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Everything posted by LikmyLipz

  1. LoL you would have to move to ny though.. i'm not into those long distance relationships.. hahahahahahaha jk XOXOXO MWWWWWWWWWWAHZ ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  2. lol its not my ears you have to worry about its my eyes... hahaha ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  3. what are you thinking? tell me whats on your mind.. lol ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  4. I smell the sarcasim from here.. or is that the cheese cake baking in the oven? hahahaha ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  5. lol i remember the first time i seen twilos old water "pride water" i almost peed in my pants.. hahahahaha ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  6. LikmyLipz


    Dont' worry, i cant cum from it either! it just dont do anything for me, i'm thinking maybe invest in some toys to use during it? but i think i'll wait for that untill i find myself a steady bf whos comphy wif me.. ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  7. LoL yeah i know i'm just a youngin.. but thats just da way i like it, i'll be 21 in july! woooo hoooo ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  8. Um i like 7&7 and Long Island ice tea.. lol i remember last pvd my date and i had went to the bar to get drinks, i was drunk allready and very confused on how they can make such a complex drink with out ever picking up one bottle.. i yelled at the guy "shit i'm paying $9 for this drink and you dont even have to pick up a bottle?" the guy just yelled back "thankgod" lol oh well XOXOXO MWWWWWWWAH psssssst i like drinking water the best... ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html [This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 01-08-2001).]
  9. hmm hes 27.. lol and were using a condom allready ::growls:: LoL i love older men, i'm just not really attracted to men under 24.. ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  10. lol just vote me biggest bitch or bigges butt and i'm happy.. roflmao. sowwie but i will admit some people look better in person then pic, allthough i think i look better in pic then person.. i'm sure no one else will admit that but me.hehehe xoxoxo mwwwwwwwwah ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  11. hahahaha i have a friend that can clap really really loud.. its kinda strange.. its almost like two wood blocks hitting together.. ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  12. What's the difference between a penis and a prick? A penis is fun, sexy and satisfying..... A prick is the guy who owns it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Behind every great man is a great woman... and behind every great woman is some guy staring at her ass! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without a boner, make him a sandwich ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Did you hear that Viagra now comes in a nasal spray? It's for Dickheads! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Why do men always pay more for car insurance? Women don't get blow jobs while they're behind the wheel. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ A friend of mine used alcohol as a substitute for women. You know what happened? He got his penis stuck in the neck of the bottle! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Men are like bagpipes... You won't get anything unless you blow them first. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ If Eve wore a fig leaf, what did Adam wear? A hole in it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Why don't men wear tight underwear? It cuts off circulation to the brain! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ What's the definition of a bastard? A man who boinks you all night with a 2 inch penis, then kisses you goodbye with a 12 inch tongue. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Why don't blondes in San Francisco wear short black mini skirts? Cause their balls show. ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  13. hahaha i would so love to do that! when i told people i wanted to be the cigg girl at twilo i got laffed at totally! ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  14. OMG ANOTHER JUDGE JULES FAN!!!! ::CREAMS IN PANTS:: i love jude jules and tall paul, allthough i have never heard either one spin life, i have heard sets. and have a few of there tracks downloaded... My Fav trance song of all time??? ~WORDS~(FOR LOVE mix)~ its the mix on digweed global underground sydney... ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  15. this reminds me of a funny cpi story... this past summer i was at cpi dancin my bootay off, and ohhhhhh here comes one of my favs at the time.. Corrupt. the dude right next to me was blowing a whistle, very out of beat, very long at time, so i kindly asked him if he could rephrain from blowing this whistle untill this song was over... so the guy got very angry at my kind request and started blowing it in my face (literally like 2" from my face) so i took the whistle out of his mouth.. and held it in my hands and asked him if he likes jason ojeda.. his response was yes.. so i asked him does he appriciate his music and his musical knowledge.. and his repily once again was yes.. so then i asked him "if you like jason ojeda so much, and your so happy with his music, dont you think that the man is smart enuff that if he wanted that whistle sound there, he would have put it there himself?" and i let his whistle fall to his chest (was on a necklace) so the guy got all pissed got even more up in my face and started blowing it again.. only this time there was spit commin out with it.. (very gross, the guys lucky i'm not violent) my friend ciarrai runs over.. and rips it out of his mouth rips it off the necklace drops it on the floor and steps on it.. better yet.. i didn't even do it.. but he rased his hand to slap me, and his friend cought his hand as said "bro, what you were doin was pretty annoying, and shes not the first person to ask you to stop" he got all pissed and walked away, and like 5 people around us went up to my friend and thanked her for steppin on his whistle.. ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  16. lol if shes so nasty why you fucking her? roflmao... ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  17. LoL i wont tell my man, becasue i dont have a man to tell that too.. :growls like a dog: I know how to get off fast, but sometimes you wanna work up to it.. its like the more of the teasing, the better the orgasm.? ::shakes booty:: this makes me feel like dancin , i wanna dance the night away! ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  18. ok... every time i'm on top (my favorite position) I CANT GET A GUY TO LAST OVER LIKE 5 MINUTES tops.. this is my fav position, because i know how to get myself off best there.. hehehe.. first round its expected for a guy to get off fast.. but second and third round it just becomes depressing! HELLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  19. um one day i was shovin this guys head between my legs, he didn't get the hint what i wanted him to do so by nature i screamed LICK MY LIPZ.. hahaha jk 15yr old on aol.. i had chapped lipz, i use to lick them alot.... hence the screen name.. it use to be LickmyLips but aol said that is vulgar and took away my aol account so now i'm likmylipz.... VULGAR???!!!?? MEEEEEe???? NEVER! XOXOXO MWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAH ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  20. well the garth brooks dub wasn;t there, the vocal verson SUCKS! But i like them all, i'm a big jp fan.. hehehe his better songs are though mylove and corrupt... "cause I always get my man, and when the night is through, i will corrupt you" ::dancin:: OMG I CANT WAIT UNTILL THIS WEEKEND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  21. hahahahahahaha! i think its so funny that people know me as randys ex.... lol can't wait to meet ya! xoxo mwwwwah! ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  22. yeah! met him about 2yrs ago.. My ex(randy) introduced me to him! CONGRATS! i have to honestly say hes one of the nicer people i have ever met in twilo! but i'm sure your just as nice! XOXO MWWWWAH ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  23. um i just have to add after this post...^^^ that i happen to think the uninvited track pvd plays.. (not sure who made his verson or if it was even him...) thats a great song.. and usually twilo GOES CRAZYYYYYYYY when he plays it.. i dont understand how you couldnt enjoy that... ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  24. Grr i have been looking through papers, looking online, asking friends... yet this seems to be the hardest its ever been to find a new job. I dont know, maybe its because i will not settle for anything paying min wage, or where i will have to work weekends... i figured with strong clerical and customer service exp. i would have no problems.. GUESS I WAS WRONG! oh well, the search is still on! WISH ME LUCK! i would like to be celebrating this sat at sf that i have a new job! lol.. if not i guess i'll just be celebrating that i have no money! XOXOXO MWWWWWWWAH! ::big puppy dog eyes:: ------------------ ~LiPz~ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them." />http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
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