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Everything posted by LikmyLipz

  1. im holding up.. being horny, not getting any.. im back blonde um being single being horny lol how is everyone else>???? oooh i gotta pic for the boyz (im tanner now, my hairs not platinum im on the left)
  2. how is everyone doinggggggggggggggg????
  3. I had my hood pierced fortunatly the guy who did it, used to heavy of jewerly so i had to take it out cause it was pulling.. But otherwise i had gotten a horiz. piercing in my hood and had in a lil barbel.. WOOHOOOOOOOOOO yes it feels wonderful.. and out of all the piercings I ever got (2 tongue rings, both nipples, belly button, ears, and hood) that hurt the least.. Your hood is just tissue, you might want to bring a panty liner with you and put it in after you get the piercing, becasue it does bleed... and yes with that lil ball resting on ur clit, woooooooooohoooooooo i plan on getting this re pierced after the summertime
  4. ooh first time sex with an ex.. it came like 7 days to early.... and the worst part is it was soo in the moment that he was still wearing these smilie face boxers with the tongue sticking out.. blahhhhhhh he called me ruby tuesdays for like 6 monthes (yes it happend on a tuesday)
  5. the site i get all the pics from is an art site.. i think it has something to do with it
  6. hiiiiiii everyone hope everyone is doing well!
  7. ok so cant i hate on aries ? lol
  8. LikmyLipz

    Art or Porn?

    well i hope everyone enjoys
  9. lol GRRRRRRRRRRR :mad: im not picking on anyone.. i said i was venting
  10. ^^^^ who u talking to:what: :what:
  11. wtf knows, i dont care anymore
  12. well i'm not basing my judgement on one guy.. most of my exes have turned out to be total psychotic freaks.. my last threatened to kill me n my family..
  13. im not reffering to men as fems, im reffering them as female dogs.. and i didnt just like talk to the guy for 2 days i said we hung out 2 times.. we talked for a while after that.. but it was to much for me
  14. im seriously debating dating women... im perfectly happy single though... but men are such drama bitches
  15. ahh i'm 22, hes 23 but seriously that "do you like me" every 2 minutes is like lil girl bs.. did anyone see the movie "how to lose a man in 10 days" well he did like everything she did to get rid of him...
  16. when will people realise being a sore loser makes you look worse?
  17. Ok, so i hung out with this guy about a month and a half ago... After the first day we met, he was allready asking me where i think things are going... I tryed to tell him, its to soon to tell blah blah blah, I dont like to rush things, he asked me to kiss him, but I dont kiss on first dates... So anyway, the guy got very annoying, thought everything should be his way, begged me to hang out all the time, and asked me if i like him every other minute.. So eventually I told him, we can only be friends.. This kid all of a sudden hates on me, tells me that im fat and ugly, this that and the other thing, blah blah blah, after he sweated me so bad! Why do men have such issues taking rejection?
  18. nice meeting you too mwah
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