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Posts posted by JonathanNYC

  1. Originally posted by berniec

    well for one I've already got a job offer that will pay me 90k+ a year to start as soon as i get a degree- any degree- i could walk away with a D average in plant watering and they wouldnt care as long as its a degree, so i really dont give a shit what my GPA is. Contrary to what most people believe, most employers, espically the big ones (unless ur talkign about busineess or law degrees) dont even look into what your transcript looks like - they just care that you got a diploma...

    now please go shove something in your ignorant mouth and go ride your high horse out of here ;)

    just wondering?? what job offer is that??




  2. Originally posted by weed247

    fuck ,its monday ,again.

    :blown: :blown: :blown: :blown:

    got to wait 6 weeks

    i want highschool to end already


    HIGH SCHOOL HAHAHAH u must be a comedian... u should enjoy it because once u get to college it all downhill



  3. these rims have been around for a little while, first came to fame with sprewell and his Cars show on MTV. its a shit load of money for,... i have mostly seen them on escalade's, and once or twice on the S class, i actually saw a 745Li with it (looked SICK).



  4. Originally posted by sfqueen

    Charges Dropped In Death Of Bouncer Enforcing Smoking Ban

    APRIL 15TH, 2003

    Due to a lack of evidence, charges have been dropped against two men arrested in connection with the fatal stabbing of a bouncer trying to enforce the city’s smoking ban at a Manhattan nightclub.

    Jonathan and Ching Chan had been charged with assault after the stabbing of Dana Blake at Guernica, in the East Village, early Sunday morning, but prosecutors say they have been released because no witnesses saw either of them stab the bouncer and no weapon was found.

    The brothers admitted to fighting with Burke after he told them they couldn’t smoke in the bar, but they denied stabbing him.

    The medical examiner is trying to determine if Blake’s wound was caused by a knife or a broken bottle. If he was cut by a bottle, it may have been unintentional, authorities say.

    A ban on smoking at virtually all of the city's bars and restaurants took effect about two weeks ago.

    This is unreal!


  5. he seems like a really cool guy, has all the millions and looks and stuff, but the dude cant speak for SHIT, i just think he nervous ( i would probably be the same), he constantly fumbles his sentences up...

    but seriously they are no really beautiful girls on this show... (really dont know where they go to find these girls)



  6. Originally posted by sexxybabyd

    I was talking bout this with my girlfriends the other day and I have noticed a lot more guys saying "I like to eat box" latley. It's weird cause my little crew of girls used to say that back in the day joking around and now its like being used by a lot of ppl we know. Anyone else call it "box" :lickit:

    use it from time to time, definitely only place to say is with your male friends...

    i dont think any female wants to hear that...



  7. Originally posted by GrammarPolice

    DaVe, JoeG's right. I suggest we ban all of the following persons for the betterment of the CP community.

    The Jersey Board (So I don't have to hear about how sickkkkkkkkk Metro was any more)

    NYCchic (sports moderator my ass!!!)

    Lillizzy (My god how annoying)



    Embodiedhate (His obssession with farm animals scares me)


    dkny8 (IQ of 15)

    siceone (Just because)



    £ddie (what a pompous asshole)



    asianvixen (a Grade A cuntrag)


    Jizzo (I can't bear to see the bigpoppanils avatar any longer)

    Making these suggested changes would bring dignity to CP once more.



    hahahah list is funny



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