoid thing... my man at the time didnt like it... it made him limp too
  13. LikmyLipz


    picture of me with my hair back
  14. LikmyLipz


    picture of me with my new brown hair
  15. LikmyLipz

    winter white

    its funny i break out less when i'm tan... i break out more in the winter.. and less in the summer when i keep a nice glow to myself.. but otherwise i'm so white i glow in the black light..
  16. LikmyLipz

    attn lick

    i know but that gif takes to long to load
  17. LikmyLipz

    attn lick

    lol thankyou i deleted something off my old page.. and there was lil lips on there but i erased them..
  18. LikmyLipz

    swingers party

    ohhh i sowwie i mis read ur first post about blo, i thought u were gonna go to some swinger party then ended up at another swinger party
  19. omgggg i was just looking at some lingere pics and i hate when women do that......but sometimes i look like that cause i got big lips
  20. LikmyLipz

    swingers party

    what 'swing' club were you supposed to go to? if you dont mind me asking.. i ended up at le trapieze once by accident when i was like 19 (my spelling is off)
  21. now that i have dark hair, i use more neutral colors.. with clear lip gloss and a dab of light shiny pink in the middle to make my lips look extra pouty.. more neutral colors help achieve the younger look.. and i WANNA LOOK YOUNGERRRRRRR
  22. I <3 lil kim 2... Shes the type of woman that dresses sexy cause it makes her feel good, not to make some guy horny...
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