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Posts posted by LikmyLipz

  1. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    Heh.. Disturbing that more and more ppl are replying with the same attitude.. And I'm NOT a bitch smile.gif I CAN be one when provoked but generally I'm not wink.gif

    oh and i just wanted to say, i totally hear you with the glow sticks.. my fav is when they come up in my face.. when i'm not even rolling, i'm also not a big fan of whistles... but who am i to say, hey if it makes ya happy at a club.. do it!

    Hmm i wonder if i should second guess some of my friends who happen to be big bult and italian, if i should bring them to venues like twilo or websterhall.... wouldnt want people to think differently because i associate with people like that.. (pun intended)

    i'm not directing this comment to anyone! so please no one take it personal, and i'll even eat my own words, because yes im not miss innocent when i go out all the time.. but no one should ever say there all about the music, untill they can go there totally sober and totally enjoy the nite.. because if it was 'all about the music' drugs wouldnt be such a big problem in the club scene, and no club would need to worry about a liquor license.. they just wouldnt need them..






    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

    [This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 01-06-2001).]

  2. use the alt key hold it down and press the numbers on the number pad...





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  3. true i dont know what i was thinking.. i'm living in a dream world... must be all the acid i did when i was like 16.....





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  4. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    I know what you mean, I get upset too and start yelling and bitching LOL.. Ppl who dont know me must think I'm the biggest bitch in the world LOL.. I just hate negativity and that's all it has been for the past couple of weeks!!!!


    lol dont feel bad, i know i'm a bitch.. i dont go around puttin people down though.. i just really hate it.. you think sence people are in NYC enuff they would be use to the diversity of it.. Even in Highschool when that school nerd was being made fun of and all of the people in the room were making fun of them, i was always the one to stick up for them.... I guess its because deep down inside i know how it feels to get picked on, or laffed at, and i dont wanna see it happen to anyone...






    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  5. that lil phrase everyone use to go around saying all the time, like they gave a shit..

    what was that phrase again.???


    I dont remember what that means......

    ::sarcastic sound in voice::

    can anyone REMIND ME?





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  6. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    OMG!!! Why the fuck can't ppl just relax?????? What's up with this "lets not let these ppl"????? Who the fuck are you to LET SOMEONE IN OR NOT??? I mean, it's not your club! They wanna party just like everyone else! I hate being groped but I hate this kind of attitudes even more...

    And I can't fucking wait for Tiesto..

    [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-06-2001).]

    MYSTERIOUSSS... thankgod theres someone else that sees it my way! hun when i see you i'm giving you a huge hug.. lol maybe you understand now why the hell half these people piss me off.. lol






    and untill your the one at the door, or your the one that owns the club and has a say in the matter.. if you hate these people so much, DONT GO!

    and if you cant resort to not going then STOP COMPLAINING!






    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

    [This message has been edited by LikmyLipz (edited 01-06-2001).]

  7. well there half nude hotties all over, when you turn on tv, when your at the beach,clubs, gym, shit maybe even the grocery-store... if you meet someone in 'the scene' thats why you should take your time, just like you would with anyone else.. gettin to know them.. say you met the hottest guy in america.. this is the man you wanna spend the rest of your life with.. your married happily 5yrs (no children yet) hes in a fire, and his face is horrably burned.. his looks quickly faded, you gotta ask yourself, "can i spend my life with this person, even though the skin isnt' the same, but the inside is?"





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  8. why can't guidos go? OH I FORGOT THE ONLY PEOPLE ALOWED TO GO TO GO CLUBS TO ENJOY MUSIC ARE THOSE THAT ARE VERY RACEST.. YA KNOW WHAT WAKE UP... BECAUSE 'GUIDOS' MAKE UP A BIG PART OF THE SCENE... AND WITH OUT THEM, ALOT OF THE CLUBS WOULD NOT AFFORD TO stay open.. and u act like guidos are the only ones who do drugs and sniff k, and pop pills and do ghb... stop being so color blind! the world isn't in just 2 colors.....

    your in the melting pot of the world.. NEW YORK CITY! WHY CAN EVERYONE JUST EXCEPT IT???

    what makes me laff even harder (sorry i dont mean to sound attitude) is that 'guidos' are not the only guys runnin around the girls playing a scene from night at the roxbury, humpin leg.. every time i get thrown into some ish like that.. its hardly ever a 'guido'... its a free world, your just gonna have to learn to live with it...


    P.S. its been a verrrrrrry bad week and a half.. dont mind my horrable attitude, you can all just hit me when you see me..





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  9. my ass should carry a wideload sign.. hahahaha.. whos gonna give me love taps at sound factory next sat??

    ::evil grin::







    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  10. All my best friends happen to be men now.. ALl through hs and even after, i was always stabbed in the back by women.. My last fem best friend happend to turn on me, and go for my ex male best friend.. and she went behind my back, got very jealous and started alot of rumors about me to his mother so she woudlnt allow him to talk to me anymore...

    oh well..

    Right now i can honestly say theres one girl that i really really really consider a good friend.. and shes the girl friend of my best friend (guy) lol so go figure..


    tongue.gif * tongue.gif * tongue.gif





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  11. hehehe.. do i have to comment?

    actually it started off becaseu when i was like 15 i wanted a new aol screen name.. and i had chapped lipz and kept lickin them... for the people that dont wanna believe that, i guess its ok if you believe i have some kinda oral fetish...






    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  12. woohoo SINEM!

    you going to sf the 13th?

    xoxoxoxoxo mwwwwwwwwwwah





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  13. I still have my atari too.. and like 50 games! and it all still works





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  14. omg and now i'm hearing Danny T.. WHEN I GROW UP.. GARBAGE ON THE RADIO!





