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Posts posted by JonathanNYC

  1. Originally posted by joeg

    steve martin is never funny... its amazing he made a career out of awful B movies and outdated sub-par comedy... guess it shows anyone can 'make it' in the business if they have enough friends...

    "outdated"?? what are u a comedian? Steve Martin was one of best comedic actors of the 80s and early 90s. He has always been funny. He has always been on top of the comedy game.



  2. Originally posted by njdionysus


    I absolutely love Penelope Cruz in Vanilla Sky, now if I could only understand the movie itself. Her personality was so cute and I love the accent, I could fall in love with a woman like that.

    "Every passing minute is a moment to turn it all around."

    SHE IS AMAZING. THE MOVIE IS AMAZINGGG.. and that quote is sooooooooo right and true




  3. Originally posted by nychunk

    After 1 yr in a community college and 2 yrs now in stony brook, i cannot look at school any longer. Perhaps its because i just got back from spring break. Its not that my school is bad or anything i just can take learning any longer. I'm trying to graduate with a B.S in bio and take that into med school. Im pissed at the concept that i gotta study half of my life. I mean life goes by rather quickly and why should i spend the best years of my life studying. I know that this sounds really silly and childish, but seriously, dont u think that if we only get a chance to live once, we should do only what pleases us instead of reading annoying books. I guess essentially i dont really care if a become a doctor or not because of the long process it takes to get there. I really cant see a career that has no negatives except maybe being a DJ or something like that. I guess i just have to vent because i dont think it's fair that all this studying only may pay off when i'm freggin 40.:mad:

    sorry to say, But not the right attitude to have, if u are plannin to go to med school, because med school and residencies and fellowships are for those who are very very very dicadated

    good luck



  4. Originally posted by joeg

    thats cause Marsellus is so bad, he doesn't even have to do shit himself anymore... people just do what he says, when he says it...

    but i'm gonna have to disagree with both of you and say "The Wolf". Hes badass... drives an acura NSX, and has some great lines...

    The Wolf: That's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten.

    [Winston Wolf takes exception to Vincent's taking exception to his brusque manner]

    The Wolf: So, pretty please - with sugar on top ... clean the fuckin' car!

    Jimmie: I can't believe this is the same car!

    The Wolf: Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet.

    The Wolf: You see that, young lady? Respect. Respect for one's elders gives character.

    Raquel: I have character.

    The Wolf: Just because you are a character doesn't mean that you have character.

    great lines




  5. yea clubbing is definitely a phase in your life, that everybody has to go thru. But doing drugs is definitely not a phase. Doing drugs can never be a positive in a person's life. The club scene has definitely died down. Personally Spring of 2000 starting off with Johnny Vicious At Sound Factory, was the start of my clubbing days, then moving on to Exit Summer 2000 was absolutely insane not just every song back then was nutsssssss but because there was a vibe, which u cant feel anywhere else but in a club. Personally the music, the vibe, the people is what drew me out to go to a club. Now i havent been to a club in a while, and there is not draw anymore, because of the bad experiences in the previous years.

    But Clubbin is definitely an experience that everbody needs, but doing drugs is a :blown: bad idea!




  6. Originally posted by teklord310

    My V1 saved my ass twice on the trip home today. Thing is awesome, except it picks up everything and everyone.

    The suction cups blow though, even when it was new the thing hit my dash so many times i'm surprised it still works.

    i thought i was the only one with that suction cup shit.. hahaha

    the Suction cups SUCK ASSSSSSS



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