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Posts posted by JonathanNYC

  1. Originally posted by nafania

    let me end some misconceptions about what pharmacist job is about ....

    here is a good part:$$$ yes , right now they pay me $39/hr plus since i'm in a union medical, dental, and prescriptions are free ...also a have 3 weeks vacation (but i'm already 5 yrs with company) 10 sick days and 11 holidays

    Also there is no fear of loosing job in near future cause baby boomers generation are getting old....

    If you want to make even more $$$---states like Montana pays around $110-120,000/year (cause there is only ONE pharmacy in 100 mile radius, and even the worse situation with nightlife he he he , unless you're very BIG wilderness fan :)) ) New York actually is the worst paying state , I think so for bigger cash go to west coast...

    Now the BAD part....... Did you see all those holidays and sicks days above??? Forget you can add them up to your vacation or even use them up during the year , getting replacement is a major headache. So unless you have a major emergency you are first to ask your coworker to replace you (and he just as exausted and needs his day off as you do!!) Every year I never ever use my holidays/sick days---yes, I get my money back at the end of a year cause I'm in a union, but the big chunk goes to freaking Uncle Sam and those who get supported by him.....

    Never worked 12 hr days? How about 12 hr days with 5 minutes lunch interrupted by customers and phone calls?? How about that during the day you really have to use your brain to check the prescriptions AND make sure your doctor does not want to poison your young life ?? But that's not all : do you want to try being a boxer's bag?? that's what pharmacist is for many people who think a pharmacist is a good way to relieve their stress after waiting hours in doctor's office or having fight with their girlfriend...

    Don't forget that you will have to work AT LEAST every other weekend, most of the time major holidays....

    I used to go out almost every day, sleep 3-4 hrs and work 12 hrs next day

    but after a year forget it ...where is all the energy?? and i'm only 25..

    this job does not pay you this kind of money for nothing, there is no free ride ... the only thought that keeps me going is that I can use $$ to go to Europe 's major parties like Mayday, Shockers, Creamfields and so on.. cause the memories and experiences are the only valuable things for me...

    PS> no we don't get Mercedes or Lexuses for signing up ....

    PS> yes they do, in states like texas, arizona, and some places in Florida...



  2. Originally posted by ghhhhhost

    what the hell? what kinda pharmacist makes 12/hr???

    these guys make a base of 80,000 a year if im not wrong..and the requirements in college are ridiculous. u gota b a fuckin phsyics/chem wiz...and be able to deal with constantly changing issues regarding medicine....

    i really duno any broke ass pharmacists...

    maybe u were thinkin of those assistants

    really????? :rolleyes:

  3. Originally posted by diesel77

    i drove the 540, then decided i wanted a benz. I liked the way the clk looks. As far as driving experience the sport suspension on the 540 makes it handle way better then the clk. 540 is faster and a lot of fun to drive (6speed).

    the clk is a nice ride, it looks hot and it drives ok, but im just biased for the beemer.

    Im not looking to buy a new ride but a 2 yr old one, so the price range is $30's- $50k.

    i know the GS 430 isnt as fast, but overall a beautiful car, have u considered it.....

    personally i think u should get the E 55, i think u can get it in that price range...



  4. Originally posted by diesel77

    I had clk430 which i wasnt impressed with. I like the older models of the e55amg. Othere then that im not crazy about the benz.

    I will most likely stay with the Bmw although ill go and drive the s8 and the supercharged jag. The 740i sport has my $$ so far.

    One last ?, what does every1 think about x5 4.6is?

    thanx for your opinions guys, its great to hear other ppls opinions cuz there is so many choices..


    why didnt u like the Clk??

    just wondering...

    how much are u lookin to spend?



  5. Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

    Yes, that film is long overdue. I'm definitely catching it tomorrow.

    I thought the Hulk would have been a little less cuddly, however. His pigmentation is too light, and he looks a tad bit too neat to be the Hulk. I mean, Ang Lee managed to preserve alot of the old - school, "Hulk Smash" Hulk, but I was hoping for a more raggedy, beastly Hulk. Perhaps something like Whilce Portacio's "Savage Hulk" that was drawn for Marvel back in 96 or 97 during the company's revival of the original Incredible Hulk storyline.