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  15. I totally hear you.. my sister is the same way.. i'm 20 and shes gonna be 28 in a few weeks, her and her husband are going through a seperation, so shes living at home right now. One night i was just sitting on the phone and she came into the room and threw a baby carrier at me, and called me a cunt, and told me i have no respect becaues i'm on the phone. the even worse part is she will like throw shit at me, and curse at me.. i just walk away from it, because i'm bigger then her, and could prob beat the living shit out of her (shes 5' i'm 5'8) my parents will come yell at me becasue she will virbally abuse me, throw shit at me then break out into tears and just moan how i am a bad sister.. WHEN I LITERALLY DID NOTHING!


    sometimes i just realise shes blood, and shes a small problem i'm gonna have to and have learned to live with..

    even worse.. my sister and her hubby got into a fight, and he told her if i was older, and he would have met me first, he would have been with me instead.. (i dont even ever talk to him) and now she like takes my makeup and clothes, and goes out and buys outfits like mine...

    But oh well i still Love her, for all the bad times we have there are 10X more great times we share together..





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  16. I just heard timo maas verson of azzido da bass~dooms night on the radio GRRR with a raggae vocal thrown over it!!! WTF?? ::tears form in eyes:: i really like this song.. it was number 7 on some count down on Party 105.3 GRRRRRRRRR





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  17. Originally posted by tranza:

    It's called Sway, by Mombo(i think).. Came out on promo almost a year ago, on Jellybean records..







    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  18. ok i just heard this on an old tape i found... can anyone gimmie the title and artist of this song

    "when the rythem rythem starts to play, dance with me, make me sway. like the lazy ocean laps the shore, hold me close, bring me more"

    thankies! XOXOXO MWWWWWAH





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  19. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    No no no .. Don't get me wrong, I hate it when ppl bash everyone. See my comment above.. It's been bad lately, everyone and everything getting trashed for anything and everything.. Ridiculous.

    my new motto "no ones perfict, but why is there someone always standing behind you, making sure you know your not?"

    And it makes me laugh.. because everyone wonders, why so many adults and children have low selfesteem and depression. i mean godforbid someone be overweight, have bad skin(pimples), or someone just trying to be different.. someone always has to point it out...





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  20. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    LikMyLipz.. I rarely like the attitude in your posts but the tampon story is HILLARIOUS.. Maybe the next DKNY or Gucci underwear will come with lil tampon strings just for FASHION's sake.. I'm still laughing .....

    no i'll admit i have an attitude alot of the time on here, because lately someones always bashing someone else... honestly everyone has flaws, and someone is always not gonna like something or someone for a reason.. but why must people always point them out.. to me its almost like screaming down the street "omg did you see that guy in the wheel chair?" i never see posts like "omg did anyone see that girl at exit wearin the soand so? she was so pretty" for example the guy at twilo wearin the mask.. or the people at exit wearin the white gloves.. i just think people should always pick out someones good character vs always picking out the bad.. i'm sorry for being a bitch, but seeing people bashed just upsets me.. its just like comeon.. were out of hs enuff allready....





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  21. All i have to say, is there are some really really odd people out there.. this is the most retarted thread i have seen.. I MEAN JEEZUS ITS NOT YOUR FEET, IF YA DONT LOOK AT IT, DONT LOOK AT IT, SENCE WHEN WAS ANYONE PUT ON THIS FUCKING EARTH TO IMPRESS ANY OF YOU? LAST TIME I CHECK THIS IS CLUBPLANET BB.. NOT SOME SECTION AT THE END OF BAZAAR mag.. I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GO TO A CLUB FOR THE MUSIC, VIBE, FRIENDS ETC.. NOT TO IMPRESS ONE OR THE OTHER.. thats like saying guys shouldn't shave there heads in the winter, because there head is cold...

    AND IF YOUR SO SICK OF GIRLS WEARIN OPEN TOES IN THE WINTER! STOP WALKING AROUND WITH YOUR HEAD DOWN!.... just be thankful your not gonna be the one with frostbite, or or chapped toes! i mean, shit i think some of the lil club girls look dumb in there poor excuse of a skirt that looks like they decided to wear there tube top around there waist.. along with there Gstring haning out over the top, and there bathing suit top from 2yrs ago in cancun, that just so happens to glow in the black light... oh and better yet whats even more funny? when they have there period and they still dress like this.. GIRLS HAVE RESPECT FOR OTHERS PLEASE? i mean seriously i have had this pointed out to me by various male friends in sf, girl and her friend all bending over the 'juice bar' tryin to pick up the guidos and look cute.. my friend points to there asses.. low and behold, they both have tampon strings hanging down.. HOW CUTE!, maybe next time they can bead them and that can become a new trend.. um no.. SO GIRLS I REALLY REALLY THINK OPEN TOE SHOES IN THE WINTER SHOULD BE THE LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES.. just worry about what ur wearin..





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  22. can a woman shoot blanks? would that just be like a big puff of air? is a queef a blank? hahahaha sorry... i feel stupid whitty today..





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  23. "fish heads fish heads rolly polly fish heads eat them up yum"

    and that men in hats song, we can dance..





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  24. I'm sorry to hear that! frown.gif

    But atleast he broke it off.. He could of kept you, cheated on you, and laffed at u behind your back. WHAT DONT KILL YA MAKES YA STRONGER!





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

  25. I hear ya Al, I could get a job in retail but 7.00 an hour isn't gonna pay my bills, let alone support my clubbing habbit when i have money in my pocket..





    "if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."

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