    All in all, I'm fuckin happy to see the Hulk finally make it to the big screen.

    c the movie then comment on how "cuddly" he looks



  6. Originally posted by sexxychicklett

    hey jonathan...i do appreciate some of the stuff u were informing me on...but off-label use means that the drug can be used to treat another disease state not of which it is indicated or approved by the FDA for, and not all drugs have off-label uses..people just find a sick way of enjoying shit like vicodin for recreational purposes...personally i find it disgusting that people use anti-neoplastics (cancer drugs) to get their sperm count up after a round of steroids....dont u see the danger in using steroids...i dunno man my personal opinion...sometimes i have noticed that ur personal opinion here gets u in trouble... but whatevers man..

    "gets me in trouble" come on, u must be kidding me...with whom people who know how to cut and paste from the internet and think they know something about how drugs work...

    do u work retail ?




  7. Originally posted by sexxychicklett

    actually my drug information handbook listed male infertility as an off label use for clomid...sometimes they do mention stuff like that...but of course they dont teach any other off label uses of drugs in SJU.. and im 5th year...almost done!! yay!!!!! :D

    what do u mean they dont teach off label use? thats not possible, or maybe u dont know what off label is, because every drug we have has an off-label indication...



  8. Originally posted by sexxychicklett

    hey thanks for the info..i did read in one of my drug info books that clomid is also used for male infertillity but thats a off-label use...therefore now i see why they would use it after a round of steroids... technically i havent gone that far in my classes to do drugs of the reproductive and endocrine systems so this was news to me...thanks for the info, but not for the wise ass comment about paying attention...just havent gone that far in class yet...ill get back to ya at the end of the fall semester and we can chit chat then...but thanks for the heads up...you learn something new every day! :idea:

    which pharmacy school and what year???

    fyi: your drug info books dont tell u off-labels use most of the time....



  9. Originally posted by elitesnautica

    If you know anything about perscription drugs you will know if they are real or fake.


    u have no idea what are u talking about, just by lookin a pill nobody can tell u nothing, even a phd in pharmaceutics (which u dont know what that is) cant even tell u...



  10. Originally posted by weed247


    i got beat by nissan sentra.

    the fucking guy was not fair .i was slowing down to stop at the gas station and he suddenly wanted to race.and so i lost time and speed.i was going fast at the underpass cuxz i thought x5 could take it but no and the car almost tripped over:laugh: :D:blown:

    it was 2 weeks ago

    thats because u have NO IDEA how to race or even drive the X5...



  11. Originally posted by djscotphreak

    I wouldn't believe a person if they said they could get a bottle. But the going price is $3-5

    So that would make a bottle $300-$500

    thats a ridiculous mark up, to how much it actually costs, but i guess if u are goin to brake the law, might as well make some money doin it.......



  12. Originally posted by davidstone

    Thank you again my dumb friends for re-iterating my point that no one on this message board should think twice about going to med school.

    A) you had to take "trainer" classes to make the grade to get accepted - what happened to talent

    B) the only content about med school in this thread is related to monetary compensation - how much loot you'll end up getting .. . why the fuck would anyone THINK of going to med school out of genuine and sincere concern for peoples' well being? I haven't heard anyone say "I've always wanted to help " or " I have a love-affair with science" . ..you scamps

    C) even if it was for $$ you guys are STILL too stupid to realize that you SHOULD be doing 500k+ if that's your intent; medicine is STILL set up to make ea$y money.

    please keep eating pills and listening to tiestos so I can have something interesting to read in the mornings. thanks

    obviously this nobody is frustrated with his reality and trying to be negative and talk about people....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:



  13. Originally posted by davidstone

    Yes, I think people on this board are not qualified to practice medicine and certainly shouldnt' be encouraged to do so.

    Look at Dr. Babybutt for instance:

    " . ..I got into the club scene when I was a 4th year, and I have to say that if I'd discovered it any earlier I may not have made it through . .."

    I dont need people who just "made it through" to determine any type of diagnosis that might force me to go under the knife or on a certain medication. Now go play some trance and "bug out" thanks.


    DR. FLEX, M.D. PHD, F.A.C.P


    bottomline u should not be negative and actually tell them how to get in and actuallly explain the hard work needed to be put in, and then let the person decide what they want...



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